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New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第1张图片

建筑公司Zechner & Zechner ZT GmbH分享了他们近期完工的作品---格拉茨中心站。该交通站拥有一个150米长,覆盖面积达到4500平方米的大波浪造型屋顶,每天将接待三万游客。

A Wave for a Roof and 150 Metres of Art

Graz Central Station Redeveloped by Zechner& Zechner

Graz central station, with 30,000travellers per day, is one of the most important transport hubs in Austria. Theincreasing importance of the transport hub in the future requires adaption ofthe complex at

the train station as well as theconnections to public transport within the city of Graz Graz Central Station2020 project, is therefore one of the biggest programmes of the last yearswithin the provincial

capital of Styria. On the city side, thetram lines were moved below ground and the entire station plaza was redesigned.On the side towards the platforms, the infrastructure facilities werereconfigured.

Especially the roofing depicts a veryimportant element of both these two packages of measures. A large projectingroof of over 3,000 m2 was constructed as part of the new tram station on thestation plaza.

The new roofing for the platforms covers anarea of approx. 4,500 m2. The projecting roof covering the Europaplatz wasalready completed in 2012. Zechner & Zechner has already won several awardsfor the

planning, including the World InfrastructureAward. The construction works at the station were completed in May 2015.

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第2张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第3张图片



The “Wave” – New Platform Roofs for GrazStation

The existing platform roofing at Grazcentral station no longer met current infrastructure building requirements. Theroofs came from several different periods, and some were constructed astemporary


The quality of travelling by train is alsodetermined by the quality of entrances and exits. Surveys and rankingsconcerning train stations clearly present the customer’s preferences: secureand light

departure and arrival halls with enoughsupply of information where passengers can easily orientate themselves andspend their time while waiting for their connections. In the area of the islandplatforms,

architects Zechner & Zechner used theopportunity provided by the renovation of the rail tracks to enable a newreconstruction of the roof that exceeds the situation of conventional railwayplatform roofing

and provides an appealing counterpart tothe modernised and expanded station building and plaza.

By the areal connection of the three middlerailway platform roofs a roofed large-scale area is created to provide a betterweather protection and a more pleasant and generous perception of the space dueto

the height of 8 meters. As a result ofspans up to 40 meters, the central railways platforms remain unsupported apartfrom the central pylon, which poses a major criterion at the Central Station inGraz

since the width of the train platforms areonly allowed to be smaller than 9 meters. To provide the roofed areas withnatural light, the closed roof membrane is opened and covered with translucentmembranes

in the area between the two main pylons.This way, natural light can be provided in the zone where passengers spend timerather than at the rail tracks.

In the outer areas of the train platformsthe connected roof construction from the middle transition changes intotongue-shaped single platform roofs. This way, a wave-shaped image developswhich calmly

flows out towards the edges. The structureof the “Wave” symbolizes movement and emphasizes the drive of travelling bytrain.

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第4张图片

From Concept to Realisation

At the very beginning, large-scaled roofingwith preferably few columns was requested. Out of static reasons, an archedbridge-like supporter would provide a bigger span and meet the previousrequests. To

avoid pairs of columns along the trainplatforms the main supporters meet each other on a central pylon and spreadlenticularly between the supporters. Thereby a V-shaped configuration of themain supporters

is generated which also improves theincidence of light over the fanlight membrane.

Constructional steelwork

Beams with two spans of over 40m each, archover the area between the tunnel stairs creating generous waiting areas,without columns. The solid, box-shaped main beams are mounted on reinforcedconcrete

composite columns. All beams have an archthat rises by approx. 5m over their span. The pairwise outwards tilted mainbeams are presented with adjustable section heights and are connected with eachother by

purlins made out of rectangular steeltubes300/300/16 mm.

The arched beams will be constructed assteel box girders, with seal welds, which will reach a height of 4m at theshoulders. One pair of main beams will be situated over each platform. Thedistance between

the beams will increase upwards, forming aV and producing a lens shaped gap between the pairs of beams that will be usedto provide illumination to the platforms.

The roof structure was designed as an3-dimensional framework. Special attention was paid to the supports for thesteel structure, which also has a serious impact on the fire safety.


The phased installation of the heavy steelconstruction during a continuously operating train station demanded a detailedconstruction phase and execution of construction work. Moreover, the fact thatthe

train platforms could not be roofedgradually and but rather had to have their construction cycle linked with thephased planning of the track construction complicated the installation.  Therefore, the

concept was to deliver the heavy steelbeams in large pieces and weld them on-site.

