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项目身处于城市更新的环境之下,场地周围的工业建筑正逐步转变为居住社区。由于Vantaa Energy’公司三面环路,在该场地内建造的任何建筑都将获得绝佳的视觉位置。此次项目包含三个部分:1.一座1980年代的三层大楼翻新项目。2.一座全新的3层大楼设计。3.一座单层的附属建筑。

▼科尔顿钢如丝带环绕在建筑外侧, the ribbon-like Corten steel panels surrounded the architecture

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第1张图片

The building is located in a transformational environment where the surrounding area’s industrial sites are being converted to residential use. Because Vantaa Energy’s site faces streets on three sides, any buildings on the site are highly visible from many different directions. The designed entity consists of three parts: 1) a 3-storey renovated office block built in the 1980s, 2) a new 3-storey office structure, 3) a new glazed single-story joint section.

▼总平面图,the master plan

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第2张图片


Placing the office masses parallel to the streets on the site’s northern and eastern edges en-ables the Peltolantie side to maximise the architectonic effect of the spacious and impressive entrance plaza and its dominant feature, the main entrance’s glazed triangle, as well as a large and magnificent Manchurian Ash tree, still in excellent condition, that had stood in the atrium courtyard of the demolished 1970s building.

▼建筑外貌,exterior view

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第3张图片


The building’s external appearance results from the creative interplay between three different materials – Corten steel, glass, metal panels – and their surface treatments. The dominant facade motif is formed by Corten steel panels, perforated at three different densities, surrounding the building at a distance of 30 cm from the outer skin; the ribbon-like bands also function as sunscreens. The irregular perforation pattern and Corten steel’s pleasantly warm colour shade result in attractive and expressive facades. Particular attention has been paid to the site’s parking area and the exceptional townscape image qualities of the pedestrian route’s border areas on the south side of Peltolantie by using tree rows and cobblestone themes rhythmically.


芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第4张图片


The functionally and visually cohesive combination of the renovated section and extension is a compact entity that intentionally blurs the distinction between old and new. Situated at the junction between the masses, a spacious and well-lit glass-roofed entrance and elevator foyer functions as a connective element. At the entrance foyer, various kinds of customer meetings can be held in conference rooms and in connection with the restaurant; short meetings are easily arranged at a furnished section of the foyer.

▼独特的入口造型,the unique entrance feature

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第5张图片


The exposed steel structure supporting the sloped glass roof constitutes the lobby’s most expressive theme. Besides the entrance foyer, the 1st floor contains customer service facilities, an 80-seat restaurant, as well as dressing and shower rooms for in-house staff and field personnel, who also have their own entrance and servicing door accessed through a fenced yard. The building’s waste management facilities and kitchen servicing areas are located on the northern side of the new wing. At the south facade, electricity-generating solar panels clad the stair tower.

▼外露的钢结构支撑着倾斜的玻璃屋顶让入口大厅与众不同,the exposed steel structure supporting the sloped glass roof constitutes the lobby’s most expressive theme

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第6张图片

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第7张图片


芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第8张图片


Office facilities are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Office layouts are based on a multi-purpose concept and room programme generated from interviews with users. Although approximately 180 employees work in the building, 20% of the staff have designated work-spaces. Architectural, interior, and mechanical engineering design has paid particularly close attention to workplace amenability. The renovated section’s basement contains mechanical equipment rooms as well as a civil defence shelter and a fitness gym and sauna suite.


芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第9张图片

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第10张图片

▼底层平面图,the ground floor plan

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第11张图片

▼二层平面图,the first floor plan

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第12张图片


芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第13张图片

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第14张图片

芬兰能源公司总部 / Parviainen Architects Ltd.第15张图片

Project name:Vantaa Energy’ Headquarters
Architect’ Firm: Parviainen Architects Ltd.
Contact e-mail:
Lead Architects: Bratislav Toskovic, Agneta Huuhtanen
Interior Architect: Jaana Räsänen
Project location: Peltolantie 27, 01300 Vantaa, Finland
Completion Year: 2017
Gross Built Area: 5200 m2
Photo credits: Mika Huisman, Decopic



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