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"Tracing The City" Exhibition Hall Design, Design Shanghai 2013

By 零壹城市建筑事务所 LYCS Architecture
Design Shanghai is a biennale which began in 2000 and has six successful exhibitions under its belt to date. As the curating team behind the
sub-theme sector “Tracing The City”, LYCS-Architecture has accomplished the transformation of the exhibition hall 2E in Power Station of Art.

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该博物馆建筑的前身是建成于1985年的上海南市发电厂主厂房及烟囱。 在2010年世博会前后,历经几次改建而成为如今的上海当代艺术博物馆。
与博物馆内的其他封闭式展厅相似, 2E展厅的原貌拥有大多数当代艺术展览空间共有的特质:封闭,规整而均质,强调无个性的展厅空间对于展
The architecture was built in 1985 and was originally used as power plant. Underwent several times of renovation and transformation, it became
the “Power Station of Art” in 2012 - the first state-run contemporary art museum in China. Like many other enclosed exhibition halls inside the
museum, 2E has shared the attributes of most contemporary exhibition space: isolated, orderly and homogeneous, born to be the unnoticed
backdrop for the exhibits.

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The most conspicuous challenge, is the columns aligned in the middle of the room. They define the order of the space in terms of evenly
distributed equipments and structure, which implies the inherent route of exhibition visiting. In order to emphasize the theme “Tracing The City”,
we try to combine the free-for-all nature of the space and various demands of exhibits. The existing columns are utilized as the supporting
structure for the partition walls. By rotating, tapering and cutting the partition walls, the recognition of the original spacial order has been
significantly diminished. Simultaneously, the exhibits got their own perspectives of showcasing which collectively harmonize with the layout of the
exhibition hall.

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“The most exquisite exhibition hall in Design Shanghai 2013” commented Hang Jian - Chief Curator of “Aesthetic City”.
项目地点:中国上海 | 项目面积:663 平方米
项目周期:2013 (设计)2013 (施工并建成)
Location: Shanghai, China | Total Area: 663 sqm
Dates: Design 2013, Construction Completes 2013
Team: Ruan Hao, Lai Zhenyu, Wu Xiaoyi, Liu Qi

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Tracing the City
- Computational Design on Movements in Cities
Movement forms the city: People, information, traffic, resources and capital, they all pushes the cycle of the city through their own movement
and shape the urban environment. Invisible and intangible, these movement are in fact the measuring gauge of our urban aesthetic.
形轨迹并由此重新描绘城市的形态与空间,从不同的维度构建出对移动城市的认识。例如艺术家Mahir Yavuz的项目“城市轨迹图案”,探讨了真正
Firstly, utilizing series of digital technique and artistic expression, the exhibition analyses the movement in city and addresses the problems it
creates from a top-down, macroscopic level. It researches formless traces of the movements and redefines the urban morphology and space,
ultimately rebuilds our conceptions of a multidimensional moving city. In the artist Mahir Yavuz’s project ‘Senses of Pattern’, he illustrates that
the true urban density, can only be decrypted though the reading of the movement and activity of the people within. Through the study of
those traces, the usage, density of accessibility of an urban space can be visualized.

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The exhibition then focuses on the moving individuals, creates a collective collage of a bottom-up moving city, pin-pointed by sketches of each’s
own experiences. Although they are subtle, these experiences are the key to the future designs of the city. The MIT Sensible City Lab’s ‘Road
Frustration Index’ Project integrates traffic data, emergency alert, weather report and drivers real-time mood, into an interactive network. It
collects and analyzes data from 30 major U.S. Cities. And offers optimalizing solutions for the benefits of urban commuters.

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城市的面貌,以及设计在未来城市的移动中所扮演的角色。例如中国美院2013级工业设计系的毕业作品“FLEX 伸缩电动车”, 通过伸缩可变的车
Some part of the exhibition also engages in designs that aims to solve a particular issue in the contemporary moving city. These design renews
the ever-going discussion of how the movement should be carried, conducted and conceived, and brings forward some positive initiatives on  
future cities. In the thesis project of CAA’s 2013 Class of Industrial Design, the students designs a new line of vehicle with a retractable chassis
structure which allows agile movement as well as optimization of parking capacity. With its compact flexible body and a unique interior
arrangement, the Flex-Car offers an all-new alternative to the urban driving experience.

