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Image © Zaickz Moz

7 Examples Where Physical Activities Were the Catalyst Behind A Neighborhood Regeneration





People often gather around sports activities, whether they are the ones exercising or the ones cheering. This internationally recognized social interest brings everyone together seamlessly, regardless of their background, gender, culture, ethnicity and so on.
Urban regeneration can take different aspects, and one of the most prominent and efficient solutions that can reconcile a community with itself and its surroundings is a sports function. In fact, this purpose encourages people to reclaim their fundamental right to public spaces and regenerate demoted, hostile or forgotten areas.
Read on to discover examples from all over the world, where physical activities made an urban impact on the neighborhood and the community.

Cancha LA DOCE足球场 / love. fútbol + All Arquitectura

墨西哥,Valle de Chalco

Image © Marcos Betanzos

Cancha “LA DOCE”项目是非营利组织love. fútbol和All Arquitectura事务所之间的一次合作,其目的是重新整合社区中的公共空间,并且在世界各地的边缘地区建立活动场地。该项目由当地与国际合作伙伴共同投资,设计方案则以世界最为流行的运动足球为重点,建立起社会的交流,同时给运动员和爱好者们带来归属感受。该项目位于墨西哥Valle de Chalco,这里曾经是一个充斥着暴力的场所,因此项目的挑战则在于需要将不同类型的居民们聚集起来,因此,整个“LA DOCE”项目也如同一个整合策略,通过专业化的权威公共合作而构成的空间场所。

Cancha LA DOCE/ love. fútbol + All Arquitectura
Valle de Chalco, Mexico
Cancha "LA DOCE" is a collaborative project between love. fútbol (a Non-Profit Organization) and All Arquitectura, aiming to reintegrate public spaces in communities and regenerating sports fields in marginalized areas around the world. Sponsored by local partners and international figures, the intervention builds on the social constructive aspect of the most popular game in the world—soccer, and on the sense of belonging it generates in its players and its followers. Located in Valle de Chalco, Mexico, in a hostile space with high rates of violence, the project’s challenge was to bring together the different types of inhabitants. In fact, "LA DOCE" is a mean of integration, a project that was initially generated with the efforts of numerous professional, authoritative and communal collaborations.

Krymsky天桥附近的滑板场地 / Snohetta + Strelka KB + Strelka Architects


Image © Strelka KB

这片废弃的场地曾经用作停车场,后来,Strelka KB、STRELKA Architects、Snøhetta等事务所将其改造为滑板场地。该地区靠近地铁站和中央市场,因此能够让年轻人聚集于此共同进行体育活动。场地两侧为车道,为了安全起见,建筑师通过栅栏将其围合起来。这个项目也受到了当地政府的协助,提升社区的边缘化场所与空间的使用效率。

Skate-spot near the Krymsky overpass / Snohetta + Strelka KB + Strelka Architects
Moscow, Russia
Previously used as a parking space, this abandoned and hostile area under the skyway was converted into a skate-spot by Strelka KB, STRELKA Architects, and Snøhetta. Its proximity to the metro station and the central market helped in implementing the public sports function where young people can gather and play. Limited by driveways on both sides, the small space is fenced for safety reasons. With help from local government, the “Federation of Skateboarding” and “Tsekh”, the project is a collaborative effort to reclaim a neglected and marginalized area by the community.

Baró de Viver 运动城市公园 / SCOB


Image © Adrià Goula

西班牙巴塞罗那Sant Andreu地区的Trinitat路交叉口的可达性较弱,因此这里也成为了一片被忽视和边缘化的无人地带,大多数乘客都是从地下区域到达站点,整个场所的邻里氛围也很弱,被附近社区认为这里很危险。全新的体育项目则保障了人们对于公共空间的使用权利,这个多功能的城市公园便是其中的一个典型案例,它很好地改变了这个地区原有的边缘化特征。

Baró de Viver Sports Urban Park / SCOB
Barcelona, Spain
Difficult accessibility and imposing infrastructure turned the space within the Trinitat road junction in Sant Andreu district, Barcelona into a no man’s land, overlooked and sidelined. Traveled mostly by underground users reaching the station, the space was merely a residual one, perceived dangerous by the neighboring community. The newly implemented sports project guaranteed the collective right for the use of this public space. This multipurpose urban park, one of many in a series of interventions built across Barcelona, changed the old marginalized perception of the area.

