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snøhetta's grassy mountain refuge will skim the slopes of france's pyrenees national park



Among the rolling landscape of France’s Pyrenees National Park, a mountain refuge will soon undergo a sculptural transformation by architecture studio Snøhetta. The new project is the winner of a competition responding to a devastating fire that destroyed the previous building a decade ago. The so-called Refuge de Barroude will serve as both a stopover point for hikers on the Haute Route des Pyrénées and a reception and support center for the park’s staff. The design prioritizes environmental responsibility, rising organically from the terrain with its sweeping green roof and introducing modern amenities for visitors to the UNESCO World Heritage-listed national park.

images © Snøhetta



Snøhetta’s design concept for the Refuge de Barroude emphasizes a delicate balance between integration into the landscape and visibility within the expansive Pyrenees. The architects note that in this breathtaking setting, human presence should remain subtle. Thus, the team draws inspiration from two key ideas — Terrier and Cairn. The former signifies warmth and security, while the latter suggests a landmark or destination built from natural materials. These elements are reflected in the refuge’s architecture, which melds into the topography while contrasting with the rugged landscape through the use of stone, wood, and aluminum.
The new refuge is carefully positioned on the site of the old building, ensuring that it is situated outside areas protected for their endemic flora and fauna. By working with the existing topography, the design avoids excessive earthworks, creating two levels of refuge without altering the natural landscape. The compact structure’s bioclimatic design minimizes the exposure of facades to the elements, promoting energy efficiency and natural ventilation. A large planted roof, integrated with the surrounding landscape, helps reduce the visual impact of the structure.

▲ 项目所在地在十年前有一个避难所,最后被大火烧毁,如今新建避难所将代替原有烧毁的避难所
the project will replace a preexisting refuge destroyed by a fire a decade ago



The design team at Snøhetta organizes the layout of its Refuge de Barroude between two distinct areas. The first, dedicated to communal spaces, includes a reception area, dining room, and kitchen, all oriented towards Lake Barroude and its surrounding trails. These open spaces provide a connection to the natural environment, allowing hikers to experience the scenery while enjoying the refuge’s amenities. The second area is reserved for private use, with dormitories and living quarters for the refuge’s warden and Pyrenees National Park staff.
Accommodations vary to suit different needs. Winter dormitories, designed for hikers and park staff, are located on the lower ground floor, providing direct outdoor access. Hikers have a choice between eight-person and six-person dormitories, with winter-adapted options available as well. In addition, the refuge features rooms for the warden and staff, supporting the park’s day-to-day operations.

▲ 该避难所建成之后还将会成为比利牛斯山脉上徒步旅行者的中途休息停留地
the refuge will serve as a stopover for hikers on the Haute Route des Pyrénées



Snøhetta’s design prioritizes sustainability, incorporating low-carbon materials and minimizing construction impacts. The structure is primarily built from recycled wood and aluminum, with local stone used for the base, ensuring integration with the mountainous landscape. By keeping earthworks and concrete foundations to a minimum, the project aims to reduce its environmental footprint, allowing the building to ‘skim’ the ground and be fully reversible, with minimal disruption to the ecosystem.
The compact design of the refuge helps further reduce energy consumption, minimizing the need for heating and cooling. Renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and biomass heating, will provide electricity and hot water, significantly decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. Water is sourced from a nearby spring, and waste water is treated through infiltration, ensuring minimal environmental impact. The project is expected to break ground in 2025, with completion slated for 2027

▲ 设计团队的灵感以温暖安全和来源于自然的地标为核心
the team draws from the ideas of Terrier for warmth and Cairn as a landmark

▲ 避难所主要使用材料为回收的木材、铝和当地的石材,能够完美的融入当地环境
the refuge is built with recycled wood and aluminum, using local stone to blend into the earth

▲ 该项目还设计有可再生能源系统,如使用太阳能和生物质加热室内空间,可减少避难所对化石燃料的依赖和需求
renewable energy systems, including solar and biomass heating, will reduce the refuge’s reliance on fossil fuels

▲ Snøhetta建筑事务所在比利牛斯山脉景观中设计的避难所完美的将建筑与景观融合为一体
Snøhetta balances environmental integration and visibility within the rugged Pyrenean landscape






project info:
project title: Refuge de Barroude
architecture: Snøhetta | @snohetta
location: Pyrenees National Park, France
area: 540 square meters
completion: expected 2027
visualizations: © Snøhetta




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