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天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第1张图片

广东,江门 Jiangmen, Guangdong

01 赤子之翼





Everyone has a dream, and they will make every effort to realize this dream untiltheir last breath. FengRu, born in Enping, Guangdong,was China’s pioneering aircraft designer, manufacturer and aviator.
It is the mission of Spring Forest Golden Town to combine the local history and culture to create aflight museum, a scene of Sky City, and an aviation science education base in Guangdong Province.

02 未来地球




When Copernicus conjectured the origin of the universe, he believed that the orbitsof celestial bodies were circular, because only the circle was perfect. But why is time always moving forward? Why does the disorder of the universe increase with time in the same direction as the expansion of the universe? We have no explanation.

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第2张图片

项目地处恩平市东成镇青南湖水库,毗邻历史淘金遗迹,紧邻深茂高铁恩平站,销售中心总占地1500 m2,一层为售楼处,二层为冯如文化飞行主题体验馆。

Located in Qingnan Lake Reservoir, Dongcheng Town, Enping City, this project is adjacent to the historical gold rush relics and Enping Railway Station. It covers an area of 1500 m2, with the first floor as the sales office, and the second floor as FengRu Flying Theme Pavilion.

▼示范区总体鸟瞰图 Aerial View
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第3张图片


The overall building of the sales center adopts anarchitectural plan with less impact on nature. Shaped like a UFO to take off between two hills, this project utilizes the vertical space to make the circular architecture embedded into the low mountain, so that the landscape of mountain can mingle with the technological building. Then the structures floating over the pass can lead the pedestrian passage to the reservoir at the foot of the mountain. In short, the architecture and nature turn to be acommunity, and construct a blueprint for future human life.

▼销售中心鸟瞰图 Aerial View
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第4张图片


In terms of the internal space and display, distinctive natural pictures are presented on each floor, including  the sky, the marriage of water and sky, and the water mirror. Moreover, the purest white of the architecture is matched with colorful lights that simulates the refraction of the blurred lights in outer space, to awaken people's desire for the unknown universe.

▼销售中心参观入口 Entrance To The Sales Center
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第5张图片


The main building is extended outward through a continuous circular corridor to create a dreamy sky garden. Afascinating journey to the universe quietly kicks off.

▼电梯厅 Elevator Hall
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第6张图片

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第7张图片


Take the tower elevator and then you can enter the Flying Theme Pavilion on the second floor. Consisting of only glass and mirrors, the elevator hall looks empty and borderless. If a beam of light can compress you into a particle of dust, you may be launched into the boundless universe bythe light machine.

03 飞出寰宇

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第8张图片


The Flying Theme Pavilionem phasizes the local flight culture. Themed by the aviation era, the aerospace era, and the interstellar era, it sets a benchmark for local cultural venues of aerospace and aviation.

▼飞行主题馆 Flying Theme Pavillion
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第9张图片

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第10张图片


In order to create a dynamicsense of UFO rising among the clouds, the building as a whole is nested in the mountain and displayed in an oblate shape, which fits parallel to the waterscape, and uses a full curtain wall technique on the periphery to visually make the building separate from the ground.

▼轴测图 Axonometric
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第11张图片


The Flying Theme Pavilion mainly serves as an activity space for children, including popular science classrooms, FengRu flying interaction, VR flight experience, simulated driving, and interactive area formanual production.

▼二层平面图 The Second Floorplan

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第12张图片


The energy from the sun for all things to grow is also the power of the human soul. The design of the full-bright French windows and glass dome render the sunlight spread out in the space during the day, and witha broader vision, you can appreciate the starry sky in the night, like roaming the Milky Way.

▼二层前厅 Lobby On The Second Floor
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第13张图片

▼二层中庭 Atrium On The Second Floor

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第14张图片


The atrium is composed of "three circles, two rings and one center". In the center is the Eye of the Sky, and underneath a simulated airplane model of FengRu II is suspended. The three corridors serveas traffic lines to enclose two rings for exhibition.

▼冯如飞机模型 FengRu Airplane Model
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第15张图片



According to the function, the space on the secondfloor is mainly divided into three sections: aviation experience area,explanation area for aerospace culture, and aerospace classroom.The experience items in the aviation experience areainclude Flying Tigers Simulator, 720 Flight Training Aircraft, Flying Wings, Fixed Wing Simulator, Two-person Weightlessness Experience, Parachuting Experience, and HTC.

▼航空体验区板块 Aviation Experience Zone

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第16张图片

百闻不如一见,航空航天文化讲解区,孩子和家长们可以更直观地参观展览馆耗巨资购入的两款湾流Gulfstream G200 公务机、欧洲 Eurocopter B0105 武装直升机,通过与冯如飞机的对比,感受现代飞机制造业的进步与人类在航天航空领域永不止步的勃勃野心。

Seeing is believing. When it comes to the explanation area for aerospace culture, children and their parents can intuitively visitexpensive Gulfstream G200 aircraft,a business jet and Eurocopter BO105, an attack helicopter in the exhibition hall. In comparison with FengRu's aircraft, you can feel the progress of modern aircraft manufacturing and human's restless ambitions in the aerospace field.

▼直升机 Helicopter
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第17张图片



Through the aerospace class, children can learnabundant aerospace knowledge that includes the history and types ofaircraft,principles of structure and flight, aerodynamics, aviation meteorology andothers, thereby completing a tour of education and entertainment.
The aerospace knowledge is embedded into child-friendly activities, and the interstellar era seems like Easter eggs hidden in the preset position on the second floor for children to searchfor, unlock, and passthrough. After clocking in all the projects, they not only gain an impressive and interesting aerospace experience, but also put a seed of china's flyingdream in their hearts.

