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金属线条与电磁场 | 丹麦HCØ体育馆第1张图片

TEC H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium / Sweco Architects


该项目以发现电磁学的丹麦科学家的名字命名,Sweco Architects事务所为位于哥本哈根西北部Lyngby的未来技术高中设计了这座8000平方米的体育馆。设计目标是创造教学环境中积极的、不可或缺的建筑,一个能在日常生活中发挥正面以及综合作用的建筑,一个能激发教师和学生灵感和好奇心的学习空间。H.C. Ørsted TEC的设计是为了适应教育实践和理想的不断转变。例如,在整个设计阶段,专注于建立不同的区域,支持主题和跨学科的工作,从而使建筑融入教育实践的持续发展中。

Text description provided by the architects. Named after the Danish scientist who discovered electromagnetism, Sweco Architects has designed the 8,000 sqm technical upper secondary school of the future located in Lyngby, northwest of Copenhagen. The ambition is to create a building that becomes an active and integral part of the teaching. A building that plays an active, integrated role on a daily basis; a learning space that sparks inspiration and curiosity in both teachers and students. H.C. Ørsted TEC is designed to adapt itself to the continuous transformation that characterizes educational practices and ideals. For example, throughout the design phase of the new building, we focused on establishing different zones and supporting thematic and interdisciplinary work, so that the ongoing development of educational practices is supported by and integrated into the architecture.

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主建筑:向Ørsted致敬。新的H.C. Ørsted体育馆以多种方式向科学和丹麦物理学家、哲学家和科学家H.C. Ørsted致敬,他发现了电流产生磁场,揭示了电和磁之间关系。

The main architectural device: An homage to Ørsted. In several ways, the new H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium pays homage to science and to the Danish physicist, philosopher, and scientist H.C. Ørsted, who is considered to be the one who discovered that electric currents create magnetic fields, which involves the strict connection that lies in between electricity and magnetism.

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The main architectural device in the new school is a stacked assembly of rounded, spatial volumes conveying a visual reference to electromagnetic coils. The coils, housing classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms, constitute the building’s interior structure and are also manifested in the facade, coming together to form a holistic solution. The coil feature thus provides a unifying theme that ties together the interior spaces and the expression of the facade. The heart of the building is a striking triple-height main hall, which varies in character throughout the day, as daylight is refracted at various angles by the louvered surfaces.

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The unique space offers a setting for the students to meet for social events. The specific placement of the coils on the different floors shapes learning environments, moving from a “dead-end” corridor system towards a both robust and flexible space. In this ever-changing atmosphere, the walls have to evolve and adapt too; they are no longer just an element of division of spaces, but incorporate functions such as storage, meeting spaces, and learning hubs. All of that is in order to support the vision of a dynamic space that can improve teamwork activities.

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1825年,H.C. Ørsted对化学做出了重大贡献,他的研究使他首次通过氯化铝的还原分离出铝元素。因此,覆盖外墙的金属所选择的材料也是对H.C. Ørsted所做的发现的另一种参考。它唤起了人们的好奇心,并成为刺激性的元素,促使人们质疑和理解科学世界中独特的跨学科关系。

In 1825, H.C. Ørsted made a significant contribution to chemistry and his studies allowed him to produce aluminum for the first time by isolating the element via a reduction of aluminum chloride. The material chosen for the lamellas covering the façade is therefore another reference to the incredible discoveries made by H.C. Ørsted. It evokes curiosity and is thought to be a stimulating element that drives future generations in questioning and understand the unique interdisciplinary relations in the scientific world.

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同一个建筑物的两面。建筑设计的另一个特点是它的表达方式随着位置的变化而变化。从繁忙的赫尔辛格高速公路上看,这座令人印象深刻的建筑是一个高耸的地标。但在另一侧,建筑体量被缩小,以一种邀请的姿态面向位于邻近场地的房屋。在东侧,利用线圈设计来缩小建筑体量;在西侧,创造了一面灵活的奇迹墙,旨在激发路人的好奇心。总的来说,引发好奇心是H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium TEC的一贯主题,因为设计师希望不仅能在日常生活中激发学生的好奇心,同时也能激发看到建筑的游客和路人的好奇心。

Two sides of the same building. Another characteristic feature of the design of the building is the way its expression varies with the vantage point. As seen from the busy Helsingør motorway, the impressive building is a towering landmark, while the building volume is scaled down in an inviting gesture toward the houses located on the adjacent site. Towards East, we have to use the coils to scale the building down, and towards West, we use them to create a living wall – a wonder wall – designed to spark the curiosity of passers-by. Overall, curiosity is a consistent theme for H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium TEC as we wish to inspire curiosity in the students on a daily basis as well as in visitors and passers-by who encounter the building.

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建筑设计:Sweco Architects
面积:8800 m2
摄影:Niels Nygaard, Kristian Holm
制造商:Troldtekt, Paroc, Schüco
工程团队:WSP Norge, WSP
景观建筑:Thing Brandt Landskab
客户:TEC – Technical Education Copenhagen
承包商:CC Contractors
合作方:Anker Hansen

Architects: Sweco Architects
Area: 8800 m2
Year: 2022
Photographs: Niels Nygaard, Kristian Holm
Manufacturers: Troldtekt, Paroc, Schüco
Engineering Team: WSP Norge, WSP
Landscape Architects: Thing Brandt Landskab
Client: TEC – Technical Education Copenhagen
Entrepreneur: CC Contractors
Collaborators: Anker Hansen
City: Lyngby
Country: Denmark

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