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多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第1张图片

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所(DOMINIQUE PERRAULT ARCHITECTE)与 筑博设计(ZHUBO DESIGN)联合体,荣获国际竞赛——深圳创新创意设计学院一等奖。

中国,深圳市于二零二零年同时举办多项国际建筑设计竞赛,旨于建设大型文化与体育类公共设施,同时吸引世界各地知名建筑师团队积极参与。 特别引人注目的是,深圳市规划建设十余处公共文化类建筑,使深圳市在未 来几年内逐步跃上国际舞台,发展成为“创新之都”。


南方科技大学(Southern University of Science and Technology)创建于2011年,深圳创新创意设计学院校区将成为南方科技大学校园新址,届时将容纳4000余名在校师生。该校区的兴建,彰显了深圳市以及逐具规模的粤-港-澳大湾区,对创新设计领域日益增长的人才需求,以及打造国际级高 水平教学新区的雄心壮志。

深圳创新创意设计学院国际竞赛采用公开报名遴选的竞赛机制,在参与报名的37个公开设计团队中,9项设计团队入围参与竞赛,其中不乏包括 MVRDV和Studio Libeskind等享誉国际的知名建筑团队。

Dominique Perrault Architecture + Zhubo  Design Co have been designated winner of the international competition for the design of the Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation.
In recent years, the city of Shenzhen has launched numerous international competitions for  the creation of  large-scale cultural and  sports  facilities, attracting architects from around the world. In particular, the city is planning the construction of a dozen cultural facilities that will assert the city as an internationally recognized innovation center. Alongside the new campus of the Shenzhen Institute of Design and Innovation, there is an impressive list of new projects: the Shenzhen Opera House, the Shenzhen Exhibition Center, the Design Museum, the Shenzhen National Museum, the Museum of Science and Technology, the Oceanographic Museum, the Nature Museum, the Shenzhen Museum of Art and the Shenzhen Music Conservatory. The new campus of the Shenzhen  Institute of Design and Innovation will  form one of the new sites of the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), which was established in 2011,  and will accommodate about 4,000  students. This project demonstrates the city’s  ambition to create a high-level international school in response to an increasing demand for talents in the field of design,  in Shenzhen and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao bay. Among 37 successful teams selected through the open application process, nine were shortlisted to participate in the design  competition,  including  renowned offices such as MVRDV and Studio Libeskind.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第2张图片

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第3张图片

山水一线 «HORIZON»

深圳创新创意设计学院校园新址位于深圳市凤凰山创意公园,远离深圳市中心,紧邻深圳宝安国际机场。深圳创新创意设计学院建筑设计原则旨在校园整体规划与现有基地自然景观融于一体,与此同时强调建筑设计的“横 向”体量。保持从凤凰山脚下远眺,建筑体量有机融入现有山体,校园设计视为山体与现有森林植被的一部分。

The site chosen for the new campus is located on the outskirts of Shenzhen, in a still mainly rural area, along the mountain relief of the «Phoenix Mountain.» The project is integrated into the landscape, and preserves the legibility of its horizontal structure, ensuring that no prominent architectural element would disturb this «plateau» geography.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第4张图片

建筑设计灵感源于古老汉字形体“一”的元素,校园规划重现基地现有自然环境的“山”、“水”意象,并打造创新创意设计学院成为宝安地区的大型新地标建筑。主体建筑设计旨在最大程度保留现有基地自然景观,体现山水蓬勃意象,并轻轻漂浮于山谷之中。建筑形体亦于抬离地表的横向大型桥体,打造长达七百米的建筑主立面,以强烈的第一主视觉意象呈现在凤凰山体之中。悬浮于地表,建筑主体量保持通透性,尤其强调于山体人视角仰视,建筑体量的友善高度极大还原基地自然景观的完整性。置于自然景观地表之上,巨大体量的主体教学区建筑形成天然的有机屋顶遮蔽,校园首层设计空间最大限度开放于公众,以设置校园公共空间和景观公园,其校园布局由“穹顶球形”建筑体量组成,譬如校园图书馆、展览馆、会议礼堂等。创新创意校园功能组织简洁、直观,主要由建筑平台“超级地表”«Hyper- Ground»和“超级屋顶”«Hyper-Roof»组成。

