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"The landscape is minimalist and of the place. It treads lightly on the site, particularly in how it bridges over the flood plain. It takes great skill
to make it look so effortless.”
—2013 Professional Awards Jury

Lightly touching down in a narrow glacial ravine is a family residence that responds boldly to its site on Seneca Lake in New York's northern
Finger Lakes. A perennial stream laces through a rich forested glen, from a waterfall at its head to the fanning delta at the lake's edge. The
robust woodland runs down the slopes and slips through the chain of wracked buildings, hugging the house, and tying it to the land in practical

and ethereal ways.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第1张图片
↑ 总平 Site Plan


2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第2张图片
↑ 塞内卡湖夜光

Perched on the point, the living room becomes a light house on Seneca Lake at night.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第3张图片
↑ 面向水景,三面玻璃窗的起居空间。即便在寒冷的季节,这个光亮的“大门廊”也充满了正能量。

The glass walls of the living room frame water views on three sides and slide open to extend the space outdoors. Even in the colder months,
this family space feels like a large porch reaching toward the light.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第4张图片
↑ 在山谷中,临着小溪的建筑有着独一无二的环境,它与这里强风,植物,岩石地形还有阳光共生。

The residence is surrounded by a formidable and unforgiving environment that is subject to high winds, cold temperatures, rocky terrain and
harsh sun. The site is defined by the ravine's earthen walls and the creek, which cuts through it.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第5张图片
↑ 窄窄的房屋轻触林间,一头面向湖泊。

As it slips through existing trees and vegetation toward the lake, the narrow footprint of the house touches lightly on the land and mimics the
path of the nearby stream.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第6张图片
↑ 生态种植五区域(通过高层,坡度和坡向界定)

Great care was taken to identify existing ecological communities on site and to curate planting groups within them. Within the five distinct zones,
plant groupings reflect variations in elevation, slope and aspect. The mosaic of color and texture extends across the property from the forest to
the house.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第7张图片
↑ 办公室朝外看到的美国梧桐,三角叶杨和糖枫,椴木,水曲柳林地。木栈道联系各个建筑。

The Sycamore-Cottonwood and Sugar Maple-Basswood-Ash woodland communities meet at the office to form a verdant corridor separating the
meadows of the guest house and main house. New plantings augment and repair the connection.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第8张图片
↑ 客房。融入林地。

As seen prior to the guest house meadow installation, the streamside plants, trees and the steep ravine provide a feeling of enclosure and
connection to the existing woodland communities surrounding the house.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第9张图片
↑ 现状树木与紫色开花树莓以及本地羊茅草本组成的宜人室外。

Purple-flowering raspberry and existing canopy trees frame the custom mix of native fescues at the guest house meadow, creating an outdoor

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第10张图片
↑ 临湖处,景观开放,这里分布着适应水位波动涨幅的河岸草,杂草,蒲草等植物。

After winding its way through the farmland of Upstate New York, Sixteen Falls Creek empties into Seneca Lake. The riparian grasses, rushes
and forbs are adapted to withstand the seasonally-fluctuating water levels and stabilize the banks.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第11张图片
↑ 临湖处,景观开放,这里分布着适应水位波动涨幅的河岸草,杂草,蒲草等植物。

After winding its way through the farmland of Upstate New York, Sixteen Falls Creek empties into Seneca Lake. The riparian grasses, rushes
and forbs are adapted to withstand the seasonally-fluctuating water levels and stabilize the banks.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第12张图片
↑ 糖枫,椴木,水曲柳森林在秋天以美丽的色彩包围住房屋。

The vibrant autumn color of the Sugar Maple-Basswood-Ash forest canopy envelops the house.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第13张图片
2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第14张图片
↑ 向南窗外那稳定的坡。

Looking south from the guest house, the changing nature of the site’s steep ravine is brought inside with full window walls. Fallen trees stabilize
the soil and the slope’s base functions as a drainage swale.

↑ 景观建筑师力求建设对场地影响降至最小,并获得保护和应有的开放。这个家在四季都有不同的面貌。

The LA worked closely with the architect to site the building with minimal disruption of existing soil and vegetation to optimize sun exposed and
protection from the elements. The result is a home that exhibits a distinct mood in each season.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第15张图片
↑ 人们停车后必须步行一段距离到主体建筑,建筑轻栖场地,空灵美丽。

Visitors approach the house on foot and see the silhouette of the northern elevation from the bridge over the creek. Vehicles remain at the
garage up the hill.

2013ASLA住宅设计荣誉奖 Combs Point Residence第16张图片
↑ 船库外超凡脱俗的夕阳美景。

Nestled at the base of a forested cliff, the utilitarian boathouse is transcendent at sunset.

