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Mandaworks与Hosper Sweden合作完成的Vaasan Raviradan(芬兰瓦萨市)城市规划设计方案“Inside - Outside”从63部作品中脱颖而出,经评审委
员会的一致通过赢得国际建筑竞赛的一等奖。该方案将历史上的赛马道—Vaasan Raviradan地区改造成具有多功能的城市发展区域。
Mandaworks, in collaboration with Hosper Sweden, has recently been awarded first prize in the international architectural competition for a new
mixed-use urban development on the former horse race track, Vaasan Raviradan. The jury unanimously appointed Mandaworks proposal, “Inside -
Outside,” as the contest winner out of the 63 submitted proposals.

↑ 全貌 Axometric View

↑ 人行步道 Promenade View

↑ 屋顶视角 Roof View

↑ 街道 Street View
19世纪60年代,建筑师Carl Axel Setterberg为芬兰瓦萨市Vaasan Raviradan地区设计了简单的网格状城市规划图,以期实现一个具有高度连通性、
Grown out of an ambition to create a modern town, Carl Axel Setterberg’s 1860’s plan utilized a simple grid to achieve connectivity, hierarchy &
diversity. The power of Setterberg’s grid has eroded as the city has expanded. Today, modern infrastructure and large complexes have cutoff the
city center’s grid from the surrounding neighborhoods. Our proposal Inside-Outside looks to build from Setterberg’s grid to create a contemporary
framework that connects the site to its context, sponsors diversity within the block, and takes on the 21st century’s challenge for holistic sustainability.

↑ 概念图 Concept
Our proposal is connected to the southern edge of the city center by extending the city’s historic grid into the site. The grid’s dimensions are formed
from Setterberg’s plan, then adapted to fit the local context and maximize connectivity. The smart grid adapts to connect to the city center via
Klemetinkatu, the waterfront via existing bicycle connections, and the green spine to the east of the site via the strengthening of the existing forest.
The extended street network is developed around a street hierarchy that organizes public transport and car traffic to prioritize safe pedestrian
movement. The main street, Klemetinkatu, links the neighborhood to the city center and is a place where pedestrians, commerce, and vehicles mix
to create a vibrant street life. Rantamanntie is modified to integrate parking for the sporting events and create a qualitative environment for a mix
of functions. And, local streets are defined by their green character while the alleyways organize parking access and services.

↑ 平面规划原则 Plan Principles
Diagonal bicycle and pedestrian paths cut through the blocks to provide shortcuts that connect the site to the existing recreational paths. The
proposed bicycle network takes advantage of the 3 existing underpasses to link the site to the water, to connect to the adjacent sport facilities, and
to bind together the site’s key public spaces.

↑ 平面结构 Plan Structures
Collectively, the urban structure creates a series of urban blocks that create a unique town character and allow for flexibility and diversity to emerge.
Using the grid framework & diagonal cuts, a variety of plot sizes bring possibilities for architectural diversity and for a range of actors to take part in
the development process. Bigger plots along the main streets allow for commerce and apartments, while smaller, narrow plots allow for a variety of
housing typologies & a socio-economic diversity to emerge.

↑ 对角线设计 Diagonal Principles
The strong structure of the grid also brings possibilities to extend the grid into the context as future scenarios emerge and the city center grows
south. In the long term perspective, the grid would emerge as a strong building block for potential transformations of the surrounding sport
complexes and valtatie 3 (the highway). In these future scenarios the grid would form an extendable structure, a connective urban tissue, and a
flexible platform for development.

↑ 详细平面图 Detailed Plan

↑ 平面图 Plan

↑ 城市规划 Plan City

↑ 环湖生态方案 Lake Loop Ecology

↑ 环湖能源方案 Lake Loop Energy

↑ 环湖娱乐设施分布 Lake Loop Recreation
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