Inspired from the Chinese  caracter «--», reflecting the athmosphere of a line of mountain and water, it creates a large-scale landmark, a horizontal line in the the site, detached from the ground like a large bridge, and develops a built front of more than 700 meters long. Hung above the ground, the main volume maintains visual transparency at pedestrian level, and its compact height guarantees views towards the great landscape. Above the natural ground, it creates a protective shelter, hosting public spaces and gardens, punctuated by «domes» housing various easily identifiable academic functions. The functional organization of the campus is simple and intuitive, articulated around two main elements: the «Hyper-Ground» and the «Hyper-Roof».

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第5张图片


创新创意学院整体规划设计,强调并鼓励校园内人行步道设计与自行车循环设计系统,并有效限制校园内机动车使用范围。 在建筑主体教学区悬空之下的校园空间,有机设置校园步行主干 道,并成为校园南北向主要规划轴线。在此校园规划主干道布局之上,设立校园不同种类主要公共空间,教学活动空间和室外教学区域。此活力四射的校园主干道,构成校园生活的重要公共空间,同时线性串联校园内不同主要公共建筑。校园主入口设计紧邻城市主干道,由露天“城市剧场”构成,有机结合城市空间与校园主体内部空间。

The project encourages pedestrians and soft circulations, limiting road   traffic on  the  entire  site.  Underneath  the  entire  length  of the suspended volume is located the main circulation axis of the campus: a long-protected pedestrian promenade, designed as a wide platform on which the functional activities of the campus, various public spaces and access to the common programs are developed. The main public space is shaped by a large outside square, hosting the social life of the campus. On the city side, a mineral amphitheater connects the university site to its neighborhood and forms the entrance to the campus.  The project underlines a strong desire to create exchanges and interactions, to hybridize disciplines in  order  to  encourage innovation and  excellence. The approach also seeks to introduce a strong vegetation and the creation of intimate and protected spaces, through porosity between interior and exterior. Along the shaded and airy pedestrian avenue, large circulation cores are arranged to connect the ground and roof levels, as well as the functions between them. The common facilities are located in the monumental «domes» visible from the «hyper-ground»: the library, the university refectory, the auditorium, the exhibition halls and the student club, a common space for gathering and relaxation.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第6张图片

学院的设计主旨立意为“创新”与“交流”,突出各不同设计学科之间的积极互动与关联,并鼓励师生间的强烈交流与互动之意愿。创建校园式景观建筑,通过大量校园绿化景观设计,创建校园室内与室外有机互动空间,有节奏地贯穿主体教学楼区域,设计互动平台与交流空间。在教学区建筑主要体量庇荫之 下,可沿着长长且笔直的校园主干道漫步,有机设置的多组垂直交通空间,连接校园地表层与主体教学空间。校园内主要不同公共建筑单体,图书馆、展览馆、礼堂、师生活动中心、体育馆与食堂,由一系列“穹顶球形”建筑体量构成,并由校园主干道连接。“球形”建筑形体贯穿于校园主干道,尤其串联的首层室外公共空间,丰富校园环境与空间并提供丰富的教学场域进行创新与交流。

The project underlines a strong desire to create exchanges and interactions, to hybridize disciplines in  order  to  encourage innovation and  excellence. The approach also seeks to introduce a strong vegetation and the creation of intimate and protected spaces, through porosity between interior and exterior. Along the shaded and airy pedestrian avenue, large circulation cores are arranged to connect the ground and roof levels, as well as the functions between them. The common facilities are located in the monumental «domes» visible from the «hyper-ground»: the library, the university refectory, the auditorium, the exhibition halls and the student club, a common space for gathering and relaxation.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第7张图片


教学区垂直交通空间的设置,有效连接校园“超级地表”层«HYPER-GROUND»与“超级屋顶”层«HYPER-ROOF»,同时位于教学区内部设置的交通核,水平贯通两层空间的教学区域:教室,科研机构以及实验室用房。“超级屋顶”层提供校园区域全景观视野长廊,屋顶平台即为可以俯瞰城市海平线五十米街道之上的巨型室外阳台。“超级屋顶”成为校园真实的景观公园,可供所有师生使用。同时丰富的景观场景创建,提供室外多种活动场域,并有机布局于屋顶平台:屋顶花园景观区、露台 区、广场以及室外运动场。

