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Housing Coöperation de Warren / Natrufied Architecture. Image © Jeroen Musch

重新构想共同生活模式: 展示 4 个合作建筑项目
Reimagining Models for Living Together: 4 Projects Showcasing Cooperative Architecture


每年七月的第一个星期六是国际合作日,目的是提高人们对合作社运动的认识,同时也是为了纪念合作社联盟的建立,自 1992 年以来,联合国每一年都在这一天举办庆典,合作社运动是一场社会和经济运动,通过创建由成员集体所有和民主控制的企业,提升个人和社区的能力。今年的主题是“合作社:加快可持续发展的伙伴”,强调了合作社在实现可持续发展目标方面发挥的关键作用,同时也强调了合作社在探索新的共享生活方面的独特类型。合作社坚信社区发展,以人为本,支持人们改善集体利益。


The International Day of Cooperatives, celebrated on the first Saturday of July each year, is an opportunity to raise awareness and celebrate the cooperative movement. Celebrated on this day by the United Nations since 1992, the cooperative movement is a social and economic movement empowering individuals and communities by creating enterprises that are collectively owned and democratically controlled by members. This year's theme is “Cooperatives: Partners for Accelerated Sustainable Development.” Underscoring the critical role cooperatives play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, it also emphasizes the unique typology of cooperatives in exploring new ways of living together. With a belief in community growth, cooperatives believe in communal development, prioritizing people and supporting them to improve collective well-being.
In architecture, the various co-living models adapted from the cooperative movement have become an enormous success over the past few decades, providing a new format of cost-effective social housing. The cooperative movement and the co-living concept intersect deeply in their shared values of community, collaboration, and sustainability. This month’s Curated Collection explores different European co-living projects, each with its unique framework application. From a social rental housing project in The Netherlands to a housing cooperative with a participatory process in Switzerland, each selected project unfolds a unique narrative of community engagement, sustainability, and new models of living together.

La Balma Collective Housing / Lacol + LaBoqueria

Image © Milena Villalba

Image © Oriol Gómez

Image © Milena Villalba

位于巴塞罗那 Poblenou 的 La Balma 项目体现了共同生活和合作运动,通过合作建房模式解决了城市的经济适用房危机。这个项目还采用了参与形式,让未来的居民在设计和规划阶段发挥积极作用。此外,每套公寓以16平方米的开放式单元网格为基础,可以进行自由地划分,这使得每位住户都能根据自己的需求定制居住空间,提高了长期适应性。这个项目的合作模式还确保了住房的可负担性,其定价依据法律设定,大大低于巴塞罗那的平均租金价格。

The La Balma project in Poblenou, Barcelona, embodies co-living and the cooperative movement by addressing the city’s affordable housing crisis through a cooperative housing model. The development also involved a participatory process, where future residents played an active role in the design and planning stages. Furthermore, the apartments are each designed from a grid of 16m2 open-plan pieces, allowing for different divisions and distributions. This enables each resident to customize their living spaces to suit their needs, promoting long-term adaptability. This project’s cooperative model also ensures that the housing remains affordable, with a maximum quota set according to legislation, which is significantly lower than the average rental price in Barcelona.

Cooperative Housing Feld4 / MASStudio

Image © Daisuke Hirabayashi

Image © Daisuke Hirabayashi

Feld 4住宅通过参与式规划过程,鼓励邻里间的深入互动,倡导共享生活。这个项目的合作模式支持多样化的生活方式和长期发展,这里的公寓可以满足各种需求,确保为居民提供适应性强的居住环境。此外,这个项目还通过将“坚固的核心筒”与外墙和屋顶相结合,用木结构外壳进行围合,展示了这一可持续结构。建筑师通过保持外立面的工业风貌,与天然木质元素形成对比,表达了方案的灵活性,在向场地历史致敬的同时,也促进了生态设计。

The Feld 4 housing cooperative celebrates co-living through its participatory planning process, encouraging intensive neighborly interaction. This project’s cooperative model supports diverse lifestyles and long-term development with adaptable apartments that cater to various needs, ensuring a resilient living environment that adapts to its residents. Additionally, the project showcases this sustainable framework by combining the "solid core" with the facade and roof closed in by a timber construction shell. The design showcases this flexibility by keeping the facade’s industrial look and contrasting it with natural wooden elements, paying homage to the site’s history while promoting ecological design.

Coop Housing at River Spreefeld / Carpaneto Architekten + Fatkoehl Architekten + BARarchitekten

Image © Ute Zscharnt

Image © Ute Zscharnt

Image © Ute Zscharnt


This Coop Housing project exemplifies the core values of the cooperative movement through its commitment to community, sustainability, and affordability. Developed collaboratively, the project involves residents in both the design and the construction processes, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and ownership. It offers diverse and adaptable living arrangements and clusters of apartments to encourage social interaction and cooperation among residents. By integrating public amenities and spaces into the design, the project also strengthens its ties to the surrounding neighborhood. The project also showcases affordable, staggered rent structures that ensure long-term housing stability for a diverse, multigenerational population.  

Housing Coöperation de Warren / Natrufied Architecture

Image © Jeroen Musch

作为阿姆斯特丹首个自建住房合作项目,De Warren 有 36 套公寓,专门用于社会和经济适用房出租。这是一座节能建筑,采用木质结构和可回收的材料,在城市中打造可持续和低成本的居住环境。事实上,这座建筑 30% 的面积都是公共空间,包括礼堂、多功能厅、儿童游戏室、音乐工作室、联合办公空间、冥想室、温室、屋顶露台和公共厨房。这些公共空间沿着中央 "马丘比丘 "楼梯战略性地分布,鼓励日常互动,最大限度地增加住户之间的联系。

As Amsterdam’s first self-build housing cooperative, De Warren features 36 apartments dedicated to social and affordable rental housing. Designed as an energy-positive building and through the use of wood construction and material reuse, the development offers sustainable and low-cost living accessible in the city. In fact, 30% of the building comprises communal spaces, including an auditorium, multifunctional room, children’s playroom, music studio, co-working spaces, meditation room, greenhouse, roof terrace, and communal kitchens. These collective spaces are strategically located along a central “Machu Picchu” staircase, encouraging daily interactions and maximizing contact among residents.




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