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30 Useful Websites for BIM Design Software Users




BIM 360 Blog:Autodesk博客,拥有最新的Autodesk BIM 360功能新闻、专家提示以及内部资源。

Shoegnome:对于初学者来说,Jared Banks的网站旨在展示建筑行业的创新作品,并且提供BIM技术的见解。该网站涵盖了多种YouTube教程和文章。

AEC DevBlog:AEC devblog是一个很好地针对资源管理者和开发者使用Revit,Navisworks和其他Autodesk AEC(建筑、工程、施工)的博客。博客由Autodesk公司开发的技术服务团队(DevTech)所编辑。

Beyond Design:旨在展示建筑行业的创新产品,自2009年以来提供BIM技术的独到见解。它的运行团队,涵盖了各种技巧和窍门,并充分地利用了许多BIM软件和管理的内部知识。

BIM Fix Blog:澳大利亚的BIM社区可以通过这个博客获得最新的BIM更新内容。该博客每个月可能只更新一次,但它每个帖子都是非常有用的BIM技巧,每一篇文章都值得阅读!

Revit Add-ons:包括Revit插件,其中大部分都是免费的。

The Revit Kid:良好的提供教程和技巧的博客!为基础学员提供视频和文字。它也有许多相关内容的页面和补充材料,如通讯、(有偿)电子书和视频。

Bond-Bryan BIM Blog:全方位的博客!由Rob Jackson提供BIM网站的小故事。还涵盖了BIM倡议和技巧,并促进相关会议的展开和行业奖项的颁布。

HOK BIM Solutions:HOK是BIM行业的领军人物,David Light @davewlight是伦敦的BIM引导者。

Revit:提供David Light的一切技术支持。

The Case for BIM – Casey Rutland:是Arup建筑事务所的技术指导,专门从事BIM项目的设计、交付和管理过程。

Construction Code:由Stephen Hamil负责运行,并提供BIM内容的咨询。

Epic BIM:多个大神投稿者共同打造。


AECbytes Magazine:AECbytes杂志的年费是每年49美元,提供每季度的印刷杂志。他们还保留有博客更新。

Automation in Construction:这一国际性的研究性期刊侧重于信息技术的建设。他们特别注重计算机辅助设计。读者可以订购一年的印刷杂志,价格为99美元。







Autodesk Seek:一个大型的Autodesk资料库。用户可以快速找到超过66000个商业和住宅建筑产品。

The National BIM Library:这里提供有通用BIM组件与主要BIM产品的免费下载通道。用户可以更好地了解它们的规格,这里的内容仍然有点不够全面,但基本资源都十分健全。


Revit City:这个网站已经流行了一段时间,有超过1000的组件可供下载。您需要注册才能下载组件。


Bimstore:bimestore提供符合Revit,ArchiCAD MicroStation格式的资源,内容均免费下载。你需要先在网站注册。同时他们有一个优秀的内容创作指南可供了解。

CAD Notes:很有用的网站,有关于AutoCAD,MicroStation和Revit的很多内容。


Today, every one knows BIM! And we all could have noticed that BIM advantages affected all AEC disciplines, and architecture might be the most beneficial one. We at Arch2O, tried to build up a list of resources that we found useful for BIM users. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there on BIM, however, we have taken the time to search through the best-known BIM blogs, publications, and tools. Here we go!

