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Outros Territórios – International Call for Urban Intervention



Vazio S / A,Coletivo Aurora和Eduardo de Jesus负责组织本次OutrosTerritórios国际城市干预设计竞赛。OutrosTerritórios(第三地区)是一套为巴西贝洛哈里桑塔(Belo Horizonte)Buritis丘陵社区提供的短暂干预措施。方案设想通过同时占用支撑山坡建筑物的许多支柱系统来瞬间改变景观。

被遗忘的空间充斥着浓厚的陌生感,与人拉开了距离,所以我们希望通过一个开放的探索空间融入城市生活,体现当下城市的潜在可能性。这将是一个全新的想法,交流经验和陶冶气氛的机会;也是一种表明通过资源有限的适度干预可以产生持久变化的方式,并成为制定替代解决方案的工具,用于城市重组像Belo Horizonte这样的老旧城市结构。装置、投影、灯光艺术、戏剧、园艺、景观干预、物体、临时建筑和极限运动等,只是这些空间可利用的许多可能性中的一部分。

干预措施将通过公开的国际公开竞赛项目进行招标,第一阶段的评选方式将包括在左场地点Viaduto das Artes(艺术地下通道)的展览。


“第三地区”由Banco Mercantil do Brasil赞助,并得到Belotur(贝洛奥里藏特市政厅)和巴西建筑师协会米纳斯吉拉斯分会的支持。




选定的提案将在Viaduto das Artes(的展览中展出,这是一个具有故事性和煽动性的文化场所,它位于贝洛哈里桑塔巴雷罗的交桥下,完全符合“第三地区”的整体概念,探索激活城市基础设施留下的可能性。




Submission: January 22, 2019
Registration: January 22, 2019
Language: English
Location: Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Open

Vazio S/A, Coletivo Aurora and Eduardo de Jesus have launched the open competition Outros Territórios – International Call for Urban Intervention.  Outros Territórios (Other Territories) is a suite of ephemeral interventions proposed for a hilly neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, Brazil called Buritis. The plan envisages an instantaneous transformation of the landscape through the simultaneous occupation of the many stilt systems propping up the hillside buildings.
The array of forgotten spaces, ignored for their unsightly strangeness, will be infused with city life through an event that posits an open field of study: the latent possibilities in the existing city. This will be an opportunity to test new ideas, exchange experiences and awaken sensibilities; a way of showing that modest interventions with limited resources can generate lasting change and become instruments through which to devise alternative solutions for the urban recomposition of such a frayed urban fabric as Belo Horizonte’s. Installations,  projections, light art, plays, horticulture, landscape interventions, objects, ephemeral constructions and extreme sports are just some of the many possible ways these spaces could be occupied.
The interventions will be chosen through a public, international open call for projects and the selected ideas will comprise an exhibition at the left-field venue Viaduto das Artes (Arts Underpass)—Phase I.
Phase II of Outros Territórios will execute a number of the projects selected during Phase I and organize a free itinerary for visiting the executed works. The idea is to configure a circuit for debate on issues pertaining to the city, explore interfaces between architecture, the visual arts, public lighting and the cityscape, and problematize city management, environmental and architectonic liabilities, urban voids and the real-estate market.
Outros Territórios is sponsored by Banco Mercantil do Brasil and has the institutional support of Belotur (City Hall of Belo Horizonte) and the Institute of Architects of Brazil – Minas Gerais chapter.
Proponents can register online at any time until close of registration on 22 of January 2019. Release of the results will be on 29 of January 2019.
The Call being sent out here hopes to expand the debate on urban voids beyond academic limits by inviting all stakeholders to propose interventions for these stilted menageries. Professionals and students from various fields can present their ideas as best befits the tools of their respective trades. Proposals can be submitted in the form of drawings, texts, photos, etc., so proponents can choose the means most adequate to their ideas (see item 5 of the Call).
The interventions can take any form so long as they are feasible and explore the potentialities/difficulties of the stilt structures in question.
The selected proposals will be presented at an exhibition at Viaduto das Artes (, a novel and instigating cultural venue installed under a pair of overpasses in Barreiro, Belo Horizonte, and totally aligned with the overall concept of Other Territories, namely to explore possible ways of activating these lacunas left by urban infrastructures.

Launch of the Call for Projects
Deadline for registration and digital receipt of submissions
until 22/01/2019
Requests and queries
until 11/01/2019
Jury sessions
23 to 28/01/2019
Release of the results
Opening of the exhibition
March 2019

competition’s website:




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