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不久前,我认识了Matthias Buehler,他跟我分享了他自己的关于“贫民区”的项目,这使我非常感兴趣。Matthias在ESRI(美国环境系统研究所公司)工作,在CityEngine项目中担任3D产品工程师,该项目的幕后有许多很酷的元素,而且我很渴望学习这些。在本篇文章中,Matthias描述了耗费他和他的朋友Cyrill Oberhaensl长达两年半业余时间的生成程序的创建的“技术”过程。一起欣赏吧!
Matthias Buehler approached me not long ago, sharing his personal project ‘Favela’ which immediately got me curious. Knowing Matthias works at ESRI as 3d Product Engineer involved with the CityEngine project I knew that some cool stuff are going on behind the scenes and I was eager to learn more about it. In this article, Matthias describes the rather ‘techy’ process of the procedural generated creation he and his friend Cyrill Oberhaensli went through over a span of 2.5 years working on it in their spare time. Enjoy!

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作者:Matthias Buehler

Matthias Buehler,3D产品工程师,ESRI公司研发中心,苏黎世


• Matthias Buehler
• Cyrill Oberhaensli


这个项目的灵感来源于我三年前所见到的“不一样的平民区”,也是3D城市竞赛的作品。在我完成了所有的细节之后,我觉得我可以完成的更好。不久,我就邀请了一个从事3D建模较早的朋友Cyrill Oberhaensli加入我的项目。我们都没有遇见这个项目会伴随我们两年半.......

Author : Matthias Buehler
Matthias Buehler is a 3D Product Engineer at Esri R&D Center Zurich.

Project Team :
    Matthias Buehler
    Cyrill Oberhaensli

The inspiration for the project was a different Favela rendering I had seen about three years ago. It was a submission for a 3d city competition. Having studied all the details, I thought to myself that this could be done better. Soon after, I asked my friend Cyrill Oberhaensli, who had started with 3D just a bit earlier, if he wanted to join me for the project. We did not foresee that this would go with us for the next 2.5 years…

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Above is the rendering of the full-scale Favela model and below is the miniature scale Favela model.

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Here’s a brief overview as well :







I’ve been working on the CityEngine development team as a product engineer for 2 years by the time the project started and obviously never really had the time to do such a detailed project during work, so I started it in my spare time. It was supposed to display the culmination of all the know-how I had collected so far, but it went a lot further.
The second and more important aspect of it was to show the sheer potential of CityEngine as a tool in urban planning. CityEngine is still unknown to most city planners, thus this project is supposed to show the potential of the software to study and develop smart city models in all scales.
For the renderings, we chose Maxwell Render by Next Limit, which I have used for years and years and simply produces the best quality images without having to worry about setup or tweaking, which I so dearly hate. Sadly, some architects that have seen the images of this project just thought it was a ‘tasteless elitist mockery’ of the people who actually live in Favelas… It’s not! It’s sad to see that some people just read bad things in what they see.

Procedural Buildings
The core of the project was the procedural generation of the buildings and streets. In CityEngine, all geometry is generated by rules, which are written in CGA – CityEngine’s proprietary scripting language. The art of procedurally modeling buildings, is to find the ‘essence’ – the semantics of the architecture, and to translate those into CGA code. Writing such code for a building is basically defining the nature of an archetype and how it is constructed in all possible scenarios.

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Building Volumes
After having studied many reference images carefully (plus a bit of trial and error and playing) I came up with a rule set which mimics the distribution of building volumes I was happy with. I added variety in number of floors, setbacks, volume changes and shifts, plus added code that makes the volumes adapt to the terrain.
Mass studies :

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Floor volumes with flat and sloped bottom side (black / white) :

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Facade Library
I gathered 60 images of individual facades (1 floor high each), with the same statistical distribution of grey brick, red brick and plaster facades, as found in our reference images. Each image was manually cleaned up and processed in CityEngine’s Facade Wizard to get 60 rules that produce a volumetric facade representation, which can adapt to any facade width.
Depending on the width, the splits that happen during the model generation, delete, repeat or scale individual parts to adapt to the given dimension.
The full facade library, assigned to 3 floor height variations :

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The rules automatically adapt to any given facade width :

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All 60 CGA facade rules were then manually post-processed to additionally produce polygons, where I first defined, which elements represent windows and which wall. Those polygons then were taken as further input, to define, where typical elements for each region can be scattered. Elements such as pipe fragments, AC’s, electric cable connectors or random peeling-off plaster.
Green – Areas of potential cable connections, Red – Distribution of facade details :

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•  每一种物品可能出现的场所,例如……
•  物品的类型如何界定。



The assets that are scattered throughout the city were modeled and UV mapped traditionally, mostly by my friend Cyrill in Cinema4D, and some by myself in Maya. They were modeled as low-poly as possible, to keep the poly-count for the whole city model reasonable. The distribution itself is of course also rule-driven, both for :
•    where which assets can appear, as also…
•    how the asset types are clustered.

