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Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第1张图片




Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第2张图片

Weaving together stones, water and plantsto express the integration of technology, science and design while providing aninvitation to the whole campus community.
Photo Credit: Mark Weinberg

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第3张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第4张图片

The SUNY Simons Center for Geometry andPhysics focuses on mathematical physics and the underlying geometry of nature.The institution required Dirtworks, PC to create a setting that enhances

interdisciplinary cooperation amongresident researchers (specifically between the departments of physics andmathematics) and deepen an appreciation of the center's work for the largeruniversity community.

The Center advances the Governor’s effortto make Stony Brook University a “flagship” of the SUNY system that could rivalthe nation’s most prestigious state-funded research universities. And whilethis

facility is meant to be inviting to SUNY atlarge, its design is meant primarily to serve the peripatetic interests of theCenter’s researchers, faculty, and students.

Working in close collaboration withscientists, faculty, and the design team, Dirtworks was a major contributor tothe project’s educational goals, sustainability mission and state of the arttechnology.

Working on a one-acre site within anintensively developed campus, the designers created engaging settings topromote cross-field collaboration and weave together engineering technology,science and art,

with the desire to expand intellectualdiscourse.

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第5张图片

Integrating the technical and designcomponents of architecture and landscape, with a demonstration of physicalprinciples into a cohesive whole.
Photo Credit: Mark Weinberg

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第6张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第7张图片

Dirtworks, PC was responsible for theplanning, design and technical coordination of all site elements. A waterfeature engineered to act as a cooling agent for the building mechanical systemwas integrated

within the landscape to create adistinctive introduction to the Center, which received LEED Gold Certification.Custom designed sine wave planters emphasize the action of wind on grasses.Penrose paving

patterns add interest when viewed fromupper levels of the Center.

Dirtworks, PC developed a series ofinterior and exterior spaces to encourage discussion, collaboration, relaxationand socialization. Strategic planter arrangements allow areas for quietthinking to be near

casual socialization spaces, while slatewalls with stainless steel chalk ledges encourage spontaneous discourse.  In addition, since significant portions ofthe project were located over structures that

contained sensitive equipment, the designrequired careful architectural and engineering coordination.

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第8张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第9张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第10张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第11张图片
Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第12张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第13张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at SUNY Stony Brook / Dirtworks Landsc...第14张图片

Simons Center for Geometry and Physics atSUNY Stony Brook
Project Data

Institution: Stony Brook University/TheState University of New York
Project Name: Simons Center for Geometryand Physics
Location: Stony Brook, New York
Size: 1 acre; 2 green roofs
Date of Completion: 2010
LEED Certification: Gold
Award: 2014 Excellence in Landscape Architecture-General Design, Honor Award
Society for College & University Planners

Landscape Architect: David Kamp, FASLA, LF,NA
Organization:   Dirtworks Landscape Architecture, PC
Address: 315 West 39th Street, Studio 910
NewYork, NY 10018
Phone: 212-529-2263
Architect: Perkins Eastman Architects, PC
Photographer: Bruce Buck + Mark Weinberg(as identified)  




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