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Deep Collaboration: Ecology, Research, Design


面对气候变化、城市化和社会动荡,景观设计师所面临的责任也越来越多。景观不再仅仅只是用于美化,它还需要遏制环境的退化,处理社会问题,支持经济发展,加强社区关系等等。随着问题复杂性的增加,设计协同的重要性便明显突出,形成全新的规律和不同的展示方式。作为一名城市生态学家和建筑师,Stephanie Carlisle倡导这种全新的工作方式,那便是城市生态学家和设计师之间更深层次的联系能够导致城市更好的转型。在Land8x8 Lightning会谈期间,Stephanie揭示了生态学家和景观设计师之间的协同作用,并强调了建筑与科学之间更紧密沟通的紧迫性。

“跨学科合作和扩展我们的设计边界是未来发展的一种趋势,也是设计过程中合作参与的一种形式。”Stephanie Carlisle如是说。



In the face of climate change, urbanization, and social unrest, landscape architects are being asked to do more. No longer can a landscape architecture project simply be beautiful; it must also remedy environmental degradation, address social inequity, support economic development, strengthen communities, and so much more. As the complexity of challenges grow, the importance for a collaborative design process – one that invites new disciplines and diverse perspectives – becomes evident. As an urban ecologist and architect, Stephanie Carlisle advocates for this new way of working – believing that a deeper connection between urban ecologists and designers will result in the creation of better cities and a transformational impact. During the Land8x8 Lightning Talks, Stephanie revealed the synergies between ecologists and landscape architects and emphasized the urgency for greater communication between architecture and the sciences.
“The way forward is a radical embrace of transdisciplinary collaboration and expansion of our definition of design and who is allowed to participate in the design process.” –Stephanie Carlisle
Both urban ecologists and landscape architects are focused on the intersection of the natural and built environment. However, despite their synergies, science and design are not always connected. Urban ecology is a profession rooted in science, which studies the relation of living organisms with each other and their surroundings in the urban environment. Urban ecologists see the entire city as an ecosystem – one that is influenced by the interactions between humans and nature. Urban ecology provides a framework for describing the structure, function, and composition of urban landscapes. Landscape ecology should inform the design approach, to address the changing context of the built environment. Stephanie asserts that for urban ecology to be a useful field and framework for design practice, landscape architects must become more familiar with the methods by which urban ecologists ask questions and interpret data and must begin to make room for targeted ecological experimentation in their projects.
Trained in Architectural Design and Urban Ecology, Stephanie holds a Master of Architecture from the Yale School of Architecture and a Master of Environmental Management from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. As Principal at Philadelphia-based architecture firm KieranTimberlake, Stephanie works as an intermediary between the KieranTimberlake Research Group and project architects to facilitate a greater integration of research within all phases of the design process. Her work investigates the interaction between the natural and constructed environment, including environmental and building systems, urban ecology, landscape performance, and life cycle assessment (LCA).


Stephanie的工作使她能够探索基础表现的过程,并测试其设计方法。她说:“我们一直在寻找一种方法,将研究融入设计实践,为设计实验寻找或创造空间。” 例如,她一直在建筑中试验绿色屋顶。这是一种生命系统,通过绿色屋顶能够了解城市动态系统等研究空间。这个历时多年的项目研究了过去十到十五年建成的一系列密集绿色屋顶,包括其中的植物群落。通过研究植物群落的适应和发展,Stephanie认为人们可以通过改变工作的方式来产生更大的影响。

Stephanie是《Scenario Journal》的联合主编,这是一个在线出版物,致力于展示和促进景观、城市设计、工程和生态学之间的跨学科对话。同时,她也是PennDesign的城市生态讲师,为新兴专业人士提供方法,帮助他们成为更好的合作者。PennDesign课程能够为景观学生提供基本的生态学机制,有效地模拟景观场景。


Stephanie’s work has allowed her to explore the processes that underlie performance and test her design interventions. “We are constantly looking for a way to integrate research into design practice, finding, or rather creating, space for designed experiments,” says Stephanie. For example, she has been experimenting and testing several green roofs on KieranTimberlake buildings. As a living system that experiences growth and change, a green roof is an interesting research space for understanding the dynamics of urban systems. This multi-year project examined plant community dynamics on a series of mature intensive green roofs, built over the last ten to fifteen years. By studying how plant communities adapted and evolved over time, Stephanie believes we can change the way we design our work to have a bigger impact.
In order to facilitate communication between the two professions, Stephanie is Co-Editor-in-Chief at Scenario Journal, an online publication devoted to showcasing and facilitating the emerging interdisciplinary conversations between landscape architecture, urban design, engineering, and ecology. She is also a lecturer in urban ecology at PennDesign, arming emerging professionals with tools to be better collaborators. The PennDesign coursework prepares landscape architecture students to employ fundamental ecological mechanisms to effectively model landscape performance over time.
Environmental, urban, and social issues are all interrelated, and in order to be truly transformative, we must work collaboratively. Stephanie believes that by collaborating with urban ecologist, designers can gain a better understanding of the urban environment and the impact of their work, and ultimately create natural environments that are good for both people and nature.




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