↑ Large playground , quadrilles 大型景观休闲场所
↑ Floating the conch Pelissier 浮桥
The design of the park stages the multiple scales of the site: the geography (landscape of hillsides), the industrial scale of gravel pits and the scale of the flowerbed represented by the labyrinth.
The labyrinth, land art construction based on the model of Dézalier d’Argenville, is drawn by the topography.
It represents the foreground of the hillsides of the Garonne river.
Banks were completely redrawn in successive terraces, creating a softer contact between the ground and water. The work on the banks leaded to fluctuations in the level of water. These fluctuations created spaces convenient to the development of a wide biodiversity.
The realization of the project allowed associating the ecological challenge and the construction of a support of activities. The activities are implanted in a fragment weft dedicated to formal sports practices (soccer, rugby, volleyball, attrick) and informal (scenic spaces, puckett ball)
This park is based on the idea to build in an artificial way the conditions of a compatible biodiversity with the human activity for the largest crowd.
↑ Football field Pelissier 足球场