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国际建筑设计事务所 10 Design 为爱丁堡苏格兰皇家银行 Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) 旧址片区提出的升级改造计划,计划将其打造成为爱丁堡的新地标。

International architecture practice 10 Design has led on a unique design concept for one of the largest redevelopment projects in Edinburgh’s city centre which will transform the former Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) site on Dundas Street into a first-rate mixed-use development.

10 Design 揭晓爱丁堡新城区更新计划第1张图片

日前,英国地产开发商 Ediston 和 Orion Capital Managers 提交由 10 Design 设计的爱丁堡 New Town Quarter 项目立项申请,重新开发位于 Dundas Street (登打士街) 的苏格兰皇家银行旧址片区。


Earlier this year, Ediston and Orion Capital Managers submitted plans for New Town Quarter –previously referred to as New Town North–for planning following an extensive public consultation exercise through the pre-planning process.
The proposed mixed-use development will create a new urban centre, providing a significant addition of public realm, including office, hotel, retail and residential components. Proposed new buildings to Fettes Row are designed to respond sensitively to the adjacent listed buildings, whilst retaining and strengthening the existing ‘green edge’ boundary of the site.

10 Design 揭晓爱丁堡新城区更新计划第2张图片

在此多功能综合体项目的设计过程中,我们着重考虑了其独特的地理位置。基地位于 RBS 苏格兰皇家银行办公楼旧址(现作为停车场使用),也处于遍布新古典主义建筑的世界文化遗产区域内。设计方案兼顾了历史文脉传承和现代气息,优雅的将建筑融入爱丁堡新镇的 18 世纪街区肌理中,并和谐的成为城市整体环境的一部分。

10 Design 设计合伙人 Gordon Affleck 评论道:“这一特殊的场地给我们提供了一个难得的机会,可以重新连接城市的西部和北部。鉴于爱丁堡新镇位置的敏感性和复杂的物理限制,建筑设计面临着巨大的挑战。我们最终通过项目的高质量设计,将功能混合、创造了全新的公共空间,打造丰富多样的城市节点,为当地社区和周边地区提供一个极具新引力的工作、生活和社交的场所。”

The development will replace the existing car park and ex RBS office with a new integrated development that respects its unique location bordering the World Heritage Area in a respectful but contemporary design that will reconnect the King George V Park with both the New Town and the wider urban context.
Gordon Affleck, Design Partner at 10 Design, commented:
“The site has offered a unique opportunity to reconnect the park to the north and west of the city. Respecting both the sensitivity of its location with the New Town and the complexities of the physical restrictions of the site has proved challenging, however we believe the quality and diversity of the development uses and the new public realm will create a focal point and positive amenity for both the local and wider community.”

10 Design 揭晓爱丁堡新城区更新计划第3张图片

设计以一系列景观和多功能平台打造无与伦比的外观,同时开辟了新的行人和自行车路线,增强了与城市的联系。当中主要的步行路线以 Dundas Street 为入口,经过场地的中央以衔接毗连的 King George V Park (乔治五世国王公园),从而创建一条由东向西的游览路线。通过一系列相互连接的景观退台以淡化场地的高差变化,让市民在移步换景之间,从公园绿色景观逐渐过渡到登打士街的繁华都市景观。这条路线中也设置了可举行社区活动的公共广场,并包含商业零售与餐饮元素。

设计结合竖向景观元素,不但与邻近乔治五世国王公园完美融合,也在项目的核心部分设置新的步行街,为整个片区营造了无机动车的环境。面向 Fettes Row 的建筑群设计与邻近受保护建筑物的风格相互呼应,同时保留并突出街区现存的绿轴。

The proposed project considers a series of landscape and amenity terraces to maintain vistas while creating new pedestrian and cycle routes, greatly improving permeability in this part of the city. The key route will connect Dundas Street through the heart of the site to King George V Park with a variety of interconnected landscape terraces that absorb the steep level changes of the site creating a new East-West narrative, transitioning from a more green environment of the park to the more urban setting of Dundas Street. This route will create a new public plaza accommodating retail, food & beverage (F&B) where community events can take place. Combined with structured planting design to create both an activated landscape link to the park while providing new entry points for the key components of the development maintaining a car free pedestrian environment across the site.

10 Design 揭晓爱丁堡新城区更新计划第4张图片


Ediston 项目开发总监 Ross McNulty 说:“我们非常清楚这是一个十分复杂的大型项目,它位于爱丁堡的黄金地段,且和绿色空间有着重要的联系。我们会确保与当地人民紧密交流和沟通,开发一个市场主导的城市更新项目,使社区和整个城市受益。”

Robust, low maintenance natural materials, with high performance and energy efficient building envelopes along a series of green decks and elevated landscaped spaces, and the addition of health and wellbeing components (such as a new gym) will create new amenities for both the local and wider community to add quality of life and sense of place. All this in combination with balconies, terraces and green roofs will help to create a sustainable and economic development.  
Ross McNulty, Development Director of Ediston, commented:
“We are aware this is a complex and large site, with important links to some of Edinburgh’s finest streets and green spaces. We are making sure we take the right amount of time to consult properly with local people to deliver a market leading development to benefit both the community and the wider city.”

10 Design 揭晓爱丁堡新城区更新计划第5张图片

为了诠释全新的城市节点,项目的建筑形态与元素采用了现代设计手法,与周围环境交织交融。预计建成后,人口密度将不会超过现时平均人口密度每公顷 165 人(根据目前的人口普查数据)。  

最新研究指出,这开发计划将为当地以至整个爱丁堡带来巨大的经济效益。根据工程及环境顾问  Waterman Group 的报告显示,项目在施工阶段将在该区域创造额外 2770 万英镑的总增加值,并再创造额外 60 个全职工作岗位。而在运营阶段将创造 700 多个全职工作岗位,也会为地区经济带来每年 3440 万英镑的总增加值。

The form and character of the proposed development will create a new urban hub while being sensitive to the surrounding area. It is anticipated to have a population density in line, or lower than165 people per hectare, which is the average existing population density of the locality (based on current census data).  
Latest published research shows the development is poised to bring significant economic benefit to the local area and wider Edinburgh economy. The report by engineering and environmental consultancy The Waterman Group reveals that the operational phase of the development will create more than 700 full-time jobs whilst generating an annual GVA (Gross Value Added) economic uplift of £34.4 million to the regional economy. Additionally, it predicts that the construction phase will create a further £27.7 million GVA at a regional level, creating a further 60 full time jobs.


客户:Ediston, Orion Capital Managers
10 Design 服务范围:建筑设计、总体规划、CGI 电脑成像
建筑面积:65,000 平方米                       

来源:本文由10 Design提供稿件,所有著作权归属10 Design所有。



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