BIM 360 Blog: A blog by Autodesk that keeps you up to date with the latest Autodesk BIM 360 feature news, expert tips, and insider resources.
Shoegnome: For beginners level, Jared Banks’ website aims to showcase innovation within the building industry and offer insights into BIM technology. The website features a variety of YouTube tutorials and articles.
AEC DevBlog: AEC Devblog is a good resource for managers and developers using Revit, Navisworks, and other Autodesk AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) and BIM. The blog is run by Autodesk’s Developer Technical Services (DevTech) team.
Beyond Design: aims to showcase innovation within the building industry and offer insights into BIM technology since 2009. It’s run byAutodesk’s Navisworks team and covers a variety of tips and tricks, best practices, and insider knowledge to make the most out of BIM software and management.
BIM Fix Blog: Australia’s BIM community could get the most recent BIM updates through this blog. BIM Fix Blog may only update once a month, but it posts very useful BIM tips and tricks, every article is worth it!
Revit Add-ons: Tim Grimm covers Revit add-ons and plugins, many of which are free.
The Revit Kid: Good blog for tutorials and tips ! offering a combination of video and text based instruction for novices and seasoned veterans. It also has numerous pages of relevant content, and supplemental material such as a newsletter, and (paid) ebooks and videos.
Bond-Bryan BIM Blog: Good all round ! BIM site by Bond Bryan‘s Rob Jackson that offers lighthearted industry stories. They also cover BIM initiatives, tips and tricks, and promote relevant conferences and industry awards.
HOK BIM Solutions – HOK are one of the leaders in BIM. David Light @davewlight looks after BIM in London and is a regular on the BIM event circuit.
Revit Everything Technology by David Light
The Case for BIM – Casey Rutland is an Architect and Associate Director at Arup Associates, specialising in BIM project design, delivery and management.
Construction Code runs by Stephen Hamil, who offers BIM advice while also cataloging his own professional life.
Epic BIM – multiple contributors whose philosophy is Keep It Simple Stupid !

AECbytes Magazine AECbytes is offering a quarterly print magazine for $49 a year. They also keep an updated blog.
Automation in Construction This international, research-oriented journal focuses on information technologies in construction. They particularly focus on computer-aided design. Readers can order a year’s worth of print articles for $99.
Cadalyst Cadalyst’s quarterly print magazine provides software and hardware reviews, illuminates technology trends, and delivers expert advice to help CAD and BIM managers stay up-to-date. Each issue is $9.95 and $2.25 for shipping and handling.
AECMagazine AECMagazine is a free online UK magazine that publishes bi-monthly. It keeps readers up-to-date on the latest technology solutions in architecture engineering, and construction.
Constructech This magazine zeroes in on the intersection of construction and technology (for example, the latest issue features an entire app catalog that’s sorted by how relevant it is to certain professions). It is published every other month.
AUGIWorld AUGIWorld is Autodesk User Group International’s official magazine which is published once every two months. This in-depth publication provides specialized insight into topics like CAD management, AutoCAD add-ons, and management advice. AUGIWorld is reserved for AUGI subscribers only.

BIM Free Object Libraries
For CAD and BIM resources, ARCAT is a one-stop-shop. Their free, no registration system has everything from concrete to pollution control system.
Autodesk Seek A large library of mostly non-generic multi-disciplinary components by Autodesk. Users can quickly find product specifications for over 66,000 commercial and residential building products.
The National BIM Library The National Bim Library offers a collection of free to download generic BIM components that are compatible with the major BIM products. NBS are better know for their specifications but have taken a strong interest in BIM recently. The library is still a little sparse but the basics are in place for a very useful resource.
RevitComponents  Some useful free components especially strong on furniture and interiors.
Revit City  This site has been going a while and there are 1000’s of components to download. You need to register in order to be able to download components.
TurboSquid This site offers components which you pay for but there are a small amount of free items. TurboSquid have a Revit certification system that ensures the components meet minimum standards. Compare the prices to the time you might spend modeling the items.
Bimstore The Bimestore offers a library of BIM content by manufacturers in Revit, Microstation and ArchiCAD format. The content is free to download. You will need to register on the site first. They have an excellent guide to content creation.
CAD Notes Very useful website maintained by Edwin Prakoso on everything related to AutoCAD, Microstation and Revit.
Polantis Polantis is a free-to-use BIM library that is fantastically organized and simple to use. While its library is a little smaller than others on this list, it’s easy to find exactly what you’re looking for.











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