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just before completion, real madrid's stadium unveils revamped metallic facade


L35建筑事务所、GMP建筑工作室和Ribas & Ribas联合改造了皇家马德里Santiago Bernabéu体育馆,在改造的后期还针对细节又重新进行调整。该项目改造重点是其外观和内部装置的升级,外观最终确定的是金属表面,内部增加VIP区域,优化了交通流线、照明设备和装饰材料。目前建筑北立面和东立面已改造完成,南立面和西立面则正在建设中,建设进程较快,高标准体育馆将会马上面世。在建设时段,人们可通过临时入口进入内部。目前,外观建设正在进行中,周边街道改造已完成,东广场的建设也接近尾声,周边的地铁和停车区也为人们来往体育馆提供了极大的便利。

L35 Architects, in collaboration with GMP Architekten and Ribas & Ribas, leads the final phase of the Real Madrid’s Santiago Bernabéu Stadium renovation (find designboom’s previous coverage here), fine-tuning the last details. The project now features a striking metallic facade and interior upgrades, including VIP areas, improved circulation, and enhanced wayfinding through strategic lighting and materials. Following the latest update (find designboom’s previous coverage here), the North and East facades are complete, while work continues on the South and West sides. Public access is operational through temporary entry points, soon to be replaced with permanent systems that align with the stadium’s high standards. The exterior development is progressing, with the surrounding streets finalized and the east plaza nearing completion, providing essential connections to metro and parking facilities.

all images by Miguel de Guzman

L35建筑事务所、GMP建筑工作室和Ribas & Ribas的设计师主要是改造优化Santiago Bernabéu体育馆内部的各个交通流线、照明设备等,尤其重视人流量较多的展厅流线,提升其内部流线导向性和观赏舒适性。皇家马德里体育场改造后内部空间布局合理,功能分区明确,设计师通过采用不同材料和颜色来区分内部不同功能区。该改造项目的目标是建立一个能够举办多种大型活动的多功能体育场馆,如国际音乐会、2030年国际足联世界杯决赛等,而不是只能举办特定的足球赛事活动。体育馆周边还规划建设有景观休闲区和后勤服务区,更好地服务使用人群,使体育场馆能够长久的运营下去。紧邻Santiago Bernabéu体育馆的周边街道已改造完工,东广场还正在建设中,建成之后,将会使体育场馆与周围城市新型空间紧密联系起来,起到了桥梁作用。

Inside Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, efforts focus on refining the flow between key areas. The renovation by L35 Architects (find more here) along with GMP Architekten (find more here) and Ribas & Ribas (find more here) improves lighting, especially in high-traffic galleries, to enhance orientation and comfort. The unification of the Real Madrid stadium’s layout simplifies movement across spaces, with materials and colors clearly distinguishing different zones. The design aims to create a multifunctional venue, capable of hosting large-scale events beyond football, such as international concerts and the FIFA World Cup Final in 2030. Exterior development around the stadium includes landscaping and logistic areas designed for both public use and stadium operations. The streets adjacent to Santiago Bernabéu Stadium are finished, and work is advancing on the east plaza, which will serve as a new urban space connecting the stadium with the surrounding city.

▲ 由L35 建筑事务所, GMP 建筑艺术工作室和 Ribas & Ribas联合改造的体育馆进入了最后建设阶段
L35 Architects, GMP Architekten, and Ribas & Ribas, lead the final phase of the stadium’s renovation

▲ 该体育馆改造后内部设施全面升级,金属外观也更加吸引眼球
the project now features a striking metallic facade and interior upgrades

▲ 体育馆内部的VIP区域通过改造其照明系统和装修材料,使其流线更加通畅、合理
VIP areas, improved circulation, and enhanced wayfinding are possible through strategic lighting and materials

▲ 体育馆北面和东面已改造完成
the North and East facades are complete

▲ 公共人员目前可通过临时入口进入建筑内部
public access is operational through temporary entry points

▲ Santiago Bernabéu体育馆重点改造主要功能区之间的交通流线
inside Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, efforts focus on refining the flow between key areas

项目名称:Santiago Bernabéu体育馆改造
建筑设计:L35建筑师事务所与GMP 建筑艺术工作室、Ribas&Ribas联合设计
项目位置:Avenida de Concha Espina, Madrid, Spain
L35首席执行官-高级合伙人:Tristán López-Chicheri
L35项目协调员:Alejandro Lorca
L35合作的设计团队:Ernesto Klingenberg, Alejandro Barca
L35团队经理:Raquel Pérez Diego Blasco Sáenz Messia, Guillermo Gusó
L35设计团队:Concha Salguero, Hendrik Hiddemann, Hugo Martínez, Rafael Ortiz de Solórzano, Diego Fierro, Marta Gómez, Laura Fernández, Marta Canto, Andrés Rebuelta, Gerardo Martínez, Borja Fernandez-Del Vallado, Ana Helena Fernandes, Stefano Melgrati, Jorge Romera, Bosco Pita, Pablo García, Paulo Romero, Sergio Sanz, María Pérez, Roberto Ráez, Iván López-Chicheri, Yanis Amasri, Marco Silva, Almudena Blanco.
GMP团队:Markus Pfisterer, Martin Glass
Ribas & Ribas团队:José Ribas, Adriana Ribas
项目主管:Bovis Building
景观设计:Porras La Casta 设计工作室
灯光设计:Lichtvision, LDC
摄影:Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío R. Rivas)

project info:
name: Renovation of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
architects: L35 Architects | @l35architects in collaboration with GMP Architekten | @gmp.architects, Ribas&Ribas | @ribasarchitects
location: Avenida de Concha Espina, Madrid, Spain
completion date: 2024
area after renovation: 175.000 sqm
L35 CEO-senior partner: Tristán López-Chicheri
L35 project coordinator: Alejandro Lorca
L35 partners in charge of design: Ernesto Klingenberg, Alejandro Barca
L35 team managers: Raquel Pérez Diego Blasco Sáenz Messia, Guillermo Gusó
L35 design team: Concha Salguero, Hendrik Hiddemann, Hugo Martínez, Rafael Ortiz de Solórzano, Diego Fierro, Marta Gómez, Laura Fernández, Marta Canto, Andrés Rebuelta, Gerardo Martínez, Borja Fernandez-Del Vallado, Ana Helena Fernandes, Stefano Melgrati, Jorge Romera, Bosco Pita, Pablo García, Paulo Romero, Sergio Sanz, María Pérez, Roberto Ráez, Iván López-Chicheri, Yanis Amasri, Marco Silva, Almudena Blanco.
GMP team: Markus Pfisterer, Martin Glass
Ribas & Ribas team: José Ribas, Adriana Ribas
client: Real Madrid Construction Company: FCC (main contractor)
project manager: Bovis Building
landscaping: Porras La Casta Arquitectos
lighting: Lichtvision, LDC
facade: ARUP | @arupgroup, INASUS | @inasus_1970
BIM: Modelical
construction management: VADA10
structural engineering: LAC Consultores de Estructuras
sketch credit: L35 Architects
photographer: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío R. Rivas) | @imagensubliminal, Cesar Cubas Knott




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