Existing Site
This property had a wildness that captured the client's interest immediately. They understood the raw beauty of Seneca Lake when they began
looking for a site on the exposed eastern shoreline. A hunting lodge once sat on the site, but burned to the ground many years ago. It wasn't
until they hiked upstream, into the 100-plus acre property's deep cut ravine that they found a waterfall, hidden within the site's botanically
diverse plant palette. It was the site's inherent drama and ephemeral delicacy that bound the owners to this place and ultimately defined the
design direction for the house and landscape.
Project Program
The project scope included a four-season weekend retreat for a family of four that supported their active life on the lake and love of the
out-of-doors. In addition to three bedrooms for the main house, the architect was asked to create areas for office, exercise, and guests, in
addition to a boathouse and garage. From the beginning, the Landscape Architect (LA) worked closely with the design team towards a strategy
that would repair and enhance the site's ecological function.
Site Planning
The design decision to break the program down into separate but connected structures came from the need to respond to the narrow site, the
solar orientation, and the disturbed area of the old hunting lodge. The extrusion of the parts along a line of circulation, the site's outdoor
hallway, created opportunities for outdoor rooms formed by the interplay of existing trees and the framing of the space by the building walls.
The design resolution locates the primary family room on the point, like a boat, with its prow forward, exposed, and open to the drama of the
seasons and the prevailing eastern winds at the water's edge. The more private rooms of the house gather behind this front room, and are
more protected, nestled in the ravine. A bridge for pedestrians and the family's all-terrain vehicle spans the creek and connects the main house
to the boathouse, which sits at the water's edge. Further still is a three-car garage on the bluff above the main building site. All cars remain
high on the bluff at the garage, thereby limiting the primary circulation around the house to foot-traffic.
Landscape Strategy
The LA, the architect, and the client agreed that the site's inherent natural beauty and ecological diversity needed to be prioritized over all other
site decisions. The client stressed the desire to be responsible ecological stewards so grading was minimized to pathways and roads and the
diverse plant palette carefully edited to allow the house to slip into the existing landscape.
The charge of making the site appear untouched was far more difficult to achieve than it might seem. The LA began with a comprehensive
survey of the existing plants and determined that the diversity of the herbaceous groundcover was both remarkable and unusual, even in the
Finger Lakes. The LA, with a staff trained in landscape architecture, arboriculture and horticulture, determined that the project sat within four
existing ecological communities: Dry Upland Forest, Moist Upland Forest, Floodplain Forest, and Seasonally Inundated Wetland. The project
planting plan mixed these communities into five planting zones (See Planting Zones Diagram). The plant list is composed of plants that fall
within a mix of vegetation communities (See Plant List).
Plant groupings within each zone reflect variations in elevation, slope and aspect. The most interesting lesson learned was that the shale soils
change pH radically as they degrade. The tops of the relatively shallow ravine have much lower pH than the bottom. The result is extreme
diversity in a small area because of the dramatic changes in soil pH, light, and weather (Seneca Lake's deep waters moderate the temperatures
on the site, so it can be snowing at the garage when there is no snow at the main house).
There was not an analog upon which to model this project. Finding the appropriate plant material in nurseries proved challenging and it was
difficult to find trees that blended seamlessly into the forest. The layout of the plants mimicked existing conditions so that the plants looked to
be the result natural propagation in the microenvironments where they occur naturally. The careful culling or retention of existing material was
an integral part of the project. Three years later, the site is healthier than ever, with bursts of trout lilies, trillium and ferns in the early spring.
Site Forces
This is a highly volatile site and the weather extremes are felt throughout the seasons. The builder and the LA discussed in detail site drainage
and water flow to save existing trees. The LA planted the slopes and pinned down dead trees to provide slope and wind erosion control during
seasonal storms and to trap organic material so seedlings could grow rather than wash out. Vegetation grows easily in the fertile soils of the
flatland with its high water table at 18” deep. The stream run can be violent in the spring and after heavy rains, with water elevation changing
from flood stage to nearly dry throughout the year. Rather than guarding against these conditions, the design team saw these ephemeral
shifts as an essential part of the experience of the place.
During the two year planting process, it became apparent that a traditional approach to landscape management would not work. The LA wrote
a meadow management plan for the different meadow areas but the plantings would require constant editing by someone who understood the
plants over time and could choose which volunteers to keep and which to pull. The LA and client searched for the right person and found a
botanist from Cornell University, who became so attached to the property that he now serves as a consultant that supervises the on-going
site work. His discovery of a threatened New York State species on-site, Agastache nepetoides- Yellow Giant Hyssop, deepened his commitment
to the place.
Materials and Site Details
All aspects of this project were carefully adapted to the site and considered for their regenerative results. The house design has a respectful
relationship to the land and site, using sustainably harvested tropical wood for the boardwalk, a beach shale gravel path excavated from the
shore edge of the site, New York granite paths, and beach shale splash blocks and drip lines.
Through careful siting and thoughtful interplay of architectural elements, this project shows the result of a highly collaborative design process
where the role of each discipline is blurred to create a simultaneously bold and ethereal composition, unique to its place and time.
English text and photos via ASLA




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