Some assets are rather ‘individual pieces’ that lay around (e.g. bricks, pallets), while others usually appear in a ‘geometric array’, such as electrical boxes or trash bags.
Rule-driven asset distribution on any polygon :

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Distribution closeup: Low-Poly assets :

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For every texture we made, we also manually created a normal map and a roughness map. For most color maps, we created a few variations in color. All together – city model plus interior scene – we ended up with 1070 textures!

Left – Color map, Middle – Normal map, Right – Roughness map :

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Material test render with all maps. Notice the reflection of the grey balls in the glass :

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Procedural Vegetation
All vegetation in the project is self-made. Of course the individual plants do not look as nice on closeup as if we had used a dedicated software. But again, this was part of demonstrating the capabilities of CityEngine.
I created a ‘plant generator’ CGA rule that has about 100 attributes to drive every aspect of the plant I needed, such as trunk radius, branch length, number of branch generations ( branches on branches ) or the number of leaves created on a twig. Even gravity and a ‘per branch type’ LOD is built into the system. Depending on the attributes, different plant species can be mimicked… from grass to bushes to palms to highly detailed broadleaf trees.
Since the system generates purely random models, not each ‘seed’ (not every variation) looks very natural. Thus, I used this plant generator rule only to generate 5 instances of each species we needed in the Favela, which we then instanced using a separate vegetation distribution rule.
Number of branch generations: Left: 1 | Middle: 2 | Right: 3

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Influence of gravity on trunk: Left: 0.5 | Middle: 10 | Right: 20

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•  距离(太近或太远)。
•  角(电缆没有连接到一个正面斜角度或从背后)。
•  每点允许的最大连接数



Cables and Clotheslines
Favelas have lots of things hanging around. For simplicity reasons, we decided to just use 2 types of cables : electric cables and clotheslines.
Each building model and wooden power line pole reports potential connection points in CGA. These reports include the location in space plus their normal vector, relative to the geometry (e.g. the facade). Using a python script, I can collect all potential reported connection points and compare them with each other. Then, I use a filtering system which filters out ‘bad’ connections based on :
•    distance (too close or too far).
•    angle (cables don’t connect to a facade at glancing angles or from behind it).
•    maximum allowed number of connections per point.

Once all ‘pairs’ are found, I compute the catenary curve and create the cable geometry, either for plain cables or cables with hanging clothes.
Python Scripting : Creating cables from potential connection points.

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Python Scripting : Clotheslines!

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最终,我采用以下4步解决了管线问题。每一步都是由一系列脚本所表达,都是用CityEngine’s 脚本 ‘native’ 脚本, Maxwell 渲染pyMaxwell 和玛雅的MEL写成的。

1.        基于OBJ格式的几何形体输出和解析

2.        MXM创新



•  完整的几何形体——这是最原始的方法,弯曲忽略实际强制以多边形形式写出植被。总共有155百万个多边形,操作起来十分机械,而且该方法并不可行。因为场景的创建需要45GB的渲染内存,而测试渲染需要64GB内存,剩下只有32GB内存。我必须找到另一个途径,使渲染峰值控制在21GB.

•  基于几何形体分散植被——这是三种方法中最简单的:我只需要在基础的几何形体中写出我所需放置的植被的位置,然后使用Maxwel渲染器3.0中“分散”几何形体修饰器来尽可能多的在基础的几何形体中分散植物。而且我将基础几何设置为在镜头和GI中隐藏,所以我并不需要渲染。

•  将实际位置转化为粒子系统——基于CityEngine系统,所有的植物(包括阳台上的盆栽)都基于规则来放置,这就使得每种植物的位置都能精确的保持。因此,我创建了可以直接产生MEL代码的机制,用来存储每种植物的精确位置和分散情况。当我在玛雅中运行该代码时,每种植物都会以粒子系统的形式出现。我喜欢用代码来表达代码,因而通过粒子形式产生随机序列。



Scripted Pipeline
Most time I have invested in a pipeline that lets me efficiently do test renderings in final quality. Since CityEngine is a modeling application, there obviously is a tool switch involved, when the time is ready for rendering. I knew we’d be creating lots of different variations of the Favela before we’d be happy. So I wanted to have a process in place, where we can go from a few generated buildings in CityEngine, to starting a render in Maya within one minute.
I had played with different approaches. Some of them did not work due to bugs and other issues.
In the end I settled with the following 4-step pipeline. Each step is represented by a series of scripts, all written in CityEngine’s Python, ‘native’ Python, Maxwell Render’s pyMaxwell and Maya’s MEL.

