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RSHP Transforms 150-Year-Old Victorian Gasholders into a Mixed-Use Residential Hub in London, UK


由RSHP设计的 Bromley-By-Bow 煤气厂改造项目方案近期获得伦敦纽汉姆区战略发展委员会的批准。项目占地 23 英亩,它的历史可追溯到 19 世纪 70 年代,是世界上最大的维多利亚时期煤气储藏地,也是伦敦下里亚河谷最大的改造项目。经过三年的设计开发,建筑师将煤气厂重新改造成一个多功能开发项目,即一座高品质住宅建筑。

RSHP’s design proposal for the Bromley-By-Bow Gasworks regeneration project has just been approved by the London Borough of Newham’s Strategic Development Committee. The 23-acre site dates back to the 1870s, housing the largest collection of Victorian gasholders worldwide, making the project one of the largest regeneration proposals in the Lower Lea Valley in London. After three years of design development, the scheme reimagines the gas holders into a mixed-use development offering new high-quality residential architecture.


项目所在地区在伦敦历史上较为分散,在过去的 150 年中基本上无法进入,煤气厂毗邻配送仓库和轻工业零售园区。由于场地的特殊限制,煤气厂需要作为“遗产资产”加以保护和翻新,并将其作为提案的核心元素。新方案包括两种类型:“煤气罐”式建筑和 "铅笔”式建筑。“煤气罐”式建筑在翻新后的煤气厂的框架内,而较高的“铅笔”式建筑则位于场地外围,是通行路线的地标,通过这两种类型空间,建筑师希望将建筑改造为多边形,垂直高度不同的建筑颜色各异,煤气厂框架内建筑的形式和材料都受到原始框架的启发,保留了原有轮廓。

本次改造以遗产为主导,目的是打造一个多功能开发空间,提供适应住房需求的新住宅。此外,还为商业和社区规划了灵活的空间,包括无障碍公共开放空间和滨河公园。在二战中被摧毁的煤气厂遗迹得以保留,作为中央水景,而迁移后的 4 号煤气厂的下部结构被设计成一个社区中心,用于举办活动,激活公共领域。所有的功能连接着人行道与自行车道,直接通向周边社区及交通基础设施,从而构成全新的生活、工作和休闲场所。

这个项目采用低能耗照明、ASHP 供热和制冷技术、三层玻璃窗、节能建筑结构等其他被动式设计,预计在结构能效方面超越现行建筑法规标准 31%,在碳排放方面超越现行法规标准 70%。通过采用可适应各种空间的标准化结构网格,对煤气厂进行翻新和再利用,这个项目还旨在达到英国建筑性能评估体系(BREEAM)的优秀等级,同时坚持循环经济的理念。建筑废料的目标是将 95% 的废料从垃圾填埋场转移出来,并将其中的 20% 用于回收和再利用产品。

Situated in a historically fragmented part of London, largely inaccessible for the past 150 years, the site is adjacent to distribution warehouses and light-industrial retail parks. With particular site constraints, the project preserves and refurbishes these gas holders as “heritage assets,” making them a core principle of the proposal. The new scheme features two typologies: “gas holder” and “pencil” buildings. While gas holder buildings are within the refurbished gas holder frames, the taller pencil buildings occupy the site’s periphery, marking circulation routes. Both typologies aim to transform the circular architectural form into a multi-faceted polygonal perimeter. Boasting varying colors across vertical heights, the form and materials of the buildings within the gas holders are inspired by the initial frames, preserving their silhouette.
The heritage-led transformation aims to create a mixed-use development offering new residential homes adaptable to housing needs. Additionally, flexible spaces are planned for commercial and community use, including accessible public open spaces and a new riverside park. The footprint of a gas holder destroyed in WWII will be retained as a central water feature, and the relocated substructure of Gasholder No. 4 is designed to become a community hub that hosts activities and programs activating the public realm. All these features seek to reconnect the site with the surrounding neighborhood and transport infrastructure via pedestrian and cycling paths, creating a new place to live, work, and spend time.
The project intends to surpass current Building Regulations criteria in fabric energy efficiency by 31% and regulated carbon emissions by 70%. It uses low-energy lighting with ASHP technology for heating and cooling, triple-glazed windows, energy-efficient building fabric, and other passive design features. By utilizing a standardized structural grid that can adjust to various applications and refurbishing and reusing the gasholders, the project also aims to achieve a BREEAM UK grade of Excellent while adhering to the ideals of the circular economy. The goal for building waste is to divert 95% of it from landfills and use 20% of it for recycled and repurposed products.


长久以来,伟大的建筑作品常常给人以一种距离感,让人无法靠近,而在这个独特的多功能开发项目中,人们可以走进建筑空间,感受它们的雄伟壮观--这个提案将为伦敦人留下一份持久而有意义的遗产,其影响将远远超出项目本身。- Andy Bryce,RSHP 联合合伙人

The experience of being close to these majestic structures, inaccessible for so long and which sit center-stage within this unique mixed-use development, will now be available to all – and the proposal will create a lasting and meaningful legacy for Londoners that extends far beyond the site. — Andy Bryce, Associate Partner, RSHP


世界各地的建筑师们一直在开创工业遗产活化的先河,为历史建筑注入新的活力,并将其改造成符合当今需求的现代空间。在捷克共和国,建筑事务所 KOGAA 将布尔诺的一个旧仓库改造成了“DADA Distrikt”,这也是一个经济的多样化住宅开发项目。同样,Gustav Düsing和 FAKT 刚刚赢得了将德国锡根(Siegen)的一座旧印刷厂改造成中心园区的竞赛。在其他类似的新闻中,地标圣地亚哥-伯纳乌球场已由 L35 建筑事务所进行改造和翻新,即将完工。

Architects worldwide have been pioneering industrial heritage revitalization, breathing new life into historical structures and reimagining them into contemporary spaces for today’s needs. In the Czech Republic, architecture firm KOGAA has transformed a former storage facility in Brno into “DADA Distrikt,” an affordable and diverse housing development. Similarly, Gustav Düsing and FAKT have just won the competition to transform a former printing facility in Siegen, Germany, into a central campus. In other similar news, the iconic Santiago Bernabéu Stadium has been remodeled and refurbished by L35 Architects and is near completion.






图片:RSHP | Bromley-by-Bow Gasworks




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