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来自日本的UID建筑事务所所做的小住宅项目在与自然保持了亲密互动的同时体现出一种独有的开放与透明。迄今为止,UID予gooood分享过:The small-scale residential project by UID from Japan keeps an active interaction with the nature and presents unique openness and transparencyat the same time. UID also shared the followings before: COCOCHI Comfort Gallery “UTSUWA” 画廊+社区活动中心 +node 森林“积木”Atelier-Bisque Doll 模糊边界。艺术家工作室+住宅machi-house 光与风的重建长屋 Pit house 凹陷的自然

Appreciation towards UID for providing the following description:

All photos ? Hiroshi Ueda

Drawings ? UID



Dwelling is to put oneself in an interactive environmental domain that surrounds humans and other living creatures. There unfold various activitiesto which living creatures engage themselves for survival. Further expansion of such domain will surely lead us to view the totality of environment asa dwelling as it stretches unsegmented from city to forest and sea and finally from the earth into outer space. The ever-changing ways of living thingssuch as humans and plants, land topographies or climatic conditions all remind us that nothing in our world stays the same forever. My interest lies in the rich spatial domain in which one may perceive in the course of daily life such changes of nature that are the very heartbeats of the earth.

In this project the focus in on the relationship of border derived from mutual interaction with natural environment that surrounds this site sittingon a hill in site. Instead of gathering up a crowd of spaces within the topography or climate by making use of wall/roof elements, it rather involvesa domain generated by screens like clouds that shield sunlight and moonlight. In other words this infinitely expansive totality with no boundariesbases itself on the principles of architecture while it generates a certain domain within topological and climatic conditions. While wisps of clouds overlap in layers, exposure and depth of light penetrating through mountain peaks into the valley define the atmospheric void as a domain for a place of living. These screens that flow from east to west not only work as eaves that shield direct sunlight during summer but also serve as constituents along with subtle light tones, sway in the wind, atmospheric condition, nature’s sounds and scents and physical sense of distancethat highlight the diversity of spatial domains through the seasons. The state of the spot generated by screens becomes the place of living that paraphrases the topography through various actions, rather than being a space specialized in particular functions. The architecture is like a village as it breaks free from borders defined by natural relationship , and is also like a mountain ridge with its layers of mountain peaks. With an ever transforming outline, it will continue to blur into the landscape.

Name project    COSMICArchitects                           … UID – Keisuke MaedaConsultants                        … Konishi Structural Engineers – Yasutaka Konishi  Takeshi Kaneko, structural; Toshiya Ogino Environment Design Office – Toshiya OginoGeneral contractor               …Makoto Construction Co.Ltd.-Masahiro Ikegami, Mamoru YamaguchiStructural system            …steel, reinforced concrete structureUsed materials     …photocatalytic coating, exterior;stone(flooring), synthetic resin coating, soil (wall, ceiling) , interior;Site area               …2114.88㎡ Built area     … 611.51㎡Total floor area  …573.17㎡Date of completion   …April, 2014





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