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The new Moesgaard Museum is uniquely situated in the rolling bucolic landscape of Skåde. With its sloping roofscape of grass, moss and brightly-coloured wild flowers, the building is a powerful visual landmark perceptible even from the sea.

The rectangle-shaped roof plane seems to grow out of the landscape and during the summer it will form an area for picnics, barbeques, outdoor lectures and traditional Midsummer Day’s bonfires. Come winter snowfall, the sloping roof will become transformed into the city’s best sledding hill.

The interior of the building is designed to evoke a varied terraced landscape, which is inspired by archaeological excavations as they gradually unearth the layers of history and expose lost civilisations. The visitor can move through a vivid sequence of exhibitions and scientific experiments – like a traveler in time and space.The heart of the building is the foyer, which also holds a café with outdoor seating. From the foyer, the terraced underworld opens up to the light from the roof garden and the impressive view of the Aarhus Bay.


Exhibition design
Architecture, nature, culture and history fuse together into a comprehensive visitor experience.The museum’s many years of exhibition experience and research will be drawn upon to inform a new approach to the presentation of cultural history. Moesgaard Museum will be able to facilitate their knowledge as an institution in a way that is captivating and provocative to children, parents, and grandparents. There is something for everyone regardless of their point of view.
With its bright courtyards, terraces and small cave-like ‘houses in the house,’ the museum will support and promote many new and alternative types of exhibitions where the use of technology is combined with a more workshop-like arrangement to give visitors a glimpse of how archaeologists and ethnographers work.

The materials of the building have been selected to harmonise with the overall expression of the building; at the same time acoustics, economy, technical settings, maintenance, durability, colour pallette and sustainability have been considered in detail.The museum’s interior walls are generally painted or left as rough concrete. A mounted ceiling system has been installed between the concrete beams to regulate the building’s acoustics, while the beam structureremains visible. The wood floors of the exhibition rooms are raised above the concrete slab, for comfort, acoustics, and general aesthetic appeal.
The exterior of the building is dominated by the gesture of the roofline, which rises as a concrete form from the landscape. The roof surface itself is covered in grass with walking paths that are designed to also function as emergency escape routes.

建筑和科技之间的互动,是一栋楼房要达到美观,舒适,节能的这几点的关键之所在。在Henning Larsen建筑公司,我们通过专注于降低建筑能耗这个基本策略,把可持续性的概念落到实处。我们这样做是相信专注于能耗会在项目的每一个方面都产生全面的品质提升。这些也都使基于一本我们在2012年出版的叫做“用知识去设计”的书中的方法论。项目的基本目标是在可持续性的经济,社会和环境这三个层面上的创造价值,而特殊的重点区域在此基础上发展。
在Moesgaard 博物馆整体的建筑技术和结构安排上一直都是一个重点因素。南向的屋顶表面(被称作屋顶立面)确保了这一节能建筑的计算基础,目的是达到一级能源状态。
The key to aesthetic, comfortable and energy-efficient buildings is found in the interaction between architecture and technology.  At Henning Larsen Architects, we have made the concept of sustainability tangible by focusing on the reduction of energy use as our primary strategy. We have done this with the belief that focusing on energy can create comprehensive quality in every aspect of a project. This is based on the methodology of our book “Design with Knowledge,” which was published in 2012.Specific focus areas have been developed with the fundamental objective of creating value at three levels of sustainability—the economic, social and environmental.
Sustainability has been a significant factor in the overall architectonic arrangement of Moesgaard Museum. The south-facing roof surface (dubbed the roof facade) ensures the calculated basis for an energy-efficient building, which is designed to achieve energy class 1 status.

关于Moesgaard 博物馆
历史悠久的Moesgård博物馆,作为一个地区性和专业性的考古学和人类学博物馆,40多年以来一直都在附近的Moesgård庄园大屋运作。新博物馆建筑里的新展览将会包括一系列来自丹麦史前时期的独特发现。其中包括两样铁器时期的发现:2300岁的Grauballe人,世界上保存得最好得湿地遗体;以及一批特别珍贵的来自Illerup Ådal献祭用的武器。后者构成了博物馆一系列反应关于1800年前发生的献祭传统,远距离契约以及权利斗争的展品的一部分。
About Moesgaard Museum
The long-established Moesgård Museum, a regional and specialist museum of archaeology and ethnography, has been operating from the nearby Moesgård manor house for over 40 years. The exhibitions in the new museum building will contain a series of unique finds from Danish prehistory. Among these are two Iron Age finds: the c. 2,300-year-old Grauballe Man, the world's best preserved bog body; and, a number of exceptional weapon sacrifices from Illerup Ådal. The latter constitutes a segment of the museum’s collection which reflects sacrifice traditions, long distance contracts and power struggles that took place 1,800 years ago.

Client: Moesgaard Museum
Architect: Henning Larsen Architects
Signage, wayfinding and design: Henning Larsen Architects
Landscape: Kristine Jensens Tegnestue
Engineers: Cowi
Client adviser:D-K2
Contractors:MT Højgaard and Lindpro
Type of competition:Invited competition
Gross floor area: 16,000 m2
Team from Henning Larsen Architects:
Louis Becker (Responsible Partner), Niels Edeltoft (Project Manager), Troels Troelsen (Design Responsible, Competition Phase), Elizabeth Ø. Balsborg (Architect and Design Manager), Birte  Bæk, Carsten Fisher, Gitte Edelgren, Greta Lillienau,  Hans Vogel, Henrik Vuust, Irma Persson Käll, Johnny Holm Jensen, Julie Daugaard Jensen, Lars Harup, Lars Krog Hansen, Magnus Folmer Hansen, Mai Svanholt, Maja Aasted, Martha Lewis, Matthias Lehr, Peter Koch, Sarah Kübler, Stefan Ernst Jensen
Interior design team from Henning Larsen Architects:
Christian Andresen, Karima Andersen, Louise Bay Poulsen, Marie Louise Mangor
Team from Kristine Jensens Tegnestue:
Kristine Jensen (Partner and Creative Director), Nina Walsh Holmbroe (Architect)




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