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空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第1张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第2张图片

在平静朴实的外表下掩藏着百转千回的心思,那种寂静的美似乎把时间都凝固了。—— 妹岛和世&西泽立卫

Roam In Spiritual Space | JIAXING Design: Chengdu Minmetals Dayi City Exhibition Room
Beneath the calm and simple appearance, hides the complex mind, and the beauty of silence seems to have frozen the time. —— Kazuyo Sejima & Ryūe Nishizawa

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第3张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第4张图片


Compared with the glitz and bustle in our lives, we are more willing to believe that the real beauty of life is not revealed in the excellent visual appearance, but in the imperceptible interior details and design performance, as well as in the overall site atmosphere.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第5张图片

在成都五矿大邑展示厅项目设计中,嘉行设计表达了对该作品的寄望:“我们希望进入此地的人,都能感受到一种宁静的深广、一种丰富的简单,让自然之声替代都市的喧嚣,让观者乘着一片遐想的羽翼驶入诗意自由的天空。” 艺术、自然、气韵、童心,在这里相遇,它开启我们的想象之旅,让我们重新探索无拘无束的天真自由气息。

For the Minmetals Dayi Exhibition Rom design project located in Chengdu, designers from Jiaxing Design expressed their hope for this work: "We hope people who enter this place can feel the depth and breadth of quietness, the simplicity existing in the richness. Let the sound of nature replace the hustle and bustle of the city, viewers can fly into the poetic and free sky with wings of imagination.” Art, nature, charm, and childlike innocence are meeting here, and have unveiled our journey of imagination, allowing us to re-explore the unfettered pureness and freedom.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第6张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第7张图片

就像一本书中写到的:“深广而宁静,单纯而不复杂,纯净灿烂光明,超越思议的心,这是诸佛的心。其中无一物应消除,无一物应增添,它只是自然洁净地看着自己。” 真正简单的生活,是指意识彻底的空无,心灵率真,而这一切需以微妙的氛围营造呈现在空间中,我们希望虚造一个简约而灵动的空间,旨在回归心的率真,回应精神世界的广袤无垠。

As it says in a book, "Deep and serene, simple but not complicated, pure and bright, transcending the thoughtful mind, this is the mind of the Buddhas. Nothing to be removed, nothing to be added, it simply looks at itself naturally and simply." The truly simple life refers to the complete emptiness of consciousness and the frankness of mind, which needs to be presented in the space permeating with a subtle atmosphere. We hope to create a simple and dynamic space, aiming to return to the frankness of heart and respond to the vastness of the spiritual world.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第8张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第9张图片


Entering from the glass door, it feels like opening a poem as simple as water. The art space is composed of pure white visual images and functional areas distinguished by arc elements. Being simple and clean, the space has hope, interest, warmth and openness to nature, presenting a simple, friendly and inclusive energy echoes.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第10张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第11张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第12张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第13张图片


The overall space design features a sort of contemporary simplicity and charm of deconstruction, with a touching and real beauty flowing around. The designer said: "The design is to perceive the city and life from an immersive, experiential and emotional point of view, rather than reasoning mechanically. Thus, it expresses an interesting present lifestyle. Living nature, artistic poetry, as well as a never decaying heart of childhood, they are the soul of this space."

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第14张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第15张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第16张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第17张图片


The original texture of this space seems to have been extracted by time. It blends the most refined fragments of consciousness constantly and showing rich connotation and natural rhythm, which is a more introverted and implicit power.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第18张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第19张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第20张图片


The division of functional areas has broken the traditional one with a deconstruction approach. The different spaces appear alternately in uncertain forms of blocks. Following the steps of the viewers, the focus point changes accordingly. The flowing and changing visual images enhance the abundance of visual information and give viewers the interaction and interest of spiritual perception.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第21张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第22张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第23张图片


The flowing curved surface responds to the childlike innocence and infinite reverie. Through the holes on the wall of pebble-shaped art installation, we can peep into another world, stretching endlessly. A feeling of unlimited freedom and novelty arises, just like walking into Alice's rabbit hole and roaming in a spiritual wonderland. In the richness and simplicity, it stays alone, but not lonely.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第24张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第25张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第26张图片

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第27张图片


In addition, the adoption of color and material in the space is extremely restrained. A small amount of black metal combined with artistic paint gives the space a simple and pure touch, while the irregular space construction improves the repeatability, non-equivalence, and interest of the space.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第28张图片

艺术家罗伯特·欧文说:“所谓观看,就是忘记所看事物的名称。” 的确,在空间中游弋,流连万象,沉吟视听,我们超越了固有思维的桎梏而抵达自由,而这一切主要归功于设计师对于线条的妙用。线是造型的要素,又具有独立的视觉表现力,设计师完美地诠释了线条的表达意义和简约美感。

Artist Robert Owen said, "To see is to forget the names of the things you are looking at." Indeed, cruising in the space, lingering in all things, focusing on the sound and visual, we have gone beyond the shackles of inherent thinking and reached the free land. These are mainly attributed to the designer’s clever utilization of lines. The Line is the key element of a space shape, but it is independent and rich in visual expression. The designer has perfectly interpreted the meaning and the simple beauty of lines in the design of the space.

空间的心灵逸想 | 嘉行设计:成都五矿大邑城市展示厅第29张图片


Project Name: Chengdu Minmetals Dayi Exhibition Hall
Location: Chengdu, China
Client Name: Minmetals Real Estate Chengdu Company
Members of demand side: Ning Tao, Zhang Jian, Qiu Chen, Yang Pengzhen, Cai Junwei
Design Company: Jiaxing Design
Area: 500 m2
Cost: 3000元/m2
Design Cycle: August, 2020
Completion time: January 2021
Main Materials: texture paint, terrazzo, stainless steel
Photographer: Yu Photography





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