Connecting points for the construction ofthe roof were already prepared in the steel works and therefore provided aneffective installation on-site which was important due to the limited time oftwo

weekends for the construction of eachrailway platform. The welding of each beam section lasted a week.

Until the beam pairs were able to supporteach other, auxiliary constructions were positioned to secure the beams andonly removed after the closure of the gap.

Develoment and surfaces

The roofing is formed by an aluminiumsystem, which is attached to a trapezoidal sheet. The bottom view isrepresented by aluminium bonded panels which cast a light “sky” due to theirslightly reflecting

surfaces. The lenticular fanlight openingbetween the beams is closed by an EFTE-membrane.

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第5张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第6张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第7张图片




Besides the photometric demands concerningsufficient intensity of illumination in the staircase area it was required todevelop an efficient lighting system which would be easy to maintain and not gobeyond

the scope of low electricity costs. Thelighting concept plans linear LED-illuminants along the fanlight openings. Theluminaires appear as chains of pearls that support the arched configuration ofthe

supporters and provide smooth and planarlighting. The bottom views of the roofings are additionally illuminated byceiling washers. The slightly specular aluminium bonded panels reflect thelight. The

pylons are also marked with spotlights. Atthe base of the main beams, LED-spotlights are mounted that cast a bluish“moonlight” effect on the platform area which creates a distinctive ambience.

The decision to apply LED lighting hasclear economic advantages. In relation to the durability of the lamps alongwith the maintenance, the permanent use of LED technology constitutes an energysaving of

about 40 percent compared to conventionallamps and makes Graz Central Station the first European rail station with 100%LED lighting.

人行隧道联系各个站台。其中一条150米长的隧道中墙面装饰采用了Peter Kogler的作品。

A 150 meter artwork – the new Northernpedestrian tunnel:

In the Northern part of the platforms a newpedestrian tunnel was built up. The new passage connects the differentplatforms but also provides a connection to the district beyond the trainstation. The

length is alleviated by an appropriateconcept of the cross section and proper artificial lighting but especially thelarge-scale glass cladding, which is printed with one of Peter Kogler’sartworks and

transforms the 150 meters long pedestriantunnel into a unique exhibition hall. The wall depicts the sequel to theinstallation of 2003 inside the station hall which is also one of PeterKogler’s artworks.

Extension of the Southern tunnel

In the course of a reconfiguration of thetrack areas a new platform for local public transport was built on the westernedge of the field which can be reached via the existing Southern tunnel. TheSouthern

tunnel forms a central site development ofthe platforms when coming from the station hall. The extension has beendeveloped further to fit the style of the existing tunnel.

Fire protection and safety

The requirements concerning the fireresistance of the roofing pose a problematic scene. In contrast to other trainstations, trains run underneath the roofed tracks which therefore requested afire scenario

with 60 megawatt. According to themagisterial standards, a durability of the system for 30 minutes was to bedisclosed. In terms of the maintainability of building elements in the trackarea, no fire-proof

coating was to be used in accordance withthe standards of ÖBB.

In proof of the durability specialtemperature assessments were conducted for three fire scenarios. Simulatedtemperature profiles presenting over 1000 °C in the area of the columns andapexes provided a

base for the measurements. 33 minutes wasthe calculated time of resistance to collapse of the nonlinear supportingstructure. In case of flame impingement with a consistent temperature profile,the

supporting structure would even withstand atime span of 55 minutes.

In addition investigations concerning theaerodynamic loads affecting the roof structure and the passengers on theplatform due to air velocities and train-induced loads of air current andpressure were

carried out. Thereby the strains on thepassengers at the platforms should be reduced. The examinations showed advantagedaero dynamics due to the arch-shaped form of the roof. Disturbing train-inducedloads

of pressure are therefore not to beexpected.

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第8张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第9张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第10张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第11张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第12张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第13张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第14张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第15张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第16张图片

New platform canopy at the Main Train Station in Graz / Zechner...第17张图片

Martin Zechner, Zechner & ZechnerZTGmbH

Client:  ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Architects:   Zechner & Zechner ZTGmbH
Structural Planning: Steelwork:Zivilingenieurbüro Dr. Kratzer
Concrete construction: Rinderer &Partner ZTKEG
Transport planning and
overall coordination:  Rinderer & Partner ZTKEG
Art within architecture (northtunnel):  Peter Kogler
Lighting design:   podpod design

Photos: Pierer   




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