| 国际设计公司Gensler最新的视觉概念项目“伦敦之下”获得“伦敦规划大奖最佳概念项目奖”。方案探索在伦敦街道之下建成自行车和行人公园的潜力。这不仅是有效利用现有废弃空间的公益设计,其产生的电力也可用于支持本身之用。
Last night, international design firm Gensler received the London Planning Award for Best Conceptual Project for its latest vision: London Underline. The proposal explores the potential of an underground bicycle and pedestrian park beneath the streets of London. Not only does this public interest design utilize existing abandoned space, but also generates the electricity to support itself simply by being used.
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| 考虑到城市的人口增长,项目致力寻找解决目前伦敦拥挤状态的一种有效的方案。随着城市努力适应历史上的最高人口,过去对于控制人口密度及经济困难的努力,导致基础设施过剩以及大量的废弃建筑物的产生。对此,本项目提出了通过重新启用现有的基础设施将城市广泛连接的概念。被遗忘的地铁隧道提供了空间,满足日益增长的公共交通网络的需求,而不是将其强加到熙熙攘攘的地面。
Inspired to find an effective solution for the overcrowding currently affecting London, the London Underline takes into account the city’s population growth. As the city struggles to accommodate its highest population in history, past efforts to control density coupled with economic hardships have led to infrastructure surpluses and abandoned buildings. In response to this, the extensive subterranean network of the London Underline proposes a city-wide connection by reinventing its existing infrastructure. Forgotten metro tunnels provide the space, catering to the ever growing demands for public transportation networks without the challenge of imposing them onto the bustling streets above.
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| 通过整合技术动能,本项目不仅在空间上而且在可持续性上成为了一个智能解决方案。动脚瓷砖动力地砖只需人们走过就能产生电力,可用于地下高速,帮助伦敦坚持更多的环保实践。Gensler设计师特雷福,詹斯勒评论说:“通过利用每一个脚步的移动,一个全新的城市空间在城市之下被开启。城市基础设施的自我维持的方法,是一个低碳社区的关键,伦敦可能在传统与创新的融合方面再次引领世界,创造一个更美好的未来。”
Through the incorporation of kinetic energy technology, the London Underline becomes a smart solution not only in terms of space, but also in sustainability. Kinetic foot tiles activated simply by people walking on them generate the energy needed to power the underground highway, helping London adhere to more environmentally-friendly practices. Trevor To, a Gensler designer, commented, “By harnessing the kinetic energy of every one’s footsteps, a whole new urban space is unlocked underneath the city. The self-sustaining approach to urban infrastructure is key to a carbon-neutral community, and London could lead the world once again in merging tradition with innovation to create a better future.”
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| 此外,本项目通过网络提供文化和零售空间,通过提供社区空间鼓励公众在街道之下互动。通过将特定的空间用于商业及举办活动,将会有进一步的发展,因此产生了对于功能性空间的新需求。
Additionally, the London Underline offers cultural and retail spaces throughout the network, encouraging public interaction below street-level by providing community space. Further growth would be accommodated by designated space for commercial activities and events, thus allowing for adaptable function as new needs for space arise.
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