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House 1014 / H Arquitectes第1张图片
© Adrià Goula


From the architect. The plot is located in the historicalcity centre of Granollers and placed into an urban fabric of dwellings betweenparty walls. The available space is narrow and elongated, only 6.5 m wide; andaccessible from two streets. Owing to the dilapidated state of the existingbuilding, only the main façade, reasonably well preserved offering a certainheritage value,could be maintained.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第2张图片
© Adrià Goula


The desire of the owners was to differentiatetwo zones in the house: the domestic area, where the daily family life had totake place; and a secondary area, quite and isolated from the first,functionally independent to be used indistinctly as a living room or to welcomeoccasional guests as well as organizing meals and gatherings. According toplanning regulation in street alignment the partition in two areas along theplot appears automatically. The domestic area is placed towards the mainstreet, while the west side of the plot, isolated and separated by the centralgarden, becomes a segregated zone for vehicle access.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第3张图片

© Adrià Goula


The qualities of privacy, light, space andthermal comfort of these spaces allow the house to be used and perceived fromend to end, without any hidden or residual space. These bioclimatic spacesbecome the first step of a sequence of areas linking one street to the otheroffering all along a great variety of conditions, characteristics andproperties clearly differentiated among themselves. The addition of thissequence ofspaces and thermal conditions creates a ground floor 53 m longtotaling 345 m2 dedicated to the most frequent and collective use of the house.It works at the same time as a long continuous hallway, giving access to theprivate and service areas of the house located in the upper floor and thebasement, respectively.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第4张图片
© Adrià Goula


Each one of the rooms was individuallytreated yet carefully connected with the next one, clearly identifying thespecific use of each space being all, at the same time, part of a whole. Thisapproach helps exterior spaces to achieve the quality of a living space,therefore becoming one more room of the house. This way, this main ground floorcombines different interior rooms, lower or higher roofs, longer, semi-exteriorcovered and bioclimatic rooms as well as covered and uncovered outdoor rooms.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第5张图片


The sequence of spaces creates some kind ofambiguity about what is an interior or exterior space. At the same time,outdoor spaces are intentionally differentiated, so the presence of greeneryand natural ceramic helps creating genuine landscape impressions in a plotwithout views.   The organization, based on sequenced spaces, istotally related to the structural system of the house, opting consequently fora walling system that materially reinforces the typology of the house. Loadbearing walls embrace every space limiting both the size as well as theproportion of the openings between spaces in such a way that the structuredrastically conditions the experience and perceptions while in the house.Variety of ceramic materials, different skin textures, walls thickness and thecapacity for self regulation of humidity and thermal inertia are experiencesidentifying every space typology. Space is the structure and the structureconfigures the space.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第6张图片

© Adrià Goula


Relationship between different structuralunits produces discontinuities that need to be solved, becoming as anopportunity to organize brick masonry and creating post-compressed beams wheresolid brick layers will be reinforced. Load bearing walls are stratified instrips between ledges and lintels creating a gradient of densities from thethinner and more solid pieces in the ground floor, to the thicker andperforated pieces of the upper floors. Diverse structural requirements of themasonry work produce different rhythms and textures achieving newexpressivities.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第7张图片
© Adrià Goula


Materials and spaces distributionprioritizes optimal passive behavior of the house, starting from bioclimaticpatios that not only ensure thermal stability between 15 and 25oC, anintermediate and improved climate, but also reducing the energy demand of thespaces directly related with those patios. The structural system and the doublebrick wall facade, filled with a 10cm isolating wood fiber, guarantee a verygood relation between the thermal isolation and the indoor thermal inertia.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第8张图片
© Adrià Goula


Finally the house is climatized by radiantsystems linked to a geothermal system to allow passive exchange with theground. Additional to the radiant floors, metallic sheet composite-slabs -structuresactivated by the ground working as large radiators or radiant surfaces- helpdissipating the heat during summer. This high internal inertia linked to theground temperature allows achieving a very stable thermal behavior over theseasons with the lowest energetic consumption.

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第9张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第10张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第11张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第12张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第13张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第14张图片

House 1014 / H Arquitectes第15张图片
House 1014 / H Arquitectes第16张图片
合作者: Blai Cabrero Bosch, Montse FornésGuàrdia, Carla Piñol Moreno
室内设计:Fátima Vilaseca
结构工程师:DSM arquitectes
装置:Igetech/ ABAC enginyers
景观:Anna Esteve
建筑设计:H 建筑设计事务所
项目负责人:David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros,Roger Tudó
摄影: Adrià Goula

© Adrià Goula
Architects: H Arquitectes
Location: Granollers, Barcelona, Spain
Architect In Charge: David Lorente, Josep Ricart, Xavier Ros, RogerTudó
Area: 637.0 sqm
Year: 2014
Photographs: Adrià Goula
Collaborators: Blai Cabrero Bosch,Montse Fornés Guàrdia, Carla Piñol Moreno
Interior Design: Fátima Vilaseca
Quantity Surveyor: Ramon Anton
Structural Engineer: DSM arquitectes
Installations: Igetech / àbac enginyers
Landscape: Anna Esteve

via: 罗晓茜  徐航




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