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2014年巴西世界杯成为万众瞩目的焦点,那么承载巴西世界杯的体育建筑又是怎么样的呢?继介绍了gmp的巴西世界杯体育场作品—亚马逊竞技场(FIFA WC 2014 Arena da Amaz?nia, Manaus, Brazil)之后,这里介绍gmp在2014年世界杯上的另一个体育场作品:“马内·加林沙”国家体育场(Estádio Nacional de Brasília “Mané Garrincha”, Brazil)。


Brasília is the only city dating from the 20th century that has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. With its range of public buildings, the “ideal city” built between 1956 and 1960 is one of the icons of the Moderne style. In this context gmp Architects, in cooperation with schlaich bergermann and partners (sbp), produced the design of the Brasília national stadium for Castro Mello Arquitetos (S?o Paulo). It was constructedin the place of the former Mané Garrincha stadium. Eduardo Castro Mello was responsible for the design of the 72,000-seat bowl; gmp and sbp produced the elevations of the esplanade as a characteristic “forest of columns”, and a double-skin suspension roof. The objective of the design was a solution that does justice to the architectural history of the place, with a clear reference to the city’s tradition, and yet has its own distinct contemporary style.


As the city’s largest building, located on Brasília’s central axis, the composition was developed as a monumental building volume which integratesseamlessly into the urban design context. To achieve this, the stadium bowl is surrounded by an esplanade which comprises all access elements andsupports the roof on its “forest of columns”. This clear gesture is emphasized by the minimalist, almost archetypal design of the components – thekey material being concrete. The circular suspension roof is a doubleskin structure – the upper skin consists of a PTFE-coated glass fiber fabric while the lower membrane is made up of an openmesh, back-lit fabric.

巴西利亚国家体育场即将竣工。这座城市中最大的公共建筑坐落于奠定巴西利亚城市基本格局的中央轴线之上。“体育场碗状看台”由一个环形 的广场围绕,全部交通连接设置于广场之内,广场的“柱林”之上由屋面覆盖。

Brasília National Stadium shortly before completion. The city’s largest public building is located directly at the central axis dissecting Brasília’s basicurban layout. The stadium bowl is surrounded by a circular esplanade which contains all access elements and includes a “forest of columns” whichsupports the roof.



The concrete columns have a diameter of 1.20 meters and a height of up to 59 meters. The minimalist, almost archetypal design of the individual components, and concrete as the primary material, are representative of Brazilian construction methods.

In the stadium bowl designed by Eduardo Castro Mello, the filigree suspended roof construction created by the German stadium designers has a real presence and provides unrestricted views.

项目信息设计:福尔克温·玛格和胡伯特·尼恩霍夫以及Knut G?ppert, 2008年项目负责人:马丁·格拉斯巴西项目负责人:Robert Hormesgmp巴西设计总监:Ralf Amann

设计人员(按字母排序):Ante Bagaric, Holger Betz, Rebecca Bornhauser, Carsten Borucki, Lena Br?gger, Martina Maurer-Brusius, Kacarzyna Ciruk, Laura Cruz Lima da Silva, Stefanie Eichelmann, Ruthie Gould, Florian Illenberger, Jochen K?hn, Martin Krebes, Helge Lezius, Tobias M?scher, Adel Motamedi, Burkhard Pick, Jutta Rentsch Serpa, Lucia Martinez Rodriguez, Maryna Samolyuk, Florian Schwarthoff, Sara Taberner Bonastre合作设计单位:施莱西结构事务所,斯图加特,Castro Mello arquitetos, 圣保罗屋面和广场结构设计 :施莱西结构事务所–Knut G?ppert 以及 Knut Stockhusen 和 Miriam Sayeg设计人员(按字母排序):Andreas Bader, Tiago Carvalho, Arnaud Deillon, Uli Dillmann, Stefan Dziewas, Hansmartin Fritz, Alberto Goosen, Hartmut Grauer, Jochen Gugeler, Andreas Hahn, Achim Holl, Hubert Kunz, Christoph Paech, Jana Pavlovic, Bernd Ruhnke, Tilman Schober,Klaus Straub, Cornelia Striegan, Peter Szerzo, Hiroki Tamai, Augusto Tiezzi, Feridun Tomalak, Chih-Bin Tseng, Gerhard Weinrebe, Rüdiger Weitzmann, Andrzej Winkler, Markus W?hrbach, Kai Zweigart碗状看台结构设计:Etalp, 圣保罗屋面技术设备(方案):b.i.g. Bechtold Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH; mha, 圣保罗屋面照明设计:Conceptlicht, Taunreut; Peter Gaspar, 圣保罗; mha, 圣保罗坐席数:约72.800建设周期:2010年–2013年

Design: Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff with Knut G?ppert, 2008Project Manager: Martin GlassProject Manager, Brazil: Robert HormesDirector of gmp do Brazil: Ralf Amann

Team members (alphabetical): Ante Bagaric, Holger Betz, Rebecca Bornhauser, Carsten Borucki, Lena Br?gger, Martina Maurer-Brusius, Kacarzyna Ciruk, Laura Cruz Lima da Silva, Stefanie Eichelmann, Ruthie Gould, Florian Illenberger, Jochen K?hn, Martin Krebes, Helge Lezius,Tobias M?scher, Adel Motamedi, Burkhard Pick, Jutta Rentsch Serpa, Lucia Martinez Rodriguez,Maryna Samolyuk, Florian Schwarthoff, Sara Taberner Bonastre In cooperation with schlaich bergermann and partners, Stuttgart; Castro Mello arquitetos, S?o Paulo Structural design of roof and esplanade: schlaich bergermann and partners – Knut G?ppert with Knut Stockhusen and Miriam Sayeg Team members (alphabetical): Andreas Bader, Tiago Carvalho, Arnaud Deillon, Uli Dillmann, Stefan Dziewas, Hansmartin Fritz, Alberto Goosen, Hartmut Grauer, Jochen Gugeler, Andreas Hahn, Achim Holl, Hubert Kunz, Christoph Paech, Jana Pavlovic, Bernd Ruhnke, Tilman Schober, Klaus Straub, Cornelia Striegan, Peter Szerzo, Hiroki Tamai, Augusto Tiezzi, Feridun Tomalak, Chih-Bin Tseng, Gerhard Weinrebe, Rüdiger Weitzmann, Andrzej Winkler, Markus W?hrbach, Kai ZweigartStructural design of stadium bowl: Etalp, S?o PauloServices engineering – roof (concept and scheme design): b.i.g. Bechtold Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH; mha, S?o PauloLight concept – roof (concept and scheme design): Conceptlicht, Taunreut; Peter Gaspar, S?o Paulo; mha, S?o Paulo,Seats: approx. 72,800Construction period: 2010–2013

Stadium: 309 m diameter; 50 m heightRoof: 40,500 sqm PTFE coated glas fibre membrane; 67,000 sqm total roof surface; 6,600 sqm polycarbonate; 20,000 sqm concrete compression ringRoof supports: 288 concrete roof supports; 43 to 59 m high; 1.20 m diameter

Photo ? gmp, By Marcus Bredt

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