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BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第1张图片


BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第2张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第3张图片

The sidethat we have taken in the urban implantation as well as in the architecturalexpression consists in an large quadrangle around an atrium-patio. Theambivalent need to create a program preserving the confidentiality of thecompanies and in the same time providing a good façade isolation leads to asort of a « fortified » architecture which is being quite the opposite of thedesired convivial working space.
We havegot around this obstacle by proposing an organisation around a partiallyplanted atrium situated on the first floor. Given the good orientation, thisspace would be at the same time an access, a space to relax and an opening tothe reception. A large staircase partially planted links it to the ground floorplan and to the parking. This patio is the reference space of our project.Onthe exterior, the façade is covered by a protection and filtering architecturalenvelope . The sinusoidal stiles forme a sensitive, thick skin that is also acanopy. The gap created in superposition of the sinusoidal timber frame withthe vertical stiles of the passageways produces a dynamic watering effect.

TheBiopôle consists in two noble levels and a technical terrasse based in retreat,organised around the central lanscape atium.The interior fitting that wepropose is totally fexible and rational. The building is based on a frame of1m55 of spacing which determines the structure implantation, the façades, thesubdivisions, etc... The project owes to be perfectly rational. Allied to theframe, the perfect square plan is controled in an annual disposition. Thisorganisation allows a total flexibility in the interior fitting in the serviceof the young companies in creation phase.

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第4张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第5张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第6张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第7张图片


Theordering of the facades is in repetitive frame corresponding to a constructiverationality applied to the whole operation.

On theexterior, the façade is covered by a protection and filtering architecturalenvelope. The sinusoidal stiles create a sensitive, thick skin that is also acanopy.  These sinusoidal stiles aresupported on a maintenance passageway (1,20m width) positioned in front of aglass facade.

Thesetight passageways between the compartments of the diverse companies are at thesame time a system of sun protection and the place of maintenance of facades.

The gapcreated in superposition of the sinusoidal timber frame with the verticalstiles of the passageways produces a dynamic watering effect. . This spatialinterference of these two regular frames associated with the treatment coloredfacades contribute to the particular and playful charecter of the project. Frominside the laboratories,  rhythms ofvertical stiles  was designed so as notto obstruct the view of users.

Thismixture of organic curve and the rigor of the constructive frame evokes for usas much the mysteries of the representation of the DNA and the nanotechnologyresearch or the organic surfaces of the biological bodies.

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第8张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第9张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第10张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第11张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第12张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第13张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第14张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第15张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第16张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第17张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第18张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第19张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第20张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第21张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第22张图片

BIOPOLE,biotech business incubator / PERIPHERIQUES Architectes第23张图片

Area:               2730 m2 SHON (net floorarea)
Cost:   6M   




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