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艺术家讲座:“迈克尔·华金·格雷—— 积累:建立收藏与宇宙体系”
时间: 04月02日 周四 19:00-20:00
地点: 上海 莫干山路50号18号楼费用: 免费
类型: 讲座

艺术家讲座:“迈克尔·华金·格雷—— 积累:建立收藏与宇宙体系”第1张图片



  在过去的三十年间,迈克尔·华金·格雷(1961年生于加州洛杉矶,现生活于旧金山和纽约)一直在研究复杂与自然系统中生命、语言与形态的发展,以及生命与非生命系统是如何兴起、成长、衰落。 格雷作品在国际上的展览及收藏包括:纽约现代艺术博物馆(Museum of Modern Art, New York)、洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆(Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles)、纽约惠特尼美术馆(Whitney Museum of American Art, New York)、纽约当代艺术新美术馆(The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York)、伦敦蛇形画廊(Serpentine Gallery, London)、芝加哥当代艺术博物馆(Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago)、纽约当代艺术中心P.S.1(P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York)、沃克艺术中心(Walker Art Center)、汉诺威艺术协会(Kunstverein Hannover)、布拉格DOX当代艺术中心(DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague)、圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)、加州伯克利艺术博物馆(Berkeley Art Museum, California)、北京中国美术馆(National Art Museum of China, Beijing)、新艺术信托:泰特现代美术馆与旧金山现代艺术博物馆(the New Art Trust: TATE Modern, and the San Francisco Modern)。

Artist Talk- Michael Joaquin Grey
Accumulations: Creating Collections and Cosmologies
LANGUAGE: English (with Chinese translation)
TIME:2015.4.2, 7-8pm
LOCATION: Chronus Art Center (Bldg18, NO.50 Moganshan Rd, Shanghai)

        About the Talk
  Michael Joaquin Grey’s works capture the critical moments in nature and culture. With a focus on information, space (micro and macro) and the body, his artistic practice is constantly reminding us the limits of humanity, both perceptually and culturally; he emphasizes the importance of primary observation to help understand our development from the bottom up. He shares the objects of media history as prosthetics to create an extension of our awareness.

  This talk will serve as a portal into a world of interrelated cosmologies in which Michael will share with us his post-museum collection of the history of media located in a generative animation of the cosmos.

  About the Artist
  For the past thirty years, Michael Joaquin Grey (b. 1961, Los Angeles, California, lives in San Francisco and New York City) has been investigating the development of life, language and form in complex and natural systems; and how animate and inanimate systems originate, grow and decay. Grey’s work has been exhibited and collected internationally including: the Museum of Modern Art, New York; the Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles; the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York; Serpentine Gallery, London; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York; Walker Art Center; Kunstverein Hannover; DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague; Sundance Film Festival; Berkeley Art Museum, California; National Art Museum of China, Beijing; the New Art Trust: TATE Modern, and the San Francisco Modern.



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