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查尔斯•马金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)设计的Argyle椅
Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Argyle Chair was designed to create intimate dining experience


在Charles Rennie Mackintosh诞辰150周年之际,我们继续来欣赏他最有影响力的作品,其中一件是它为亚皆老街茶馆(Argyle Street Tea Rooms)设计的椅子。

Mackintosh最负盛名的是他的建筑作品,像格拉斯哥艺术学院(Glasgow School of Art),山庄(Hill House)和艺术情人之家(House for an Art Lover),但除此之外他还设计了许多装饰和家具。

On the 150th anniversary of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's birth, we continue our round up of his most influential projects, by taking a look at the chair he created for the Argyle Street Tea Rooms.
While Mackintosh is best know for his architectural works, including the Glasgow School of Art, Hill House and House for an Art Lover, he also designed much of their decor and furnishings.


Mackintosh职业生涯中最重要的人物之一是Catherine Cranston,这是一位赏识他并且能够让他展示自己才华的赞助人。

Cranston 是一位热爱艺术的格拉斯哥女商人,她提出了在城市经营一系列带有艺术内饰的茶馆的想法。

1896年,在亚皆老街成功的运营了茶馆之后,她邀请Mackintosh和建筑师兼设计师George Walton一起设计布坎南街(Buchanan Street)一处新建筑的内部装饰。


One of the most important figures in Mackintosh's career was Catherine Cranston – a patron who allowed him to showcase his talent as a designer and was appreciative of his all-encompassing approach.
Cranston was a Glasgow-based businesswoman with a passion for the arts, who came up with the idea of opening a series of tea rooms in the city with artistic interiors.
Having already established a successful tea room on Argyle Street, she invited Mackintosh to work alongside architect and designer George Walton on the interiors of a new premises in Buchanan Street in 1896.
The following year, Mackintosh and Walton collaborated again on the design of Cranston's Argyle Street Tea Rooms, with Mackintosh focusing on the furnishings.






It was the first major private commission of his career and an opportunity to implement some of his ideas regarding the use of furniture to create a feeling of enclosure and spatial separation within a room.
One of the pieces Mackintosh designed for the project was a high-backed chair for the Luncheon Room that aimed to held provide a more intimate dining experience for diners.
The Argyle Chair features long, tapering uprights that intersected with an enlarged oval headrest. The stylised shape of a swallow in flight was carved out of the headrest to lend it an artistic and emblematic quality.
The chair's combination of simple and sculptural elements with an emphasis on natural forms echoed the ideas propounded by the Arts and Crafts movement, of which Mackintosh was an admirer.




1900年,Argyle椅在第八届奥地利维也纳分离派展(Vienna Secession)上展出, Mackintosh的作品受到高度重视,并对Wiener Werkstatte社区的艺术家、建筑师和设计师的作品产生了强烈的影响。

Mackintosh继续为Cranston的房子设计家具和室内装饰,包括标志性的Willow茶馆,两人还是亲密的朋友,在1904年,Mackintosh为她的Hous'hill 设计了内部装修。

图片由应用艺术和科学博物馆(Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences)提供,Ryan Hernandez摄影,Glasgow Mackintosh集团提供特写。

Its extraordinary back legs are a complex piece of woodworking, with a form that starts off square at the base before curving and gradually tapering to become circular at the top.
The unusual height of the chairs meant that they formed a screen around the tables, creating the feeling of a room within a room. It was a technique that Mackintosh would explore and refine further in several of his later furniture designs.
In 1900, the Argyle Chair was exhibited at the Eighth Exhibition of the Vienna Secession in Austria, where Mackintosh's work was held in high regard and strongly influenced the work of the artists, architects and designers of the Wiener Werkstatte community.
Mackintosh would go on to design the furniture and interiors for several more of Cranston's premises, including the iconic Willow Tea Rooms. The pair remained good friends and he would eventually create the interiors for her Hous'hill in 1904.
Images are courtesy of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, photography by Ryan Hernandez. Feature image courtesy of Glasgow Mackintosh group.





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