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WonKy embraces reclaimed materials for "all-weather" woodland education centre


英国建筑工作室 WonKy 利用一个旧海运集装箱和军用降落伞在伦敦的莱斯内斯修道院森林(Lesnes Abbey Woods)打造了一个“空地”(The Clearing)教育中心。

这个“空地”位于伦敦贝克斯利区(borough of Bexley),主要用作木工、自然保护和可持续林地管理方面的课程教育。同时,它也作为户外教室向当地学校开放,让孩子们更亲近自然。

An old shipping container and military parachute make up The Clearing education centre that architecture studio WonKy has created in Lesnes Abbey Woods in London.
Located in the borough of Bexley, The Clearing is used for lessons in woodwork, nature conservation and sustainable woodland management. It is also open to local schools as an outdoor classroom, giving children access to nature.

▲ WonKy建筑工作室在伦敦打造的“空地”教育中心
WonKy has created a woodland education centre in London

林地教育中心由伦敦当地工作室 WonKy 设计,采用一系列可回收材料进行建造,拥有“全天候空间”的功能。


Local studio WonKy designed the centre to function as "an all-weather space" and constructed it with a palette of reclaimed materials.
Its main building is formed of an old shipping container with rusty facades, intended to blend into the woodland, while a decommissioned silk parachute is used as a large shelter.

▲ “空地”教育中心位于莱斯内斯修道院森林
The Clearing is located in Lesnes Abbey Woods

WonKy 工作室表示,采用这些可回收材料让他们能够最大限度地利用预算,同时最小化项目的碳足迹,而这一策略展现了工作室的深远目标。

工作室的联合创始人Lefkos Kyriacou说:“我们以资源利用能力自豪,尽力在客户预算内做到最好,并且始终寻求再利用和回收的方法。”

WonKy said that embracing these reclaimed materials "maximised the budget and minimised the project's carbon footprint" – a strategy that reflects the wider ambition of the studio.
"We pride ourselves on being resourceful and making the most of a client's budget, and are always looking at ways of re-use and recycling," studio co-founder Lefkos Kyriacou told Dezeen.

▲ 主体建筑包含一座塔楼
The main building incorporates a tower


"Whilst visiting a farm for a different project we noticed the client had spare shipping containers, so we asked them if they would like to donate one to a good cause," Kyriacou continued.
"The Ministry of Defence is a useful source of surplus hardware, and we have always thought of the parachute as the most elegant and functional of items – lightweight, relatively waterproof, and an inexpensive way of creating a large outdoor shelter."

▲ 一个可用于举办活动的平台
There is a platform that can be used for events

WonKy 工作室将这片 217 英亩林地内的一个曾经被破坏的区域改造成了一个“空地”平台,这里原有的生态价值较低,建筑师将其对森林的破坏降至最低。该中心连接现有的公共步道,并设计为轮椅无障碍通行。

WonKy工作室的另一位联合创始人Wai-Piu Wong解释说:“我们选择的场地是一个自 20 世纪 70 年代以来一直闲置着的旧的林工大院,虽然它的地面已经受到破坏,但我们认为在这里建造新建筑,对于生态的影响最小。”

WonKy created The Clearing on a site within the 217-acre woodland that was "previously disturbed and of low ecological value", minimising further damage to the wood. It connects to an existing public footpath and is designed to be wheelchair accessible.
"The site chosen was an old forester compound, disused since the 1970s, but as the ground was deemed to have already been disturbed this was considered the best location to minimise the ecological impact of a new building," explained co-founder Wai-Piu Wong.

▲ 一个旧海运集装箱被用于建造这座建筑
An old shipping container was used to construct the building



The main building features a stage-like deck, a meeting room, a storeroom and a square tower.
Elements built from the steel container have been sandblasted to help them weather and develop a rust-red protective coating, with new elements clad in matching Corten.

▲ 军用降落伞被重新利用为遮蔽物
A military parachute has been repurposed as a shelter

整个空间的标志性特征是它的塔楼,主要用于存放和晾干降落伞,其中还设计了用于监测鸟鸣的设备。这一设计的灵感来源于黑斯廷斯镇(the town of Hastings)的渔网阁楼。


The defining feature is its tower, which contains equipment for monitoring birdsong but is primarily used to store and dry the parachute, taking cues from the fishing net lofts in the town of Hastings.
It was lined internally with plywood and crowned by a "lantern" made from translucent glass-reinforced plastic.

▲ 塔楼用于悬挂和晾干降落伞
The tower is used to hang and dry the parachute

Wai-Piu Wong说:“黑斯廷斯镇的渔网阁楼在19 世纪由当地渔民开发,用于存放和晾干那些由天然材料制成的装备,如帆布帆、麻绳索和棉网。”

“我们有一个由Lindsey Weaver领导的客户团体强烈希望新建筑能够激发前来林地学习自然知识的年轻自然学家的想象力。”Wai-Piu Wong继续说,“我们也觉得这是这个项目成为标志性和象征性的机会,就像那些高耸入云的威严树木一样。”

"The fishing net lofts or 'shops' of Hastings were developed in the 19th century by local fishermen to stow and dry gear made from natural materials like canvas sails, hemp rope and cotton nets," said Wong.
"The client body, led by Lindsey Weaver, strongly desired the new building to capture the imagination of young naturalists who would come to learn about nature in the woodland," he continued. "We also felt it was an opportunity to be iconic and totemic, much like the majestic trees that are also reaching for the sky."

▲ 室内采用木材作为室内主材
The interior is lined with wood




Other features of the building include a full-width metal roller, which is used to create a backdrop to a decking area, transforming it into a stage for woodwork demonstrations and events.
The adjoining storeroom contains a space to store the centre's woodworking tools overnight and incorporates a low concrete bench around its edges.
Alongside the main building is the site for the parachute shelter, which is designed to be set up as a 50-square-metre teaching space when required.
To do this, the decommissioned military parachute is thrown over a stainless-steel cable suspended between two trees and then tethered to a circle of wooden posts. Local volunteers carved the wooden posts with woodland motifs requested by local children.

▲ 一个用于存放木工工具的储藏室
There is an adjoining storeroom for woodworking tools



The Clearing functions off the grid, using a battery pack for power that is charged at a nearby visitor centre. However, there are plans to install photovoltaics for electricity.
Future plans for the centre also the creation of a rainwater collection and filtering system for volunteers to put "on a kettle for a round of tea", Kyriacou added.
Other outdoor teaching spaces on Dezeen include an open-air classroom with a demountable wooden structure in Glasgow by O'DonnellBrown and a breezy, slatted structure developed by ASU students in Arizona.







主要承包商:Gransden Construction Ltd
木工:Creative Nature HQ 和 Lesnes Abbey Wood Volunteers
结构工程师:Engineers HRW
生态学家:ASW Ecology
树木顾问:Down to Earth
摄影:Jim Stephenson

Project credits:
Architect: WonKy
Client: The London Borough of Bexley
Main Contractor: Gransden Construction Ltd
Woodwork: Creative Nature HQ & Lesnes Abbey Wood Volunteers
Structural Engineer: Engineers HRW
Ecologist: ASW Ecology
Tree Consultant: Down to Earth
The photography is by Jim Stephenson.




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