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100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第1张图片



From the architect. OPENING QUESTION
How can the generic office building typology be transformed to create a more distinctive building?

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第2张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第3张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第4张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

100PP办公楼位于新加坡砂砾更多的一边,CEL Development公司委托MOD事务所为这座创意中心制定策略、标牌并进行设计,为新兴的黑领创意类品牌设计创意中心。近些年来,设计公司一波波迁出CBD区域,被吸引到更实惠的轻工业区或者仓库区,它们有更大的地板和更高的天花板。

MOD was commissioned by CEL Development to strategise, brand and design a creative epicenter for the emerging black collar creative class, in the more gritty side of Singapore. In recent years, design firms have been migrating out of the CBD areas in waves, gravitating towards more affordable light industrial or warehouse districts, with larger floor plates and higher ceilings.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第5张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design


Ministry of Design事务所在这样一座商业大楼的设计中利用了一些关键特征,也引入了很多重要建筑方法。这些方法旨在重新定义这样的商业大楼,也提供了为这种发展提供额外价值的经验。

Ministry of Design's design for such a commercial building capitalizes on these key traits and also introduces a number of key architectural gestures. These gestures aim to redefine the nature of such commercial buildings and also to provide an experience that adds a substantial premium to the development.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第6张图片

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第7张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design


Firstly, to exploit the sea-fronting context of the site, we have introduced a series of “stepped” balconies across the different floor levels. These allow the building to appear to be shifting away from the busy elevated highway fronting the building. Secondly, we have also shifted the building laterally to create a sense that it comprises a series of dynamic blocks stacked one above the other rather then a static singular block. This allows the building to create a unique profile against the skyline.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第8张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design


Thirdly, the facade of the building comprises a number of different elements which we bound together aesthetically: primarily the windows, balconies and air-condition ledges. We have intentionally blurred the definition of each element by layering a series of horizontal stripes throughout the facade. The stripes generate visually movement horizontally across the building and also emphasize the shifting and stacked nature of the different volumes. A palette of varying grays is employed to generate the variety of tones required for the horizontal banding. This horizontal striping is also applied consistently to the landscape and hardscape elements surrounding the building.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第9张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design


Lastly, the interior experience celebrates a stylized industrial aesthetic through the bold use of feature lighting, materials and environmental graphics across the different floors. Key interior spaces include the lift lobbies and passenger drop off point and the building also provides a roof top garden space overlooking the sea.  When experienced in totality, the project blurs the boundaries between the predictable commercial space and the gritty industrial space, creating instead a hybrid space, which offers an exciting alternative for the creative workplace in the 21st century.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第10张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

办公楼的名字100PP来自地址100 Pasir Panjang的缩写,它不仅包含地址信息,而且唤起了富有活力的当代环境。数字“100”有象征意义,暗指完美和完整。

Derived from abbreviating the address 100 Pasir Panjang to 100PP, the name is both informative (of the address) as well as evocative of an energetic and contemporary environment. Symbolically, the number '100' alludes to perfection and completeness.

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第11张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第12张图片
Courtesy of Ministry of Design

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第13张图片
Site Plan/场地平面图

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第14张图片
Ground Floor Plan/底层平面图

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第15张图片
Floor Plan/楼层平面图

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第16张图片
Roof Floor Plan/顶层平面图

100PP办公楼 by Ministry of Design第17张图片

建筑设计:Ministry of Design
设计团队:Ministry of Design: Colin Seah, David Tan, Jeremiah Abueva, Zsombor Baktay, Don Castaneda, Charissa Ho, Norberto Olegario, Ruth Chong, Arnel Anoneuvo
摄影:Courtesy of Ministry of Design
投标事务所:AC Consortium Pte Ltd
承建商:CES Building and Construction Pte Ltd
结构工程:Engineers Partnership LLP
机械、电气工程:HPX Consulting Engineers
工料测量:Davis Langdon & Seah

Architects: Ministry of Design
Location: 100 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 118518
Design Team: Ministry of Design: Colin Seah, David Tan, Jeremiah Abueva, Zsombor Baktay, Don Castaneda, Charissa Ho, Norberto Olegario, Ruth Chong, Arnel Anoneuvo
Area: 12600.0 sqm
Project Year: 2014
Photographs: Courtesy of Ministry of Design
Submissions Architect: AC Consortium Pte Ltd
Contractor: CES Building and Construction Pte Ltd
C&S: Engineers Partnership LLP
M&E: HPX Consulting Engineers
Quantity Surveyor: Davis Langdon & Seah





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办公楼 (387 articles)

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Ministry of Design (5 articles)