4Evoking the RuralMikeThe starting point in my brief talk is the typology of the pavilion, and it’s typicalfunction of evoking rurality in urban or sub-urban contexts.As a illustrative case i will present our ICS pavilion in Hangzhou’s Xiaoshan district, that is currently under construction.Questions:• Is there such a thing as ’rural’ architecture?• If so, how does it differ from an ’urban’ architecture?• Is this assumed difference typological, parametrical or procedural?• What are the key factors of the ’rural’?
嘉宾简介:Woll is an architect and urban designer. The focus of his expertise lies in architecturalconception and design, as well as solutions for overall sustainability. Special emphasis is given to detailing, always looking to find optimized solutions to support the concept and to comply with the given task, schedule and budget. Quality construction detailing, the sustainable use of materials and buildability are key factors in his design work. He is an early adaptor of building information modeling (BIM) technology, using this expertise both in his own work and as a consultant to developers and other practitioners. Woll is an experienced team-worker, who enjoys collaborating with other professionals with an interest in further developing their respective fields. He has worked for private companies in Finland, Sweden and Switzerland as well as teaching at Helsinki University of Technology.