1. OBJ-Based Geometry Export and Parsing
All geometry is written to the obj file format. The reason why I chose this format is because it’s an ascii file format, which I can fully parse. This allows me to alter the structure of all geometry and materials.

2. MXM Creation
Since we were using Maxwell Render and did not want to stick to any default material translations, I decided to find a solution to translate the default materials myself to the MXM materials that Maxwell consumes natively. For this, I created a python script which parses the material definition and automatically creates new pyMaxwell code, which when run, produces a separate MXM file for each material found. That way, I was able to control every aspect of the material types I needed – from metallic surfaces to mineralic surfaces to leaves and grass with thin-leaf SSS.

3. MEL Loader
This MEL script is quite simple, it loads all OBJ files from a specific folder, searches for the according MXM material and replaces the default material with the final MXM file.

4. Vegetation
I designed 3 ways to port the vegetation to Maya :
•    Full geometry – This original approach I took was to completely ignore any instancing and go brute force: Simply writing out everything as polygons. That is 155 million polygons. That worked fine technically, but it turned out this was not a feasible approach, since the scenes produced needed about 45 GB of RAM to render. Test renders ran fine on my 64 GB RAM machine, but since all other 13 machines we had to render on only had 32 GB of RAM, I absolutely needed a different approach, using instancing (The final renders peaked at 21 GB).
•    Base geometries to scatter instances on – This is the simplest of the three approaches: By just writing out the base geometry on which the vegetation instances should sit on, I was able to use the ‘scatter’ geometry modifier of Maxwell Render 3.0 to scatter massive amounts of instances on these geometries. The base geometries themselves I set to ‘invisible to camera and GI’, thus don’t render.
•    Reported instance positions to particle systems – Since in CityEngine, all vegetation (including potted plants on balconies) is placed in a rule based manner, it was crucial to have a way of keeping track of the precise position of each plant. For this, I created a reporting mechanism that directly produces MEL code that stores the lists with the precise locations, separate for each type of vegetation. When running that code in Maya, for each type of vegetation, an individual particle system was filled with particles, representing each individual plant. I love creating code with code! The random rotation was achieved by a particle expression.

For the final data-set in Maya, I used a combination of the second and third approach: Base geometries to scatter instances of grass clumps (about a million of them), plus many thousand other instances via particle systems.
Maya : Selected particle systems for all vegetation types :

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•  该城市缺乏许多元素……
•  描述我们完成这个项目的过程。



再次感谢Cyrill Oberhaensli赞助了他独立制作的游戏‘Bunker 16’的收益。如果你够大胆就去玩这个游戏吧。


Hobby Room
Creating complete 3d cities is a daunting task and can never really be called ‘done’. After having invested a lot of time already in the full scale CityEngine model, we were still a bit unhappy that the city still looks a bit ’empty’. Cars were missing, bikes, animated people, animals, lights and countless other things. Fully aware of the fact that by just the two of us, we’ll have to live with this, we decided on a story that is both okay with the fact that :
•    The city is missing some elements and…
•    depicts the journey we had creating the project.

That’s how we came up with the ‘hobby room’ idea, where fictional people build this fictional physical model of a Favela. When studying the model carefully, one can see that the model is not yet completed – an other hint to the ‘WIP’ character of our project that took 2.5 years.
Throughout the whole hobby room, we placed objects and test renderings that we had collected during our journey. Thus, for us, the project represents the saying ‘the journey is the reward’. Cyrill modeled most of the interior, all in Cinema4D. He did an amazing job, modeling everything with enormous detail. And often, he reminded me that ‘bevels cost extra’!
Thanks again to Cyrill Oberhaensli, who provided some of the assets of his own indie game ‘Bunker 16’. Play it, but only if you’re not easily scared…
Maya : Perspective overview of the hobby room model

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And more Interior Details :

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We had planned to do a 40 second animation of the ‘Favela’. We had all shots sorted out, had the cameras animated (camera move, plus animation of camera focus) and started to render on our 14 machines we had access to. But after about 2 weeks, we evaluated the footage and had to give up the animation, because we struggled with noise distribution issues between the frames, especially on highly reflective surfaces that are strongly out of focus due to the heavy depth of field, as we have it. Thus, we decided to simply go for a series of stills.

Yes… The whole project is a bit ‘tech-oriented’, but it proves to us, the creators, what we’re capable of and it clearly shows my original reason to start the project : To show what can be achieved with CityEngine.

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