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Image Courtesy of Foster Epstein Moreno

Five Designs for Chicago’s O’Hare Global Terminal go to Public Vote


一共有五个设计团队都为芝加哥奥黑尔机场国际航站楼和国际大厅扩建项目构思了设计方案。这些设计方案在芝加哥建筑中心展览上展出。项目团队包括Fentress-EXP-Brook-Garza、Foster Epstein Moreno、Studio ORD、SOM和Santiago Calatrava。该项目名为“O’Hare 21”,代表着奥黑尔国际航站楼25年来的第一次大修。

新航站楼将取代上世纪60年代建造的2号航站楼,而2号航站楼反应了芝加哥创新、建筑和多样性的遗产。市长Rahm Emanuel表示,为该项目选择合适的建筑设计方案是他明年五月离职前的一个重点。该项目要求扩建两个卫星大厅。机场的总航站楼面积将从550万平方英尺(约510966平方米)增加到890万平方英尺(约826837平方米)。

Five design teams have been selected to present their ideas for the Chicago O'Hare Airport Global Terminal and Global Concourse expansion. The designs are on display at an exhibition opened by Mayor Rahm Emanuel at the Chicago Architecture Center. Teams include Fentress-EXP-Brook-Garza, Foster Epstein Moreno, Studio ORD, SOM and Santiago Calatrava. Known as O’Hare 21, the project represents O’Hare’s first major overhaul in 25 years.
The new terminal will replace the existing 1960s Terminal 2 with a global terminal that reflects the legacy of Chicago's innovation, architecture and diversity. Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that selecting an architect for the project is a key priority before he leaves office next May. The project calls for two satellite concourses to be built as part of the expansion. The airport’s total terminal area would grow from 5.5 million to 8.9 million square feet.

Image Courtesy of Foster Epstein Moreno

Foster + Partners,Epstein and Moreno

由Foster + Partners、Epstein和Moreno事务所为通往芝加哥的门户创造了一个新愿景,方案捕捉城市的进步精神和建筑文脉。Foster + Partners事务所创始人兼执行主席Norman Foster说:“我记得以前我作为一名毕业生来到芝加哥时,就被芝加哥的活力、卓越的地理位置、音乐文化和户外雕塑所吸引,所有这些元素都融合在了我们的方案中。”该方案为融合成单曲线的扇形拱门。

The joint venture led by Foster + Partners, Epstein and Moreno created a new vision for a gateway to Chicago to capture the city’s progressive spirit and its architectural legacy. Norman Foster, Founder and Executive Chairman, Foster + Partners said: “I remember coming to Chicago as a graduate and being captivated by the energy, the extraordinary location, the music the culture, and the outdoor sculpture – all of those influences blend together in our proposal.” The proposal includes sweeping arches that merge into a single curve.

Image Courtesy of SOM

Skidmore,Owings& Merrill

Owings&Merrill与ARUP、Ross Barney Architects、JGMA一起合作。他们的方案是在玻璃墙上的起伏屋顶上种植绿化。这样,在内部用玻璃封闭的等候区就会拥有树木和充足的开放空间。

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill teamed up with ARUP, Ross Barney Architects and JGMA. Their proposal includes natural landscaping around an undulating roof upon glass walls. Inside, a glass-enclosed waiting area features trees and ample open space.

Image Courtesy of Studio ORD

Studio ORD

ORD与Venture Partners事务所由芝加哥Jeanne Gang领导,其团队的设计是围绕中庭的一座大型三部分航站楼。该方案因其在航站楼天花板上的标志性木材而独具特色。该设计的灵感来自机场的原名“Orchard Field”,项目中通过有机设计和自然种植重新诠释了这一点。

Studio ORD Joint Venture Partners is led by Chicago’s Jeanne Gang, and the team's design was formed as a three-part terminal around a large atrium. The proposal stands apart for its signature use of wood in the ceiling of the terminal. The design was inspired by the airport’s original name, Orchard Field, and the interior of the project reinterprets this through an organic design and natural plantings.

Image Courtesy of Santiago Calatrava

Santiago Calatrava


Calatrava’s plan includes the global terminal and a business complex with formal gardens that would remake the present site of parking facilities next to the terminals. The terminal is formed with a pointed form featuring a white roof overhang. The terminal’s interior features Calatrava's white-on-white uniform surfaces with plenty of natural light.

Image Courtesy of Fentress-EXP-Brook-Garza



工作人员希望2026年能完成这个项目。设计展览会在芝加哥建筑中心111 E Upper Wacker Drive展出。

Fentress-EXP-Brook-Garza Joint Venture Partners created a scheme where a curving, upturned roof creates a vast open space. Inside, bright white surfaces and columns meet tall glass walls. The team stated that, "Our vision is to return the romance of air travel to all who pass through Chicago’s O’Hare."
Officials hope to complete the multi-phase O’Hare 21 project by 2026. An exhibition of the designs is on display at the Chicago Architecture Center, 111 E Upper Wacker Drive.




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