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How To Invest in Your Online Presence to Help Grow Your Design Business




We live in a world that spends more time online than outside. And as architects and designers, we invest in creating a more engaging world by means of enhancing life through our buildings. However, through a perhaps unique form of tunnel vision, we are missing an incredible opportunity to leverage alternative mediums to impact more people through our design businesses.
Here are 5 ways to utilize your creativity to produce unique content that will help enhance your impact on the world of design, and in turn, push you and your design business forward:




1. Start a Podcast
Perhaps the fastest growing form of content online, podcasts provide a great platform for sharing longer form content in a more streamlined manner. Episodes can range from short, useful advice on a particular topic, to longer, more in-depth dialogue that tells a story or anecdote ultimately teaching listeners valuable lessons relative to your topic. You might be wary about not having a specific topic in mind, but that’s not a problem. A lot of the more popular podcast shows today feature a group of hosts simply sharing their experiences and learning from each other. This is something we all can do, and odds are there is someone out there wanting to learn exactly what you have to offer.


2. YouTube

YouTube是网络上的第二大搜索引擎(第一为谷歌),YouTube视频通常优先出现在检索目录下。例如搜索“如何…”、“我该怎么…”诸如此类的关键字,大部分都能直接产生视频结果,因此入门视频是一个很不错的选择。如果你掌握了某种特定技能,并且想要与他人分享,那么YouTube就是个合适的平台。但重要的是,作为建筑师,YouTube甚至提供了另一种让我们的创造力得以发挥的方式,那便是摄影功能,这也能够很大程度地提升我们的设计思维。Eric Reinholdt就是一个很好的案例,他展示了如何将日常建筑活动编辑成高大上的视频文件。看看他的频道“30X40 Design Workshop”,也许会让你有不一样的灵感。


这大概是件费神的活儿,但它的回报也最大。如今许多明星建筑事务所也出版了诸多作品集,其中最流行的方式大概就是将一个很好的点子通过书面形式表达出来。例如广受认可的例子便是Bjarke Ingels的建筑漫画《Yes Is More》。这本书不仅仅展示了BIG建筑事务所的作品,同时其自身也是BIG的一大作品。

Today, YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet. And because it is owned by the first largest search engine (Google), YouTube videos often receive higher priority in searches. Search terms like “How to…” and “How do I…” usually yield a majority of video results, and because of this, tutorial videos are by far the most popular choice when getting started with video. If you have a specific skill that you have mastered and have always wanted to share that skill with others, YouTube is the perfect platform. But more importantly, as designers, YouTube offers yet another opportunity to push our creative abilities to the limit and experiment with the different aspects of photography and cinematography that will inevitably improve our design minds. Eric Reinholdt is a great case study of how to directly implement everyday architectural activities into beautiful video content. Check out his channel, 30X40 Design Workshop, for some great inspiration to get you started.

3. Write a Book
This is perhaps the most strenuous option on this list but has the opportunity to reap the greatest reward. Many of the “starchitect” firms today have printed large volumes of their work, but perhaps the most popular prints have been those that found a way to translate a big idea into written form. One of the most widely-recognized examples of this is Bjarke Ingels’ archicomic Yes Is More. The book isn’t just a way to showcase BIG’s work, but the book itself is designed to emulate BIG’s overall mission as a practice.



能够很好运用社交媒体优势的建筑事务所并不多,尤其是Instagram、Facebook以及 Snapchat这些重量级软件。但是那些充分运用社交软件的公司都了解其中的好处。例如Instagram和 Facebook强大的广告效应,一些图片在瞬间就能达到上千的阅读量。再如YouTube,你可以分享工作环境与内容来吸引那些对于你的作品感兴趣的人。


其实这很简单,但却不好坚持,开始写博客非常容易,并且能够快速地与整个世界分享你的工作与思维。大约在5年前,当时的新兴博客写手喜欢把日常生活发布在网络中,但如今由于持续增长的使用人数和Tim Ferriss的《每周4小时工作》(书)的生活方式的吸引,让博客的使用者逐渐变少。但博客的主要目的是“放长线钓大鱼”,它也能够帮助你提升书面沟通能力,这是建筑师常常忽略的一项沟通技巧。


文章图片来源:Andrea Vasquez

4. Social Media
There are very few architecture firms taking full advantage of social media, specifically the heavyweights: Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. The firms who are taking advantage, however, are seeing the results. With the advancements in advertising capabilities on Instagram and Facebook, it is now easier than ever to reach thousands of people with just a few images or a short video. And like YouTube, Instagram stories also have the potential to provide your followers with curated creative content all while growing a community around you and your work.

5. Blogging
Perhaps the easiest option to get started with, but the most difficult to achieve success from, starting a blog is a great way to quickly share your ideas and stories with the world. Around five years ago, pioneer bloggers enjoyed earning a living simply by putting their lives on the internet, but today because of the growing popularity and appeal of Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week way of life, hitting it big via blogging is nearly a shot in the dark. While admittedly the main appeal for putting some effort into blogging is this longshot, blogging can also help you hone your written communication skills; something we often neglect as architects.
Overall, a loyal community is the biggest thing to gain from utilizing any of the above. A community around you and your business is the number one way to spread your philosophy as a designer, while also serving as a direct link to potential customers or clients. Make an investment in growing the online presence of you and/or your design business via these alternate methods, and it might just produce results.
Images for this article were kindly provided by Andrea Vasquez.




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