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1961年出生在德国费希塔的建筑师Peter Haimerl设计了德国巴伐利亚州Blaibach的音乐厅。该音乐厅是城市振兴的核心项目,并与国家发展基金资助的新社区中心紧邻,一同组成小城的新公共广场空间。
"音乐厅有部分埋在地下,"Peter Haimerl告诉gooood:"地面上的外观形体如实的反映了音乐厅内观众座席倾斜的造型,外观上采用了当地传统材料--花岗岩碎石。"

Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第1张图片

form the architect:

The concert hall represents the heart of the urban development to revitalize the new centre of Blaibach. It is located next to the
new community centre and complements the space of a new village square that was realized with funds of the state urban development support.

The concert hall is a solitaire of concrete with an inclination above the slope in the village centre following the topography and linking with its granite facade to the stone carver tradition of Bail bach.

Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第2张图片


Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第3张图片

The monolithic tilted building opens itself to the visitors at the new village square and guides them by a staircase to the foyer below
the surface. The foyer provides not only the functional areas like wardrobe, sanitary rooms and bar, but also leads the visitor excitingly
around the auditorium into the inner concert hall.

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Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第5张图片

The hall unfolds its acoustics within the seemingly light building. While the precised light slits illuminate the space. The building body
is made of pre-cast concrete and only a highly intricate constructed formwork made the realization of the difficult form possible. The
dominant tilted surfaces of the concert hall are based on acoustic specifications and include besides LED-lights also bass absorber
behind the light slits as well as underneath the steps for optimal a coustics. The concrete in the hall is untreated. Its lively surfaces
help to absorb the medium-height tones.

The inclination of the building – based on the increase of the slope – carry the gallery. The seemingly transparent seats, which are
fixed on iron swords, appear to float above the light slits.

The stage of the concert hall, which is only designed for its actual function not as a multifunctional room, is equipped with modern
LED-stage technology.

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Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第16张图片

Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第17张图片


Architekt :Peter Haimerl.architektur
Karl Landgraf, Ulrich Pape, Felicia Michael,
Tomo Ichikawa, Jutta Görlich, Martin Kloos

Bauherr :Gemeinde Blaibach
Initiator / Betreiber :Thomas Bauer, Uta Hielscher
Statik :Thomas Beck, A.K.A. Ingenieure
Heizung / Lüftung :Cirtec Michael Hopf
Elektroplanung :Planungsbüro Stefan Schmid
Akustikplanung :Müller-BBM
Beton und Betonschalung Fassade :Fleischmann &Zankl
Metallbau Tribüne :Metallbau Gruber

Betonschalung Innenraum
Gföllner, Fahrzeugbau und Containertechnik
Hauptsponsoren Finanzen und Marketing
Euroboden Architekturkultur, Förderverein Konzerthaus Blaibach
Sanitärkeramik / Armaturen :Duravit, Dornbracht
Faserzementverkleidungen :Eternit
Linoleumböden :Armstrong DLW
Akustiksysteme :Akustik & Raum AG
Entwurfs- und Planungsphase :1/2013 – 9/2013
Fertigstellung :09/2014
Grundfläche :560 Quadratmeter
Baukosten:1,6 Mio. Euro

Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第18张图片

Concert hall, Blaibach / Peter Haimerl第19张图片





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