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芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第1张图片

•        由Karissa Rosenfield发布
•        芝加哥,海军码头,公共设施更新,James Corner Field Operations, nArchitects,建筑新闻类
•        by Karissa Rosenfield
•        Architecture News ChicagoJames Corner Field Operations nArchitects Navy Pier Public FacilitiesRefurbishment

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第2张图片

James Corner Field Operations (JCFO)和nARCHITECTS已发布了其为芝加哥海军码头(Navy Pier)的效果图。芝加哥海军码头长3,300英尺,James Corner Field Operations (JCFO)和nARCHITECTS赢得了对其更新的设计比赛。他们的更新设计看上去规模略微缩小,如同波光荡漾的游泳池和沙滩,描绘了当代“公园般的感觉”。这与去年提交的“戏剧性”强、花费巨大的修订设计大相径庭。此次设计特色突出,包括朝南的防浪墙(Wave Wall)和灵感来自于罗马西班牙台阶的壮观的阶梯,和位于种植大量植被的长廊,激情互动的喷泉冬季溜冰场。
James Corner Field Operations (JCFO) and nARCHITECTS have released updated renderings for their competition-winning redesign of Chicago’s 3,300 foot long Navy Pier. The slightly scaled-back, revised plans seemed to have dismissed the more “dramatic” and costly facets reviewed in last years’ submittal, such as the floating pool and sand beach, to depict a contemporary “park-like feel.” Highlighted features include the south-facing Wave Wall and grand stairway, inspired by the Spanish Steps in Rome, along with an interactive splash fountain-turned-winter ice skating rink at the beginning of a heavily vegetated promenade.
These updated plans for phase-one of the Navy Pier redesign were released alongside an announcement by the Chicago Mayor’s office that confirmed the project will receive $55 million in public funding.

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第3张图片

夜间的防浪墙;图片由James Corner Field Operations提供, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team团队
据“芝加哥论坛报” 刊登发布,nARCHITECTS的防浪墙将连接码头到其上层的游乐园,提供了一个大型朝南的社会空间,并可通往下层500多线性英尺的零售空间,欣赏湖泊的景色。
Wave Wall at night; Courtesy of James Corner Field Operations, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team
As featured in the Chicago Tribune, nARCHITECTS’ Wave Wall will connect the pier dock to an upper level amusement park, providing a large south-facing social space with views of the lake and access to more than 500 linear feet of retail spaces below.

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第4张图片

南部码头;图片由James Corner Field Operations提供, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team团队
其他功能结构包括细高的玻璃信息塔(Info Tower)和一系列的湖泊凉亭(Lake Pavilions)。通过整合小船售票亭和起伏的抛光不锈钢檐篷,湖泊凉亭将提供阴凉休息的地方,同时码头还将水波荡漾的密歇根湖反射到甲板上
South Dock; Courtesy of James Corner Field Operations, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team
Other featured structures include the slender glass Info Tower and a series of Lake Pavilions. By combining boat ticket kiosks with undulating polished stainless steel canopies, the Lake Pavilions will provide shade and shelter along the pier, while reflecting the rippling water of Lake Michigan back onto the dock .

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第5张图片

信息塔;图片由James Corner Field Operations提供, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team团队
Tower; Courtesy of James Corner Field Operations, nARCHITECTS / Pierscape Team
Construction is expected to start this fall and be completed in time for the pier’s centennial in 2016.

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第6张图片

芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第7张图片
芝加芝海军码头的更新计划发布/Updated Plans Released for Chicago’s Navy Pier第8张图片
该消息来自芝加哥论坛“The Chicago Tribune”,nARCHITECTS
via The Chicago Tribune, nARCHITECTS

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  • remon
  • 2013.08.19 17:18
    哦哦 看不懂..
    • 0

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