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卢维埃音乐学校/The Music School of Louviers – Opus 5 architectes. Image Courtesy of Luc Boegly

6 Historical Buildings Topped by Contemporary Glass Extensions




When an extension on an existing historical building is requested, often architects opt for glass, transparent and reflective interventions. Some decide to stay neutral and subtle when dealing with an older structure, while others choose a bold and outspoken design to manifest their contemporary character. With each project having its own conceptual motivation and reasoning, the outcomes are different and diverse. 
Read on for some relevant examples, each responding to a different program.

Courtesy of Padolsky, Kuwabara, Gagnon Joint Venture Architects (PKG): Barry Padolsky Associates Inc. Architects, KPMB Architects, and Gagnon Letellier Cyr Ricard Mathieu Architectes



The Canadian Museum of Nature - KPMB architects
The 1912 beaux-arts structure in Ottawa, home of the oldest national museum of Canada, underwent a restoration in 2010 by KPMB architects. The building received a contemporary twist thanks to the addition of a glass entity on the entrance, replacing the initial tower removed in 1915 due to structural issues. The so-called “Lantern” allows the flow of natural light, improves the circulation and the configuration of spaces. This iconic intervention projected the edifice in the present era while consolidating its historical value.

Courtesy of KOKO


这座建筑建于20世纪20年代,曾经是一座纤维素造纸厂,项目位于塔林,爱沙尼亚人将它进行了修缮,构成办公与居住空间,来适应现代的生活方式。事实上,原有的锅炉房是主体建筑,由著名的爱沙尼亚建筑师Erich Jacoby设计,建筑顶部增加了现代化的6层体量,构成居住单元。这一项目饱受争议,扩建部分采用玻璃体量,它位于塔林主要的城市区域,是夺目的城市景观。

The Fahle House - Koko architects
Built as a cellulose and paper factory in the 1920s, the project in Tallin, Estonia is a rehabilitated office and housing complex to accommodate the new urban lifestyle. In fact, the initial boiler house, the main volume, created by the famous Estonian architect Erich Jacoby, is topped by a 6 story modern intervention, holding the residential units. The controversial project, wrapped in a glass envelope, is located on the main gate of Tallin, making it an integral part of the cityscape.

Courtesy of Luc Boegly

Louviers音乐学校/Opus 5 architectes

巴黎Opus 5建筑事务所 在2012年将一座遗弃的建筑改造成音乐学校与表演场所。这座建筑位于诺曼底Louviers,市中心。事实上,这座原有的大厦大约建于17世纪初,最初为修道院,后来为监狱。为了适应现代的多功能活动,该建筑进行扩建,建筑师设计了可以举行交响乐的大厅空间。白天,简单的矩形体量反射周围的环境,特别是下游的河流以及历史的场所。在夜晚,它的光线向外扩散,成为新世纪的灯塔。

The Music School of Louviers – Opus 5 architectes
The Parisian based firm, Opus 5 architectes, transformed in 2012, an abandoned ruin into a music school and performance space, in the center of Louviers, Normandy. Actually, the original edifice built around the 1600s was first a monastery, then a prison. In order to accommodate a modern and functional program, a new extension was added to host the main orchestral hall. This simple rectangular box reflects its surroundings during the day, especially the flowing river beneath and the historical site, whereas by night it radiates and becomes a beacon of new beginnings.

Courtesy of Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura

Corso | Karlin 办公大楼/Ricardo Bofill

由建筑师Ricardo Bofill改造的这座位于布拉格的办公建筑于2000年完工,它的前身是一座工业厂房,大约在1890年用于生产金属板锅炉。为了保存它的历史价值,建筑师对这座废弃建筑进行了更新修复,其中,全新的玻璃体屋顶使这座建筑拥有了现代化气息,同时形成新与旧的对比。新增加的部分充分尊重原有的形式,构成了高效的办公空间。

Corso | Karlin – Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura
This office block completed in 2000 in Prague, by Ricardo Bofill, was formerly an industrial hall circa 1890 where sheet metal boilers were produced. The once abandoned building has his base renovated, in order to preserve its historical value, and a new glass roof added, to modernize the project and create a subtle contrast between the past and the present. The new addition respects the original typology and creates an efficient workspace.

Courtesy of Duccio Malagamba

Falkestrasse屋顶改造/Coop Himmelb(l)au


The Falkestrasse Rooftop Remodeling – Coop Himmelb(l)au
Designed by Coop Himmelb(l)au, the project is an extension for a law firm in Vienna, Austria. Completed in 1988, a new steel structure, a rigid arc creates a 2 story addition on the existing building, to accommodate mainly a large meeting room. Imitating a peeling phenomenon, the original roof seemed skinned off the edifice. The new skeleton directs the view and the lighting of the space, through targeted openings.

Courtesy of Chuck Choi

特别提名:Heast 塔楼/福斯特建筑事务所

这座商业塔楼于2006年开业,其前身是由Joseph Urban于1928年为Heast公司设计的装饰艺术总部,新的改造在原有的基础上增加了46层。它是纽约第一座获得LEED金质认证的摩天大楼,建筑师保留其原有的立面,并在竖向上扩建,形成钻石形钢框架与玻璃体量。

Special Mention: The Heast Tower – Foster+ Partners
The commercial tower, inaugurated in 2006, comes as a 46 story addition to the original art deco headquarters for the Heast Corporation designed in 1928 by Joseph Urban. This first LEED gold-certified skyscraper in New York preserved the historical facades of the original building and extended vertically through a diamond-shaped steel frame and glass.




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Opus 5 architectes (2 articles)

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