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Courtesy of Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects

来自专筑编辑vigo,刘庆新的报道。在日常工作中,建筑师总是面临各式各样的纷扰和挑战:搞定甲方、合作方和承包方;保持软件与技术能力的先进性;绘制各式图纸和写文案;如果你幸运的话,还要设计一些相关的东西。早先发表在ARCH Smart上的21个小贴士将会最大程度地提升你的工作效率并减少不必要的工作。



In their day-to-day work, architects face a lot of distractions and challenges: managing clients, collaborators and contractors; keeping up to date with the latest software and technologies; drafting planning applications and paperwork; and if you’re lucky, even getting to design some things in between. Originally published by ArchSmarter, this post offers 21 tips on how to maximize your productivity and minimize unnecessary work.
In their day-to-day work, architects face a lot of distractions and challenges: managing clients, collaborators and contractors; keeping up to date with the latest software and technologies; drafting planning applications and paperwork; and if you’re lucky, even getting to design some things in between. Originally published by ArchSmarter, this post offers 21 tips on how to maximize your productivity and minimize unnecessary work.
Here are 21 ways you can work smarter, not harder:

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1. 理解有效与高效之间的差别。有效指的是做对的事。而高效指的是用正确的方式做对的事。这两者都很重要,但是我们必须在用对方式之前找准对的事。将两者结合起来,我们便可以事半功倍了。

2. 记住二八原则。你八成的结果源自于你投入中的两成。把焦点集中在结果而不是过程上。时间的多少并不意味着等值的结果。

3. 列出你的工作流程。每一个项目虽然都是独一无二的,不过每个项目的任务与时间表大致相同。列出这些程序可以让你剔除一些多余的步骤而达到高效的工作效率。

4. 列个清单。大部分的项目管理的软件都是让你去创建一个清单,并按清单执行计划。每当你对一个项目有了大概的进程,你可为该项目的每一个步骤创建一个清单。你的标准成果是什么?你总是会遇到什么样的问题?有什么东西容易被遗漏?可以看下Atul Gawande《清单宣言》这本书,该书给了很多创建及管理清单的实际建议。

Plan Your Work
1. Understand the difference between “effective” and “efficient”. Effective is doing the right things. Efficient is doing things in the right manner. Both are important, but you need to be doing the right things first before you can do them in the right manner. Combine the two and you’ll be really working smarter, not harder.
2. Remember the 80/20 principle. Eighty percent of your results come from just twenty percent of your effort. Focus on results, not work. More hours does not always equal more results.
3. Outline your process. Yes, every project is unique, but the tasks and milestones in each project are pretty similar. Outlining the process helps you see where to eliminate steps or make the process more efficient. Mind Maps are a great tool for this exercise.
4. Use checkists. Most project management software allows you to create checklists and to-do lists. Once you’ve outlined your process, you can create checklists for each stage of the project. What are your standard deliverables? What problems do you typically run into? What often gets missed? Take a look at Atul Gawande’s book, The Checklist Manifesto, for practical advice on creating and managing checklists.

4th Dimension Concrete Wall Clock / 22 Design Studio


5. 时间是一种宝贵的资源,不能被创造和储存。这是我们生命中最宝贵的财富。捍卫你的时间并合理的使用它——我们也只能这样做了。

6. 将重要的事情放在首要地位。

7. 试着用更少的时间完成工作。这将会强迫你关注你最重要的任务。另外,研究表明工作超过14个小时效率就会变得很低。

8. 坚持做时间日志。在日常生活中记录你如何使用你的时间。这个日志需要非常地详细。你需要记录下你在这个工作日内做的所有事。记录下每一个细节,例如给客户写邮件,浏览网页等。完成一整周的记录,你将会对你时间的利用有非常细致的了解。

9. 先难后易。马克•吐温说过如果你在早上吃了一只活的青蛙,那么这一天没有比这更糟糕的事情了。将你最不想做的事情放在你最清醒的早上,完成它,然后你就可以轻松愉快地做别的事情了。

10. 分批处理相关的工作。当你在处理很多项目时,把相似相关的任务放在一个系列里,而不是没头绪的乱作。这将会为你节省很多时间并且让你集中精力在一件事上。

11. 学着建立你自己的工作流程。作为一个建筑师或设计师,越是重要的工作越是需要大量的时间。我们需要沉浸在这个工作中来真正的了解它,这是我们做创造性工作的方式。

Focus Your Time
5. Time is the one resource that cannot be created or stored. It’s our most precious commodity. Guard your time and use it effectively – you can’t make any more.
6. Fill your time jar with the big rocks first.
7. Try working fewer hours, not more. This forces you to focus on the most important tasks. Plus, research shows that working more than forty hours is downright unproductive.
8. Keep a time log. Record how you spend your time during the course of a typical week. This log should be more detailed than a timesheet. You want to record everything you do during the course of the work day. Writing an email to a client, surfing the Internet – record it in the log. Do this for a whole week and you’ll have a really good picture of where your time goes.
9. Eat the frog. Mark Twain said if you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, then nothing worse will happen to you all day. Tackle the thing you really don’t want to do first thing in the morning, when you’re fresh. Get it done, then you can move on to the tasks you actually enjoy.
10. Batch related tasks. If you’re working on multiple projects, try working on similar tasks in a series rather than jumping from project to project. This will save you time and energy since focused on a single task.
11. Cultivate your flow state. As architects and designers, the high value work we deliver requires large chunks of time.  We need to get immersed into a problem to really understand it. This is how we do our best creative work.

