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Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第1张图片

   美国建筑师协会(AIA)宣布乡村工作室(Rural Studio)荣获2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖,表彰其为服务于南部最贫穷、最落后的地区之一而在阿拉巴马州纽伯恩以学生作为主导进行设计、施工的项目。

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has announced Rural Studio as winner of the 2015 Whitney M. Young Jr. Award, recognizing the Newbern, Alabama–based design/build program for its student-led projects that have catered to one of the South’s poorest and most underserved regions.

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第2张图片

    AIA在其官方新闻通稿中称:“Rural Studio的项目证明,无论客户多么不走寻常路,只要能与居民真-诚对话就能设计出非凡的建筑,”

“Rural Studio’s projects prove that an authentic conversation with the residents, no matter how unconventional the client, can yield ambitious architecture,” stated the AIA in their official press release.

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第3张图片

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第4张图片

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第5张图片

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第6张图片

    Rural Studio(乡村工作室)由美国建筑师协会会员D.K. Ruth 和 Samuel Mockbee于1993年创立。在2001年Mockbee辞世后,即由Andrew Freear领导。正如AIA描述的那样,Freear “通过建造更多更大的社区建筑和创新性的复制廉价住宅继承了创始人的遗志…… ‘20000住宅产品线’是rural studio在商业操作上最富于想象力最具创新力的变革。”

    “以Hale郡作为实验室,Rural Studio 创造了一系列对只能领取社会保险的人群支付得起的,包含1-2个卧室的可复制的住宅模板。这些住宅(到目前为止16个)较之前的独栋实验住宅空间较小,但是更好的适应了环境和气候。这些房子大多提供给居住者一个典型的猎枪式(条状窄屋)住所。前面的门廊可以被动式通风、采光和降温。‘20000住宅’项目不是慈善项目,而是清楚的让人看到社会相关领域建筑会有多少盈利的可能性。”

Founded in 1993 by D.K. Ruth and Samuel Mockbee, FAIA, Rural Studio has been under the lead of Andrew Freear since Mockbee’s death in 2001. Freer, as the AIA describes, has “built on the co-founder’s legacy by building more and larger community buildings, and creating new ways to replicate the studio’s affordable housing… The most dramatic and innovative change to the way Rural Studio does business is its 20K House Product Line.
“Using Hale County as a laboratory, the studio is creating a set of easily reproducible templates for one- and two-bedroom homes that are affordable for someone on a Social Security fixed income. These houses (16 so far) have less room for the formal experiments of earlier one-off homes, but are intensely suited to their context and climate. Most offer residents a typical shotgun-style house with a generous front porch that is passively ventilated, heated, and cooled. The 20K House project is not a charity but a business plan aimed at making it blindingly obvious how much money socially relevant architecture can make.”

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第7张图片

Rural Studio 荣膺AIA 2015年度 Whitney M. Young Jr.大奖/AIA Honors Rural Studi...第8张图片

    “乡村工作室不仅仅是好项目的重新开始”,AIA副主席,美国建筑师协会会员Don Brown,在推荐信里写道,这更是一个生动的服务大众的好想法。很庆幸这已成为了下一代建筑师的语汇。”

    Whitney M. Young Jr.奖自1972年设立以来,将奖项授予了众多通过包括廉租房在内的一系列包容性、普适性的实践体现建筑师职业积极的社会责任的建筑师和组织。这个奖项是以美国民权运动时期“城市联盟“的领袖来命名的,当时他在AIA全国大会直接抨击AIA在社会进步变革中的缺席。

“The Rural Studio is not merely a resume of wonderful projects,” wrote AIA Vice President Don Brown, FAIA, in a recommendation letter. “It is a living idea of service that has thankfully become the vocabulary of the next generation of architects.”
Established in 1972, the Whitney M. Young Jr. Award has honored architects and organizations that embody the profession’s proactive social mandate through a range of commitments, including affordable housing, inclusiveness, and universal access. The award is named after the civil rights–era head of the Urban League who confronted—head-on—the AIA’s absence of socially progressive advocacy at the 1968 AIA National Convention.




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