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How To Tell if You've Earned a Raise





One of the rising conversations in the architecture world in recent years has been the issue of architects' salaries. But how much are you worth? When is it time to ask for that much-needed raise? Two key elements to successful salary negotiation are timing and asking for the right reasons.
First, what do you deserve? Raises are earned, but there is a certain amount of money you deserve. For US salary data, check the AIA Compensation Report, which is updated annually. If you live internationally, see if you can find a similar resource for your country or city. Unless you are performing below average (coming in late, not being productive, or worse, setting back the office’s productivity), you shouldn’t be making a below-average salary.
Once you have an equitable starting salary, how can you tell if you’ve earned a raise from there? You may have earned a raise if...



也许你已经学会了一些新软件,例如AutoCAD 、Revit、InDesign,亦或是整个Adobe系列软件。甚至你在市场营销、景观设计、室内设计方面也有所造诣。你的简历在你入职之后是否有过更新?你的继续教育经历不仅能为你加分不少,也能提升公司的整体形象。


你的表现超出人们对你的期望。此时你可以思考刚加入公司或上一次加薪至今的具体时间。如果你现在的日常工作相比以前更加忙碌,那么你也许已经默默地肩负着更多的责任。’ve added to your skill set.
Perhaps you've learned new software, from Autocad to Revit, or from InDesign to the entirety of the Adobe Creative Suite programs. Maybe you’ve even lent a hand in marketing, landscape, or interior design. What can you add to your resume today that wasn’t there a year ago? Your continuing education adds not only to your skill set but to the company’s skill set, too.’ve added to your responsibilities.
You’ve gone above and beyond what was expected of you. Consider an average week now compared to when you first joined the firm or at the time of your last raise. If your current day-to-day is busier or otherwise different than it used to be, chances are you’ve taken on more responsibility.



如果其他同事、甚至是老板,经常带着问题来咨询你,那么这是一件值得高兴的事。每个建筑事务所都有不同的专业人员,一些出于信任与你分享个人信息的同事们、不辞辛苦地为员工们检查电脑问题的技术人员,以及那些拥有良好沟通组织能力的领导者。如果你已经开始管理一个小团队,那么也许加薪的时候就到了。’ve become a clear leader.
If co-workers, and even the bosses, often come to you with questions or concerns, you’re probably doing something right. A variety of personalities exist within the walls of an architecture office. Some co-workers are trusted confidants with whom you would share private information with. There’s those tech people—they didn’t go to school for tech, nor is it their job, they just aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and fix the plotter or take a look at what’s slowing down your computer. And then there are people who are good communicators, organized, on-top-of-things—a real delegator. If you’re running a team or managing people you weren’t before, chances are it might be time for that raise.



高效的工作并不意味着加班熬夜。以下是一些提升效率的小技巧:早点上班、将手机放在一边、有组织地完成工作。工作效率难以被看到,但你可以制作一个作品集来表达你所完成的任务,其中需要注明时间节点与总时长,例如你需要花几个小时来建立一个精致的Revit模型?时间就是金钱!’ve increased productivity at work.
This does NOT mean overtime and all-nighters. Some productivity tips: come in early, put your phone away and be organized. Productivity is a tricky thing to prove. Create a raise portfolio to show what you’ve done. Include time frames or hours. How long does it take you to build a quality Revit model? Time is money people!





文中图片来源:Andrea Vasquez’ve leveraged relationships to bring new projects to the firm.
Talk about taking initiative. If you are networking, making connections and securing work for your firm, it’s time to get some commission! Just kidding, architecture is a team sport. But in any event, growing clientele is no easy feat and should be recognized.
Remember, you only deserve a raise because you earned it. Consider what you have done to earn your next raise. Earning a raise isn’t only fiscally responsible, it is also a sign of self-improvement.
Images for this article were kindly provided by Andrea Vasquez.





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