The attraction of dreams comes from the interweaving of parallel world and imaginary world. In this case, the future development direction of the space is official single-family villa. As a animation enterprises exhibition hall, our main perspective'Dream', will start with the looming sight of a firefliy.
The red blocks are scattered, creating a wave crest, and the aura is like a wave trough. Fireflies, like spirits, enlighten viewers to change their perspectives and show the attraction of dreams.
Dreams are the interweaving of the visible and the invisible. By means of space design, we extend the mystery of dream to the scope of human perception.
Taking advantage of the real but untouchable substance of ‘light’, we internalize light from top to bottom in the design of the negotiation area as a kind of core power.
Fireflies are looming here, triggering the connection between dreams and reality -- it's a moment that comes to all of us. We believe this moment is happening, but at the same time, we deeply aoubt the existence of time and ourselves.
The spatial design that follows the instinctive feeling urges us to get rid of pretension and reflect the spirituality of creation from the perspective of dreams.