这个商业项目是以大慈寺为中心,四周开发为商业街,方所书店位于商业街的负一层。大慈寺是当年中国唐代玄奘出家的地方,后来去西天取经。台湾设计师朱志康便想用这个典故作为书店的设计发想!像是中国人从过去就为了找寻古老智慧的发源地而苦心劳志,甘之如饴。本项目正好在地下室,就像是将全世界从古至今的知识都搬来藏在大慈寺地裡下,直到方所出现后被挖掘出来。鉴于此就有了一个创造埋藏已久地下传奇「藏经阁」的想法。藏经于洞穴的情境:大切割面的水泥柱,阁楼的藏书柜,穿越书柜中间的空桥及猫道。所有的材料都最原始朴实的呈现。 Sutra Depository
Taiwanese designer Chih-Kang Chu was inspired by the history of Xuanzhang, a famous Chinese Buddhist monk in Tang dynasty; he resided and practiced Buddhism in Daci Temple before he went on a spiritual journey to India. Fangsuo Book Store is located at the underground level of the commercial streets, which surrounds the Daci Temple. Therefore he had a bold idea of creating a modern underground “Sutra Depository”. Sutra depository is a private place to store all kinds of knowledge, such as books, sutras, and letters in ancient China. Many raw materials and techniques were used to resemble the scene of an ancient sutra depository, for example, concrete columns with large cutting surfaces, bookcases in the loft, the bridge and catwalk across the bookcases.
有藏经阁的想法和整个空间的方案后,朱志康在设计过程中觉得「书」应该收纳古今中外文化历史和智慧,根植于人类已知的世界,求索未来,就像是追逐星辰,拥抱苍穹,浩瀚宇宙般的视野,所以在整个空间裡面运用了星球运行图、星座图的原素,还有殒石造型的「方舟」雕塑。我们要创造的是一个通往未知世界的圣殿,像是永恒的「传奇」! 圣殿:
在空间设计上面运用了很多高压后释放的设计手法,像是体会进入山洞时穿过神秘隧道,再看到主圣殿空间的惊奇!9米的挑高,硕大的水泥柱,予人进入圣殿看到希望般的感动。方所书店带给人们的不只是承载了文化、生活的态度,我们更想要为消费者创造的是一个沉浸心灵,通往希望的大门。 窝:
Chih-Kang Chu thinks the bookstore should embody the concept of human history, culture, and wisdom; and it should embrace the past and unknown future with a grand vision. He used the elements of planet diagram and constellation, and a sculpture of ark in the form of a meteorite to visualize this idea. He wants to create a gateway leading to a sacred and unknown world, just like a ‘Legend’ forever. Temple
Chih-Kang Chu used a lot of high-pressure-release design techniques: just imagine in a cave, after walking through a secrete tunnel, you would be amazed to see a magnificent temple with 9-meter vast concrete columns, which would project an unforgettable impression. Fangsuo Book Store not only carries cultures and living attitudes, but also provides customers a place for inner peace and a door of hope. Nesting
Nesting is a leisure attitude of life for Sichuan people: wherever they go, they’d like to have a place for “nesting”. For instance, while go climbing or shopping, they always want to find a place for card playing, chatting, or refreshments, such as tea, coffee, and snacks. So to meet this need, we designed many sitting areas, where people can nest and really enjoy the peaceful and tranquil time of reading.
地点: 中国,四川省,成都市锦江区春熙路街道中纱帽街8号(成都太古里)
完成时间: 2015年2月
业主: 方所文化发展有限公司
面积: 5280平方米
设计公司: 朱志康设计谘询有限公司
设计师: 朱志康
朱志康空间规划 kang.com.tw
Tel: +86 0755 26714678
深圳市南山区华侨城美加广场E座 1303 Location: No.8, Middle Section of Shamaojie, Chunxi Road, Jingjiang District (also known as Chengdu Taigu Alley), Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China.
Year: 2015 (Feb.)
Collaborators: Fangsuo Culture Development Co., Ltd.
Area: 5280 square meteres
Design Company: Chu Chih-Kang Space Design Co. Ltd
Designer: Chu Chih-Kang
Photo Credits: Chu Chih-Kang Space Design
Contact: kang.com.tw
Chu Chih-Kang Space Design
Tel: +86 0755 26714678
Room 1303, Building E, MeiJia Plaza, HuaQiaoChen, NanShan District,
ShenZhen City, China
via:gooood.hk |