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法国Passeligne pélissier自然公园立足于一片农场和一片工业砂石场之上。设计主要专注于三个元素:地面,水,人类活动。通过优美的环境将这三个要素天衣无缝的混合。山地景观,湖面,微地形,丰富的植被景观,大型大地艺术,通往水面的自然驳岸等等,让整个公园游人体验丰富,也为生物提供了多样性发展的条件。

The Natural Park Of Passeligne Pelissier– Boé/ Atelier ARCADIE第1张图片

↑ Aerial View, Archipelago Passeligne and topographic labyrinth 群岛和地形迷宫鸟瞰

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↑ Plain Aerial view of the great games and the islands of Pelissier 鸟瞰

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↑ Ground plane 平面

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↑ Logo PNUF 三要素

The park of Passeligne pélissier in the city of Boé is the concrete result of a wide reflection on the multiple forms of the nature and the landscapes in the scale of the urban conglomeration of Agen.
The creation of the park is connected to the development of two successive stories:
The one about the agricultural domain of Pélissier, and the one about the industrial landscape of gravel pits.
The project is situated on the meeting of 3 elements: the ground, the water and the human activity. Through this triptych, the park stages an environmental esthetics between nature and artifice.
The work of the ground and the horizons is the foundation of the park.

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↑ Differentiated management of banks of Pelissier 多样性景观

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↑ Place Pelissier , reed beds, gravel , white willow 芦苇,砾石,白柳树---Pelissier场地

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↑ Large playground , quadrilles  大型景观休闲场所

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↑ Floating the conch Pelissier 浮桥

The design of the park stages the multiple scales of the site: the geography (landscape of hillsides), the industrial scale of gravel pits and the scale of the flowerbed represented by the labyrinth.
The labyrinth, land art construction based on the model of Dézalier d’Argenville, is drawn by the topography.
It represents the foreground of the hillsides of the Garonne river.
Banks were completely redrawn in successive terraces, creating a softer contact between the ground and water. The work on the banks leaded to fluctuations in the level of water. These fluctuations created spaces convenient to the development of a wide biodiversity.
The realization of the project allowed associating the ecological challenge and the construction of a support of activities. The activities are implanted in a fragment weft dedicated to formal sports practices (soccer, rugby, volleyball, attrick) and informal (scenic spaces, puckett ball)
This park is based on the idea to build in an artificial way the conditions of a compatible biodiversity with the human activity for the largest crowd.

↑ Football field Pelissier 足球场

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↑ Sports ground in the plain of the great games 篮球场

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↑ Way towards the scenic area 道路

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↑ Scenic area 自然区域

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↑ The lower road , bank of Pelissier 微地形一侧的低路

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↑ The islands , aerial view 岛屿,鸟瞰图

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↑ The islands of Pelissier  岛(Pelissier)

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↑ The landscape borrowed from the banks of Pelissier  透过岸边景观看湖

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↑ Wetland Passeligne 湿地(Pelissier)

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↑ View gradines Pelissier  看向湖对岸

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↑  Islands, gravel pit and nest 砂石堆起的群岛

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↑ The topographic labyrinth  地形迷宫

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↑ The topographic labyrinth  地形迷宫

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↑ Ground station Pucket ball 帕克特球运动场休息处

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↑ The path shore Passeligne  林荫路

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↑ The conch Passeligne 湖岸

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↑ The Round Island and the white willow   银洲和白柳

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↑ Pontoon floating Passeligne 浮桥

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↑ Pelissier islands and floating pontoon 岛与浮桥

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↑ Differentiated management plan 多样化管理平面

Maîtrise d’ouvrage : Agglomération d’Agen
équipe de maîtrise d’œuvre :
Mandataire : Atelier ARCADIE, Emmanuel Prieur, paysagiste DPLG
Co-traitant: AC2i ingénierie
Realisation : 2011 to 2014 (phase 1)
costs : 3 800 000




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