Royal Seaport has long been the mainindustrial harbor in Stockholm. For almost 100 years the three parts of thewaterfront: Kolkajen,Tj?rkajen and Ropsten played a role in managing, storingand processing
the mountains of coal that fed Stockholm’sGasworks. Today, modernisation of energy production has rendered the Gasworksobsolete, and the area represents a fresh opportunity to redefine Stockholm’s
relationship with the water.
The winning proposal ’Royal Neighbour’,designed by ADEPT and Mandaworks, is based on the existing conditions: theextension of the mixed used development Brof?stet, the main axis of theCultural Gasworks,
and the connection to Ropsten Metro station- a direct and vital link to downtown Stockholm. The masterplan is composed ofthree areas, each developed with its own character and identity derived from
thourough analysis of context, history andplanned functions. Variation establish diverse and attractive urbanneighborhoods, exploring the full potential for dwellers and visitors alike.
Kolkajen’s Balcony (the northern part ofthe area) is a direct extension of the urban fabric - out into the water onartificial land. The new land mass links to the existing coast by a canal,bringing new
‘blue’ qualities to the neighbourhood. The masterplan maintains aclear line Eastwards, framing the water, the historic buildings and culturalactivities. The public spaces along the main axis defines
sunny terraces, recreative qualities and anactive urban edge that establishes a new relation between the city and thewater.
The Ropsten Plateau (the southern part ofthe area) is the most dense and laid out with a simple block structure dividedby connecting streets. The street grid stretches across the plan, linking mainspaces
and creating clear visual lines. Theplateau hosts a rich mix of urban functions such as hotels, offices, commercialactivities and a transit hub generating urban intensity that feeds life intothe public