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最后,“移动之城”展示了与城市移动相关的移动终端软件, 观众可以直接用移动终端扫描二维码并安装。软件的设计将城市中的供需关系相互对

In the end, the exhibition presents some user-end mobile apps that engages in the moving city. These softwares focus on the connection
between the supply and demand in the city. And improves efficiency by abridging them with smart technology. With a scan of the QR code, the
audience can install those apps onto their devices and optimizing their own movements and eventually experience the spirit of this exhibition on
an even more intimate level. The KauiZhi Technology’s Kuaidadi Project, improves the taxi driver’s efficiency and the passenger’s experience
simultaneously by providing clear means of communications. The creditability rating feature also reinforces trusty relationship between drivers
and passengers, and contributes to creating a better service.

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Learning From the Ants
Designer : Ruan Hao 阮昊
“向蚁群学习”视频链接 VIDEO :
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Meta-Evolution Project
Designer : Meta-Project 王硕
第一部分,狂野北京 [WILD BEIJING] 关注城市边缘地带街头商业行为的微观形态;
第二部分胡同超进化 [META:HUTONGS] 着眼于胡同的当下的矛盾现实,试图去发掘胡同在城市空间中自下而上生长背后的隐秘特质。

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Sense of Patterns
Designer : Mahir Yavus

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VFX Terminal
Designer : Yaohua Wang  王耀华

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Copenhagen Wheel
Designer : MIT Senseable City Lab

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100 days of stories
By Go West Project
Go West Project 作为一个对中国新兴大都市的发展抱有极大兴趣和敏感度的跨学科实验室,发起了这场好似行为艺术的出租车之旅:来自全国各

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About LYCS Architecture
LYCS Architecture, founded in 2010, is an international practice based in Hangzhou and Hong Kong. The firm engages in cutting-edge
architectural design as a pioneer of cultural and creative industries in China and internationally. The firm is committed to both the ever-evolving
demands of architectural design theory and practice as a function of our society. We are invested in the critical issues of building design, urban
development, and construction in China, and the design demands that an innovative design synthesis requires for international quality. The firm
is currently developing designs for high-end residential projects, five-star hotels, high-end clubs, green and energy efficient office buildings,
ecologically sensitive urban landscape plans, art galleries, and more. These projects are located throughout China, including Beijing, Hong Kong,
Shanghai, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Sanya, and others.
LYCS Architecture’s designs were shortlisted in “2013 LEAF Interior Design Awards” and “2012 World Architecture News – Best Residential
Design” and awarded 2013 Chinese Architectural Art ‘Young Designers Prize’, the Azure Magazine’s 2011 AZ “People’s Choice” Award, 2010
International Modern Decoration Media Award, 2010 French CA’ASI “New Chinese Architectural Design Award” and the 2008 VELUX International
Architectural Design Competition Silver, to name a few. The firm also participated in the 2013 Design Shanghai Exhibition and 2010, 2008 the
International Architecture Exhibition at the 12th la Biennale di Venezia in Venice, Italy.
About Ruan Hao, Principal
Ruan Hao received his Master of Architecture Degree from Princeton University School of Architecture. He also holds a M.Arch and B.Arch
degree of architecture from Tsinghua University in Beijing and was one of the youngest Visiting Fellow at Harvard University Graduate School
of Design. He teaches at China Academy of Art School of Architecture.
Ruan is a curator of the themed exhibition – “Tracing the City”, 2013 Design Shanghai, and was honored as the “2013 China Interior Design
Ten Figures”, the youngest “Asia Society Asia 21 Young Leaders” in Seoul 2006, and “Goldman Sachs Global Leaders” in New York 2005.
Prior to founding LYCS Architecture in 2010, Ruan had worked in SHoP Architects in New York, Amateur Architecture Studio in Hangzhou and
Preston Scott Cohen Inc in Cambridge. Ruan is also an architecture critic with writings published on AREA, Time Architecture, Daylight and
Architecture, World Architecture and Art4D. He was one of the authors of “Design for China”.




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