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projected cantilevers and recessed windows in vibrant hues shape school in india


Shreyas Patil建筑师事务所设计了这座名为KLE Sanskruti的幼儿园,建筑位于印度的Nipani。设计师选择了最简单的几何体量进行拼接组合。该建筑的设计亮点为凸出的几何形体、凹进的窗户、立面上的三角镂空等元素。立面选用了多种色彩,如白色、亮橙色和靛青色。该建筑的空间设计考虑了当地的气候风向和日照方向,共同构成这个满足学习、思考和活动等多重功能的空间。

Shreyas Patil Architects builds KLE Sanskruti Pre-primary School in Nipani, India, like a toy house. The massing has been designed with certain innocence in its rather rudimentary shapes and geometries. Entire forms of playful construction in projected cantilevers with recessed windows alongside triangles punctuating the facade makes the elevation of the school block, shaded in tones of white, cheddar, and deep cyan. The space additionally is designed by the drive of climate responsiveness — an essential criterion for learning spaces. Made possible with architecture responsive to stack effects, north lighting, and cross ventilation, a space that imparts an atmosphere of learning, reflection and sensitivity is created.

all images courtesy of Shreyas Patil Architects

经过设计师的巧妙设计,Sanskruti幼儿园的校园氛围活跃有趣,能够激发学生的好奇心和探索欲。在白天,太阳光照射在多彩的立面上,营造温馨愉悦的活动氛围,激发学生在场地内的游戏活动区尽情探索娱乐。Shreyas Patil建筑师事务所将建筑南立面的窗户设计成不同的三角形形态,各个窗户相互融合协调,形成吸引孩童的趣味立面。且这些三角形的窗户不单单是立面设计元素,还构成了空间效果,如全天不同角度的光线可以穿过窗户在室内空间形成不同的投影,增加学习环境中的活跃氛围,吸引孩童的目光。


Designed with care, Sanskruti Pre-primary School’s architecture embraces a playful ambiance that sparks joy and ignites curiosity in every child. Sunlit classrooms with dual-colored walls create a warm and inviting atmosphere for young learners to thrive, while spacious play areas dotted with interactive elements encourage physical activity and imaginative play. Shreyas Patil Architects styles the south-facing facade with triangular windows — some isosceles, most equilateral, but both make for interesting perspectives looking out. These windows, though, are not simply a design element; their function in the harmonious working of every element in this building is focal. From the first ring of the bell till the last, passing sunlight casts interestingly shaped shadows into the learning spaces and the triple-height court. Everything that is required for a conducive and effective learning environment.
A dual entrance on the southern front allows for the movement of the usual traffic, while a sloped entrance leads directly into the nursery’s play area. Both accesses are monitored by the centrally positioned principal’s cabin. Each floor hosts three classrooms, an activity room, and a set of his and her washrooms. The nursery’s activity room is fitted with floor to ceiling window casements to maximize the natural illumination of the volume. A shaded garden court across this space encourages learning amidst nature. Additionally, play areas on each floor ensure that students are constantly engaged with their cognition, while also continuously developing their physical, emotional, and social well-being.

▲ 位于印度Nipani的KLE Sanskruti幼儿园
KLE Sanskruti Pre-primary School in Nipani, India


设计师非常注重幼儿园的环境,无论是从建筑的体量上还是其他细枝末节上。如建筑内的三角形扶手经过定制,孩童的手也可以握住,扶手下方的格栅距离也经过精心设计,可以确保孩童的安全。室内楼梯梯段高为120mm,适用于儿童活动。Shreyas Patil建筑师事务所认为,一所学校的好坏取决于孩童在学校内是否有足够的求知欲和探索欲。

A vitrified tile, mimicking a Kota grey complements the youthful tricolor theme, while the classrooms’ interior shelving takes cues from the theme of the architecture. A scatter of planter boxes on the facade, and the east and west fronts breaks the monotony of the massing. In front of recessed windows, these planter boxes also help in negating the requirements for chajjas.
From the boldest of shapes to the minutest of details, design in context to its users has been the central focus. For instance, a customized triangular-edged handrail to support a smaller grip, diagonally oriented grills to ensure safety, and a hundred- and twenty-mm staircase risers to suit the anthropometry of a child. ‘A school can only be as productive as the students within are motivated,’ notes the team at Shreyas Patil Architects.

▲ Shreyas Patil建筑师事务所设计该建筑时选用了最简单的几何形状
Shreyas Patil Architects designs the massing with rudimentary shapes and geometries

▲ 建筑立面选用白色、亮橙色和靛青色三色组合
a tricolor scheme of white, cheddar, and deep cyan

▲ 建筑空间设计考虑了当地的气候条件、风向以及光照朝向
the space is designed by the drive of climate responsiveness

▲ 建筑立面上的窗户是多种三角形态,共同组合成了趣味立面
triangular windows — some isosceles, most equilateral — offer interesting perspectives

▲ 建筑南面的一个倾斜入口直达游戏娱乐区
a sloped entrance leads directly into the nursery’s play area


▲ 光线充足的空间和多色彩的墙壁给孩童创造了温馨愉悦的学习氛围
sunlit classrooms with dual-colored walls create a warm atmosphere for young learners to thrive

▲ 设计元素丰富的游戏娱乐区利于增强孩童的求知欲与探索欲
spacious play areas dotted with interactive elements encourage physical activity and imaginative play



项目名称:KLE Sanskruti幼儿园
建筑设计:Shreyas Patil建筑师事务所
设计团队:Shounak Nakadi, Pooja Desai, Sayali Gunjikar
项目位置:Nipani, India

project info:
name: KLE Sanskruti Pre-primary school
architecture: Shreyas Patil Architects
design team: Shounak Nakadi, Pooja Desai, Sayali Gunjikar
location: Nipani, India




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