© Feng Yu via Shutterstock


12. 减少会议。在准备召开一个会议之前,先问问自己,为何要举行这个会议,是否必须?这个会议的主题是什么?会议越多,工作的时间就越少,完成的工作也就越少。用一个议程表来表明会议的目的与希望达成的结果。让参与者尽可能少并设置一个固定的时间限制。如果你需要跟你的同事规律性地会面,不妨考虑下简短的会议。

13. 在邮箱中使用信息过滤设置来将来往邮件分类,使接收到的邮件放入适当的文件夹里。我使用的是Thunderbird邮箱,我创建了一个过滤器来监视那些取消订阅的邮件。凡是带有这个字样的邮件差不多都是广告类的。这不是同事与客户间的紧急邮件。Thunderbird 就会自动将这些邮件放入“稍后阅读”这一文件夹里。这样我的收件箱就会井井有条。如果你同时有很多的项目,你也可以设计地址过滤器。

14. 不要查收你的邮件,而是将其列入你的过程里。

15. 关闭你手机和电脑上的邮箱提示,因为邮箱提示往往会分散你的注意力。

Manage Your Information
12. Minimize meetings. Before scheduling a meeting, ask yourself: “Why are we having this meeting? Is it necessary? What is the objective?” More meetings means less work is getting done. Use an agenda to state the purpose and desired outcome of the meeting. Keep the attendees to the absolute minimum and set a fixed time limit.  If you need to meet regularly with your project team, consider a stand-up meeting.
13. Use message filters in your email program to route incoming emails to appropriate folders. I use Thunderbird for my email. I created a filter that looks at incoming messages for the words “unsubscribe”. If an email has those words, it’s likely a newsletter or email list. It’s not an urgent email from a client or colleague. Thunderbird moves these messages to a “Read Later” folder. This keeps my inbox fairly manageable. If you work on many projects, you could create filters using email addresses.
14. Don’t check your email. Process it instead.
15. Turn off email notifications on your computer and phone. It’s just an invitation for distraction. Like we really need more of those…

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16. 你的工具箱里有什么?每日都检查下你所使用的工具。看下图中的这个工具范例。对比下你的工具。这些工具适合你的工作么?如果有些工具是不需要的,你是否需要趁早拿出来。

17. 你上一次正式学习软件的时间是什么时候呢?如果你跟我一样,只是在多年前学习了软件。那么我们的问题在于用旧的方式来处理问题,特别是你平时已经不需要的那些程序。我学习建筑师的excel就是因为我意识到我完全不会这些东西。

18. 使用快捷键。许多程序都有快捷键。多数情况下,你可设置自己的快捷键。使用快捷键你可以省下不少时间。

Know Your Tools
16. What’s in your toolbox? Take an inventory of the tools you use (both physical and digital) on a daily basis. Check out this example of a great tool inventory. Compare each tool to the job you need it to do. Is the tool the right fit for the job? It’s better to have a few tools that you really know how to use than a huge toolbox with tools gathering dust.
17. When is the last time you had any formal software training? If you’re like me, you probably just picked up the software and started learning it years ago. The problem is that we get stuck in old ways of working , especially if you don’t use the program on a daily basis. That’s why I started the Excel for Architects series. I realized I didn’t know how to use any of the advanced features in Excel so I set out to learn them.
18. Use keyboard shortcuts. Most programs have keyboard shortcuts for commands. In many cases, you can even program your own shortcuts. You can shave off a lot of time over the course of the day by using fewer clicks to get your work done.

© ROB/ARCH Workshop, Rotterdam


19. 创建一些模板。当你频繁发送一些邮件时,你可以将其存为一个模板。也可以将一个用于不同项目的相似的文件存为一个模板。在CAD 和BIM中也可以采取同样的方式,将你的图标准化,这样你可以节省了很多的时间。

20. 在工作中个性化你的工具。现代的软件都是灵活的。类似API 或者交互软件都是可以个性化设置的。在这些诀窍的帮助下,你会更快更好地使用软件。

21. 使用宏命令去处理重复的工作。如果你的计算机可以帮你处理这些简单乏味的工作,你完全不需要自己做。虽然需要些程序,但是这样简单的发明可以帮助你提高你的技能,节省你的时间以及降低工作强度。你可以看下我的免费Revit宏命令。

Automate Repetitive Tasks
19. Create templates. Do you send similar emails frequently? Save a copy of the email as a template. Do you use similar documents from one project to the next? Save a copy as a template. Same goes with CAD and BIM. Create a template BIM file that contains all of your standard sheets and details. You can save a ton of time and reduce errors by standardizing the documents you produce. Reuse everything.
20. Customize your tools to work the way you work. Most modern software is flexible. You can customize the software using the program’s API or Application Programming Interface. With a little elbow grease and some programming know-how, get under the hood of your software and make it work better and faster.
21. Use macros to automate repetitive tasks. Why do the grunt work when your computer can do it for you? Yes, it takes some programming, but a little investment in developing your skills can save you lots of time down the road. The more frequently you do a task, the greater the time savings. You can check out some of my free Revit macros here and here.

© Robert C. Lautman



One Last Thought
Remember to have fun. We all got into this profession because of our love for designing and building. Research has shown that maintaining a sense of play in our work is essential to reaching our full potential. Not all of our work is fun, but approaching it creatively and with an open mind to working smarter, not harder can yield better results and more satisfaction.

ArchSmarter是由Middletown和CT基础建筑师Michael Kilkelly在2014年发明的,目的是通过在生产力、软件定制和产品检验方面提供很大的满足,从而帮助建筑师和设计师更灵敏地工作。你可以在他们的网站上看到更多关于ArchSmarter的信息。

ArchSmarter was founded by Middletown, CT-based architect Michael Kilkelly in 2014, and aims to help architects and designers work smarter by providing great content on productivity, software customization and product reviews. You can see more from ArchSmarter at their website.

Images of architect’s notebook, architecture tools and email inbox via






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