04 浮游山海



Stepping down, the scenery is scrolled from the sky tothe marriage of air and water. The mezzanine is the Space Needle of the floating Flight Experience Hall, with dotted lights embedded in the circular ceiling like star track. If you stand still and spin yourself, it seems that your body can take off from gravity.
Thefunctional space of the mezzanine is composed of sand table area, meeting area, lunch bags area and book bar.

▼夹层平面图 Mezzanine Floor Plan
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第18张图片


The design of ceiling and ground inthe mezzanine shows the abstractline patterns of the Big Bang. The sand table is shaped like a huge space shiprising slowly from the ground, and above the table is an art installation ofmetal body, jointly creating a dreamy industrial beauty.

▼沙盘 Sand Table
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第19张图片


Hollowed out to form a curved pool, one side ground visually interacts with the distant mountain view, where the vitality emerges.

05 对话未来




Modern cities, centered around large shopping malls,breed numerous closed buildings; the vision and flow of city dwellers tend tobe fixed, and people have never gathered in such a high density but have no connection. When the new century comes, they need more innovative dialogue spaces.
Thesurrounding vision of the sales center on the first floor encourages individuals to actively know the outside world and face themselves and others; meanwhile, the designer endows the space with extremely high mobility and comfort through the furnishings and layouts, which is more in line with the pursuit of the sales center for the effective communication. The entire functional space is composed of front reception, in-depth negotiation zone, children's area, water bar, preliminary negotiation zone, signing area, and office block.
Go down from the mezzanine, and you can get a view of the panorama of Space Needle.

▼一层平面图 The First Floor Plan
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第20张图片


犹如水滴般的装置艺术来自于以玻璃制品著名的意大利高端品牌Glas Italia,折射窗外景观,提亮墙面,也酷似连结异度空间的入口,引人遐想,仿佛伸手触摸镜面,便会置身另一个星球。

Originating from the famous Italian high-end brand Glas Italia that is known for glass products, the water drop-like installation refracts the view outside the windowand brightens the wall. It is also like the entrance to the different space, seeming that if you touch the mirror, you will enter another planet.

▼水吧台 Water Bar
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第21张图片

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第22张图片



Water symbolizes nature. The white building is suspended above the water, where People can overlook the natural beauty of the marriage of water and sky. At the scene, a primitive life experience flows in the body, and the shape of the soulhas never been so clear. Further more, the reasons for choosing here are more specific.

▼深度洽谈区 In-depth Negotiation Zone
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第23张图片

深度洽谈区弧形沙发来自扎哈·哈迪德的经典作品「月亮沙发」,她以独特新颖的设计著名,将具有未来感的设计和人体工学完美结合,给人们提供一个舒适的深度交流空间,玻璃茶则是Glas Italia的经典产品之一。

The arc-shaped sofa here comes from British architect ZahaHadid’s classic work "Moon Sofa". Well-known for the unique andnovel design, she is good at matching futuristic design with ergonomics to give people a comfortable in-depth communication space. Glass tea is one of GlasItalia’s classic products.

▼月亮沙发 Moon Sofa
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第24张图片

天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第25张图片


Taking the factor of safety into consideration, the children’s area on the first floor is under the stairs, with the spherical device as a block. The device is made into a fixed form to avoid collisions,and a couch is used to part from other areas. In addition, this space embraces child-friendly dreamy bubble sofas and Lego sofas, and the use of gradient colors for different parts echoes the endless imagination of children.

▼儿童区 Children's Area
天空之城,启发中国航天梦 | 恩平•泉林黄金小镇第26张图片




Based onFengRu's spirit, we create a city of sky in pure white while disseminating aerospace culture. By displaying interior design, we hope that every visitorcan feel the positive power, with curiosity as the engine of dream chasing, to touch the world but maintain a true heart.
Da Vinci, Italian painters of the High Renaissance said, “The perfect man is the measureof the universe.” His “The VitruvianMan” is not only a work of art, but also a philosophical masterpiece for human history to find the meaning of human positioning.
FengRu gave Enping an anchor, where future generations can set off from curiosity, to explore why the universe is like this, until to get another miracle.


2019 第四届REARD全球地产设计大奖

2019 REARD Real Estate Star Design Award
Bronze Awards in Commercial

设计/建成时间:2019 / 2020
规划 & 室内设计:上海骏地建筑设计事务所股份有限公司
设计团队(室内):许佳、金新权、王漪平、陈赛飞、王艺婧、陈亚迪、 郭歌、万思佳、吴涛淀
规划设计:骏地设计 | 骏地深圳

Project Information:
Owner Name: China Cultural Tourism Group Limited(Cayman)
Location: Enping City, Guangdong Province
Design Area:  2,000㎡
Design / Built Year:2019 / 2020
Planning & Interior Design:  Shanghai JUND Architects Co., Ltd.
PIC: Jason Hu
Project Director(Interior): Alex Zheng
Design Director(Interior): McLisa Zhang
Design Manager(Interior): Ziliang Ye
Team Members(Interior): Jill Xu, Kapor Jin, Jeff Wang, Safe Chen, Yijing Wang, Shandy Chen, Ge Guo, Sijia Wan ,Terry Wu
Planning Design: JUND | JUND Shenzhen
CoDesign: HZS(Architecture), Inter-design(Landscape), GDHZ(Construction), YHDQ Design(FF&E), A&L(lighting)





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