The circulation cores that connect the «Hyper-roof» to the «Hyper- ground» serve all the teaching spaces located on the two levels of the main volume: classrooms, teaching laboratories and research laboratories. Above, the roof creates a panoramic promenade, a huge balcony overlooking the city, 50m above street level. The access to the roof level offers a real garden for everyone, arranged in different sectors, each  with a specific program and atmosphere: garden spaces, terraces, plazas, sports areas, etc.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第8张图片

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第9张图片

屋顶平台层如建筑立面竖向设计细节一样,精心布局规划。 使之成为活力校园师生齐聚使用的室外活动交流空间,并成为创新校园与互动空间的重要组成元素。丰富的校园屋顶植被,与广泛的种植区域,有利于校园雨水体系回收与建筑保温设计,屋顶平台同时设计太阳能光电板,为校园提供绿色使用能源。同时成为可持续性发展绿色建筑的重要设计组成元素。

Treated with the same attention as the project’s vertical façades, the large roof also plays an active role in the technical functioning of the campus. The roof is widely vegetated and contributes to the insulation of the building and the recovery of rainwater. The installation of photovoltaic panels also provides energy for the entire building.

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多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第11张图片


创新创意设计校园内宿舍区规划设计:学生、留学生宿舍以及教师宿舍,采用中式传统“院落村庄” «villages» 的围合形式,创建成为带有天井自然采光的、并提供露台设计的建筑形 体。校园村落有机嵌入基地现有地形,设计屋顶植被,与现有基地景观融为一体。院落村庄的设计灵感源于传统中国梯田式山地布局,并有效参考传统中国居住形式。

The students and professors housing consists of several «villages», offering  a  terraced architecture with  patios.  These groups of housing units set in the topography, with their green roofs, are reminiscent of traditional layout of the hillside terraces, and their patios are a reference to the traditional Chinese composition of housing.

多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所 / 一等奖“深圳创新创意设计学院”第12张图片




The preferred materials are metal and glass. Punctuated by thin vertical lines of light metal, the large windows provide a natural lightning for all the working spaces and wide  views of the landscape. The vibrations of the envelope, between the white and emerald tones of glass metal, will constantly vary its appearance, so that the building will be perceived differently depending on the angles  of approach, the seasons or the time of day.  The reflections unify the composition and  preserves the interior  activity from outside views.
Finally, the constructive  principles and the arrangement of the spaces allow great flexibility in the interior design and the possibility of imagining possible future developments of the campus.

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创新创意校园竞赛时间:二零二零年九月 至 二零二一年一月
基地面积:348 955 平方米
建筑面积:300 000 平方米 (GFA)
政府预计投资金额:2,79 亿元人民币
效果图及电影制作:FANCY 凡彩数字,中国

主要建筑物体量:708米 (长) x 120米 (宽) x 20米 (高)
- 教室和实验室
- 行政办公室和教师办公室
- 图书馆
- 会堂
- 体育馆
- 展览馆
- 食堂
- 学生与教师宿舍
- 后勤以及设备附属用房

Date of the competition: September  2020 – January 2021
location:  Bao’an Education City, Fenghuangshan  Creative Park, Shenzhen, China
Site area : 348 955 m2
Built area : 300 000 m2
estimated investment : 2,79 billions of Yuans
Client: Engineering Design Management Center of Bureau of Public
Works of Shenzhen Municipality, Shenzhen, China
local architects: ZHUBO DESIGN CO., LTD; Shenzhen, China
landscape architects: PWP LANDSCAPE  ARCHITECTURE, California, U.S.A.
engineering consulting: BuroHappold Engineering, United Kingdom
Perspective and movies: Fancy Digital Technology Co Limited, Beijing, China

main building size : 708m(lengh) x 120m(width) x 20m (heigh)
- classrooms and laboratories
- working spaces and  offices for admistration  and  professors
- library
- auditorium
- sports facilities
- exhibition spaces
- catering spaces
- student and teacher housing
- technical and logistical spaces





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