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Marine Parade公园 | Boffa Miskell
Marine Parade | Boffa Miskell


在新西兰纳皮尔Marine Parade公园项目中,建筑师通过对核心滨水区域进行更新,将城市与海岸线连接起来,用体现海湾自然和文化景观的公共空间代替了原先的停车场,为该地区注入了新活力。

The redevelopment of this key waterfront site on Marine Parade in Napier has given new life to the area by connecting the city to its coastline and replacing a waterfront carpark with a significant public space that reflects the natural and cultural landscape of the bay.


从前的Marine Parade公园现已添加多功能娱乐设施,设有滑冰、聚会等场地,加上这个全新的公共空间,一起为城市的滨水空间注入活力和能量,为行人提供了一个停下脚步并参与进来的理由。公园由一系列开放空间组成,比如提供歇脚处和观海处的建筑物和植被、与大海和城市融为一体的花园、起伏的草坪、多功能运动场地,还为周边居民和游客设计了一组贯穿该滨水区域的具有主题性和交互性的水景。

With the adjacent former Marine Land site – which has been redeveloped into a multi-purpose skate, event and entertainment facility – this new coastal public space is injecting activity and energy onto the city’s coastal edge and providing coastal pathway users a reason to stop and engage. The park includes a mix of complimentary spaces, including structures and vegetation that offer shelter and coastal outlooks; gardens and undulating lawn spaces engaging with the sea and city; a multi-sports court; and a series of reflective and interactive water features that are threaded through the site provide something for all parts of the community and visitors alike.




该项目的核心是塑造景观和文化叙事,艺术家Jacob Scott为此创作了一系列独立艺术品。 公园的设计参照了场地的前身——砾石沙嘴,纳皮尔在发展之前原本是太平洋和以前的泻湖之间的一处入口。公园东指海岸线,建立起Cape Kidnappers、Mataupo Maui岛和Mahia Peninsula半岛之间的景观联系,并形成框景。这里是纳皮尔与太平洋乃至全世界对话的场所。

A key part of the project was developing the landscape and cultural narrative of the site with artist Jacob Scott, who also created the integrated and stand-alone artworks. The design of the park references the former gravel spit on which the site sits: a threshold between the Pacific Ocean and the former lagoon upon which Napier was eventually developed. The design looks east to the horizon and frames the views and landscape connections to Cape Kidnappers/ Mataupo Maui and Mahia Peninsula. This is Napier’s place to talk to the Pacific, and to the global community.



当地文化中 “航海的图普那”及“Maui”等人物是项目叙事和设计中不可或缺的要素。“毛伊”是一位勇于开拓、特立独行、不甘现状的神话人物。他开启了新的世界周期,甚至试图抓住太阳并减缓运动速度,他既是渔民,便从海中拉起了岛屿。这个海湾形如Maui所捕捉的黄貂鱼的鳍,同时可远眺Cape Kidnappers(又称“Maui的鱼钩”)的景致,这是公园设计的关键点。

Local connections to pioneers such as sea-faring tupuna, and to Maui himself, are integral to the mana, the narrative and the structure of the project. Maui was the innovator, the maverick, the challenger of the status quo. He was the initiator of a new world cycle, catching the sun and slowing it down; and he was this nation’s fisherman, responsible for pulling up the North Island. With this bay being the fin of the stingray caught by Maui (Te Ika-a-Maui), and with views to Cape Kidnappers (Maui’s hook), this narrative is a pivotal informer of the design.



  • 海水冲刷雕刻地貌的过程
  • 历史悠久的图泰库里河的后流
  • 波浪的形状
  • 黄貂鱼的鳍
  • 凿纹

The site itself is carved to create routes and spaces along the transition from the civic landscape of the Sunken Gardens to the more open coastline – a journey that uses water as its connecting element.
Sculpting of the site provides a physical reflection of:
  • the constant sculpting of the land’s edge through coastal processes
  • the flow of the historic Tutaekuri River behind
  • the riding of the wave
  • the motion of the stingray’s fin/pakau
  • the chasing of the chisel.



Once opened, the park immediately became a go-to place for locals and visitors alike, and has remained as such, regardless of season and weather.


该项目已获得多个行业奖项,包括NZILA的卓越奖、 DINZ授予的青铜图钉、NZIA旗下Gisborne / Hawkes Bay授予的城市规划设计奖。

The project has received several design and industry awards including an Award of Excellence by the NZILA; a Bronze Pin by the DINZ; a Planning and Urban Design award from the Gisborne/Hawkes Bay branch of the NZIA.

项目名称:Marine Parade公园
设计师:Boffa Miskell,与Jacob Jacob(艺术家)合作
项目团队:Michael Hawes(项目经理)Nik Kneale(设计负责人),Yoko Tanaka,Daniel Whatnall,Heather Wilkins,Kieran Dove
撰文:Boffa Miskell
摄影:Nik Kneale / Boffa Miskell

Marine Parade
Location: Napier, New Zealand
Designers: Boffa Miskell, in collaboration with Jacob Scott (artist)
Project Team: Michael Hawes (project manager) Nik Kneale (design lead), Yoko Tanaka, Daniel Whatnall, Heather Wilkins, Kieran Dove
Client: Napier City Council
Text: Boffa Miskell
Photos: Nik Kneale/Boffa Miskell




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