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想让你设计的空间驻满千人吗?|AIM联合办公空间创意设计竞赛/AIM Co-working Space...第1张图片

进入21世纪的第15个年头,移动互联为我们的生活与工作模式带来了翻天覆地的变化,随着类似Airbnb, Uber这类共享软件平台的诞生,宣告我们从传统商业时代迈入共享经济时代。以在家SOHO办公为时尚的模式已经成为过去,更多的年轻人再次聚集在城市中心,从共享的工作空间中获得灵感并寻找到优秀的团队合作成员。


As we walk into the 15th year of the 21 century, the mobile network has changed our life and working environment in a great scale. As the application such as Airbnb, Uber been designed and put into use, we realized that we have transferred from the traditional business model into the sharing economy age. Working at home, so called SOHO, was one of the fashionable lifestyle for the 90’s, but now, it is replaced by the idea of sharing, thus the co-working space become the latest hot thing for our age, more and more young people are giving up the suburb life, gathering back to the downtown of the big cities again, to work together, share with each other. In the co-working space, they inspired by each other, and find the great partners for the startup team.
Take wework as an example, the most famous co-working space in U.S, was able to gather the companies from different areas together, and creating a great working environment, and exciting chemistry. It is not only about higher efficiency, but the greater opportunity for every single company and team to exchange ideas and creating something new.
Within the co-working space, the efficiency and superimpose of the space had opened a new door for the space design. The one singular space when used by different group of people or different time of the day could be switched between café, gallery, auditorium or open office space. The people there rent their own table, but share everything else, so they can have the minimum cost for the space they need. At the same time, space like meeting room, living room, library, gym, sleeping areas are highly occupied than if they are used by a single company, the members of co-working space achieved great deal of information sharing and rewarding from this.

想让你设计的空间驻满千人吗?|AIM联合办公空间创意设计竞赛/AIM Co-working Space...第2张图片


But something even more important than the efficient use of the space is the industry chain effect. When 20-30 different companies within the same industry chain are gathered in the same space(noted that they are rather companies in different area, there’s no competition between them), they provide a great convenience for the buyer that who need the different service, to form a one stop shopping at one place, we call that sharing clients. At the same time, different companies along the industry chain can easily help each other with their own profession. This way, the members could save some cost for the initial growth period, we call it talents exchange. On the other hand, once companies from the industry chain are together every day, it is very easy for them to be inspired by each other to create new product line. We call it the idea sharing! From the above advantages, the companies in the co-working space have gain great competence and creative power on both business and product aspects. When we are envisioning the future office model, we can say: no co-working, no working!

想让你设计的空间驻满千人吗?|AIM联合办公空间创意设计竞赛/AIM Co-working Space...第3张图片



项目1 :北京亮点设计中心五层1200平
项目2 :上海杨浦区四平路悉地国际首层2000平
项目3 :深圳某创意空间2000平







Design Sites
SMART Integrated Resort Development Committee is planning to set up three co-working spaces for its member companies, in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.
The locations are:
1.        Beijing Highlight Design Center 5th Floor, 1200sqm
2.        Shanghai Yangpu District, Siping Road, CCDI Building Ground Floor, 2000 sqm
3.        Shenzhen Creative Space, 2000sqm
Each team may choose one location from the listed locations as their competition subject.

AIM Challenge
The design teams for this competition will be expected to break thought the traditional concept of office space, but consider the mobile and sharing economy as the core vision, inviting the talents from different areas into the team, creating new view point from the user interface, eco-friendly, interactive, industry chain, and social media, etc. to create a completely new working environment!
There’s required functions and extra functions for the competition space:
The required function space including: open office area, private office space, café, gallery, auditorium or lecture area, theater, meeting room, gym, sleeping area, library. All the space above could be superimposed and shared with each other according to design.

Extra function spaces will be all depends on the design team’s imagination and vision for the future office life style.

Since in the real co-working space, according to the sharing economy concept, all the furniture, equipment, decoration and art piece will be provided by the brands, to fulfill their exhibition needs. We highly recommend all the design teams to use the real product from the brands to occupy the space, for an easy execution for the phase II.

作品提交截止日:2015 年7 月16 日
Submission Deadline: 16th July, 2015 (hours 24:00 Beijing Time)

想让你设计的空间驻满千人吗?|AIM联合办公空间创意设计竞赛/AIM Co-working Space...第4张图片


SMART•withus联合办公北京站设计大奖      50,000RMB
SMART•withus联合办公上海站设计大奖      50,000RMB
SMART•withus联合办公深圳站设计大奖      50,000RMB
SMART•withus联合办公创意无限设计大奖     50,000RMB

Awards (the total fund of award is 200,000RMB)
*Not limited to a single category.
SMART•withus Co-working Space Beijing Station Design Award              50,000 RMB
SMART•withus Co-working Space Shanghai Station Design Award          50,000 RMB
SMART•withus Co-working Space Shenzhen Station Design Award         50,000 RMB
SMART•withus Co-working Space Infinity Design Award                            50,000 RMB



特赞|Tezign 创始人

Steven Hicks
澳门Louis XIII奢华娱乐酒店开发总监




Alejandro Zaera-Polo



**Listed in Alphabetical Order by Name

Ling Fan
Founder of Tezign (Tech + Design)

Steven Hicks
Executive Member of SMART Solution Group
General Manager of SHA Group Asia Pte.Ltd.
Chief Development Officer of Macau Louis XIII Luxury Hotel

Rossana Hu
Founding Partner of Neri&Hu Design and Design Republic

Yuan Qian
Director of Urban Research Institution, China Vanke

Gehong Wang
Founding Partner of SAIF Properties Fund
Founder and CEO of CYPA (China Young Professionals Apartment)

Alejandro Zaera-Polo
Professor of School of Architecture, Princeton University

Xiaojun Zhao
Chairman of the Board and General Manager

Weimin Zhuang
China Design Master
Dean of School of Architecture of Tsinghua University
President of Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University



1.        4块A1展板的设计方案,包括平面图、立面图、分析图、效果图以及能充分表达设计构思的画面资料(300dpi)
2.        不超过500字A4纸WORD格式设计说明一份(中英双语);
3.        参赛者相关参赛信息,包括姓名、电话、邮箱、单位、近照等资料;
4.        邮件请以“AIM-联合办公/姓名(小组名)/参与奖项名称”为标题。
5.        视频2-4分钟:为使作品作品立意更好的呈现,可提交简短视频,含团队亮相,结合展板对作品的设计构思进行描述,形式不限,视频格式以MPEG、AVI、MP4最佳。所有提交资料(除视频外),提交内容总量不得超过20MB。

Submission Requirements
This is a digital competition and hard copy proposals will not be accepted. All entries are to be submitted via e-mail before 16th July, 2015 (hours 24:00 Beijing Time)
Your attachment will include:
1. 4 boards in A1 format, including floor plans, sections, elevations and images (300dpi)
2. A maximum 500-words written report explaining your design intent in A4 format. (Chinese and English bilingual or English only.)
3. A4 sheet state your name, contact details, affiliation and recent photo.
4. The subject of email should be “AIM-Co-working Space Design Competition / participant’s (or team's) name / award
5. AIM appreciated if you can submit a 2-4 minute video which presents your design philosophy, contents need be included brief introduction of participants, project's summary description combining with boards.
Video format: MPEG\AVI\MP4, etc.
Your submission except video should not exceed 20MB.

           Contact: info@

想让你设计的空间驻满千人吗?|AIM联合办公空间创意设计竞赛/AIM Co-working Space...第5张图片



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