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5 Incredible Indoor-Outdoor Spaces for Fall



It’s no secret that in many parts of the country, indoor-outdoor living actually gets better when summer turns to fall. The bugs buzz off, the humidity lifts, and the cooler nights beg for the warmth of a fire. Here are five of our favorite indoor-outdoor living spaces for the fall of 2018.



在美国菲尼克斯,炎热的夏季过后,天气逐渐转凉,人们便开始享受户外生活。这座住宅位于Paradise Valley,它结合了传统与现代设计方式,建筑师Tom Knutson是K2 Signature Homes工作室的主要负责人,他说:“住宅安装了一个带盖的大露台,内部地面一直延伸到室外,模糊了内外空间的边界。”

A Modern Farmhouse in Phoenix Opens Up for Fall
Four months of triple-digit temperatures in Phoenix are giving way to perfect weather, so it’s time to open up the house to the outdoors. This home in the upscale suburb of Paradise Valley is a mashup of traditional and modern design. Architect Tom Knutson, principal at K2 Signature Homes, stated that “We incorporated a large covered patio with the interior tile flooring continuing to the exterior so as to blur the line between inside and outside.”



无论在白天还是夜晚,Santa Barbara的气候都十分宜居,ANACAPA Architecture事务所的建筑师们设计了多个滑动门,他们和一对有着现代主义思维的年轻夫妇一起对这座建造于上世纪60年代的住宅进行了改造,建筑师Dan Weber说道:“我们反问自己,该如何最大程度地连接室内外空间?”

A Renovated 1960s Track Home Maximizes Outdoor Living
Day or night, the weather in Santa Barbara is perfect for indoor-outdoor living, thanks to 90-degree multi-slide doors. ANACAPA Architecture worked with a young couple with modernist sensibilities for a stunning renovation of an outdated 1960s tract home. “We asked ourselves, ‘What is the best way to get the absolute maximum indoor-outdoor connection in that house?’” says architect Dan Weber.



秋天的弗吉尼亚似乎非常适合滑动门,因为这能够将内外空间无缝连接在一起。建筑师Danny MacNelly在弗吉尼亚的James河畔发现了片44英亩的未开垦土地,于是在这里建造了一座周末住宅。建筑事务所的合伙人说:“这座建筑融入自然,因此我构思了简约、干净、宽敞的设计理念。”

A Seamless Transition into Fall
Virginia in the fall has never felt better with a multi-slide door that seamlessly blurs the transition from the inside to the outside. Architect Danny MacNelly found 44 acres of untamed land along Virginia’s James River on which to build the ultimate weekend getaway. “The home was meant to blend in naturally, which is why I tend toward very simple and very clean, very big ideas,” says the partner at ArchitectureFirm.



当美国印第安纳南部的树叶逐渐变黄,人们便愈发迷恋户外生活,在夜晚坐在火炉旁享受星空是一件太有意义的事情。因此这座建筑的后部设置有滑动门,业主可以来到庭院,这里还设置有火炉和浴缸,业主能够欣赏Monroe湖的美景。Demerly Architects事务所的建筑师Jason Wolfe说:“即使是在中西部地区,人们也依旧喜欢敞开式空间。”

This Indiana Home Opens Up to Views of Fall Colors
When the leaves start turning colors in southern Indiana is when residents want to be outside the most. And at night, sitting around the fire is a key part of the experience. The back of this amazing house opens up with a multi-slide door to a furnished patio with a fire pit and hot tub overlooking Lake Monroe, outside Bloomington. “There’s just so much more demand for these larger openings, even in the Midwest,” says architect Jason Wolfe of Demerly Architects.



圣费尔南多谷的天气逐渐转凉,气候也更加宜人,因此业主可以将建筑的滑动门打开,让微风轻拂室内。在这座住宅之中,洛杉矶Walker Workshop事务所为使用者们设计了能够欣赏美景的滑动玻璃门。

Fall in Love With This San Fernando Valley Home’s Breezy Openings
As summer becomes fall in the San Fernando Valley, hot days turn pleasant and multi-slide doors start opening to let in the California breezes. In this house, from LA-based design-build firm Walker Workshop, a sliding glass door in the master bedroom is perfectly positioned for the homeowners to enjoy their views.





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