Cool Cool海岸 / Atelier Let's


Image © Yi-Hsien Lee Photography, Urban Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government


Cool Cool Seaside / Atelier Let's
Gushan Dist., Taiwan
Situated behind a series of shops in the city of Taiwan, a once forgotten part of the neighborhood was reintroduced to the community by hosting a new and fresh function on its premises. The revitalization of the space introduced a colorful basketball court, a chill-out spot where people can just take a break. Ready-made materials were utilized in the project and the existing reinforced concrete was used as the foundation of the canopy. Silhouettes of the structure produced by a playful pattern, imitate the waves and the surrounding ocean. Visual connectivity with the landscape is preserved and celebrated.

Los Héroes 公园 / Francisco Pardo Arquitecto

墨西哥,Toluca De Lerdo

Image © Jaime Navarro

墨西哥Los Héroes公园的设计方案很好地改善了当地社会空间的原有状况,提升了公共空间的使用质量。事实上,整个项目有效地废除了城市地区的种族隔离,让废弃空间的使用效率得以提高,促进了社区的和谐发展,提升人们的生活品质。Los Héroes公园位于墨西哥Toluca de Lerdo城市的居住区之中,其中结合了多种不同的空间,例如儿童游乐场、足球场、篮球场、溜冰场等等。项目的空间布局灵活,改善了邻里之间的关系。

Los Héroes Park / Francisco Pardo Arquitecto
Toluca De Lerdo, Mexico
Los Héroes Park intervention in Mexico is part of a program that builds on the importance of public spaces in regenerating social housings’ unfortunate conditions. In fact, the project aims to abolish segregation in theses urban areas, reconcile abandoned spaces with the community and improve the quality of life. Located in the Unidad Habitacional de Los Héroes Sección III in the city of Toluca de Lerdo, the park introduces different spaces and activities such as children’s playgrounds, a football and a basketball court, and a skating rink. It takes on a flexible layout that allows creative opportunities and improves the relationship between the residents of the neighborhood.

Pigalle Duperré / Ill-Studio


Image © Sebastien Michelini

法国巴黎的Pigalle曾经是一片名声并不好的地区,位于建筑之间有一个被多次重新设计并粉刷过的篮球场,最近一次是由Ill-Studio和Nike公司进行了次,目的是为了给周边社区带来新的风貌。在经过首次改造之后,这个空间就很好地吸引了当地的人群和游客。尤其针对年轻群体而设计的Pigalle Duperré现在有着诸如桃红色、深蓝色、淡黄色、焦橙色等丰富色彩。

Paris, France
In Pigalle, the area once known for its infamous activities, a basketball court, squeezed between buildings, was redesigned and repainted several times, lastly by Ill-Studio and Nike, in order to keep giving the neighborhood a fresh outlook and a new intriguing identity. Ever since its very first transformation, this space attracted both locals for its social activity and tourists for its picturesque scenery. Specially conceived for the youth in the neighborhood, the Pigalle Duperré is now painted in gradated hues of fuschia, dark blue, canary yellow and burnt orange.

LightPathAKL / Monk Mackenzie Architects + Landlab


Image © Russ Flatt

在新西兰,建筑师将600米的废弃公路改造为自行车赛道,LightPathAKL项目由Monk Mackenzie Architects事务所和Landlab事务所共同负责,该项目是奥克兰内部城市的一条道路,同时也成为了一种城市艺术。就城市层面而言,建筑师将空间网格重新构思,复兴了道路所穿过的各个区域,将当地的人们与曾被遗忘的空间联系在一起。

Auckland, New Zealand
In New Zealand, 600 meters of abandoned and unused highway infrastructure are transformed into a cycling circuit. LightPathAKL conceived by Monk Mackenzie Architects and Landlab is both a linear path in Auckland’s inner city and an urban art. On the city level, repurposing this network regenerated the areas crossed by the path and reunited the people with these forgotten spaces.




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