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7 Futuristic Fabrications Leading Us Towards a Newer Architecture



Swept up in an age of digitization and computing, architecture has been deeply affected in the past decade by what some critics are calling “The Third Industrial Revolution.” With questions of craft and ethics being heavily present in the current architectural discourse, projects taking advantage of these new technologies are often criticized for their frivolous or indulgent nature. On the other hand, there has been an emergence of work that exemplifies the most optimistic of this “Third Industrial Revolution” – an architecture that appropriates new technology and computation for the collective good of our cities and people.
We’ve collected 7 of these projects, ranging from exemplars of engineering to craft and artistry; projects that 80 years after Le Corbusier’s modernist handbook hint at a further horizon – towards a newer architecture.

1.  Hy-Fi设计方案

Hy-Fi橙色塔是美国P.S.1青年建筑师设计大赛2014年冠军方案,Living建筑工作室在该项目中采用了生物砖——一种真菌环保材料。这种技术过去被Ecovative公司应用在小型产品包装上,The Living嗅到了这项技术在建筑应用行业的潜力,在工程顾问公司Arup的帮助下,应用该技术研制出了一种生物砖。建筑造型则应用了参数化设计来减少材料成本优化建筑结构。

1. Hy-Fi / The Living
The winner of MoMA PS1's annual Young Architects’ Program contest, Hy-Fi by The Living is a structure built from bricks of fungus. Though the technology for the bricks had been in use previously at smaller scales, such as in product packaging by by Ecovative, The Living saw the potential for applications in architecture and with the help of engineers at Arup, produced the bricks for this installation. The form was generated using a parametric software to minimize materials for maximum structural integrity as well.

2.  阿拉伯式花纹墙/ michael hansmeyer+benjamin dillenburger

Arabesque Wall/阿拉伯式花纹墙。Image © Hansmeyer/DIllenburger


2. Arabesque Wall / Michael Hansmeyer & Benjamin Dillenburger
Testing the limits of form finding in parametric design and digital fabrication, the Arabesque Wall is a 3-meter-tall ornamented wall with over 200 million individual surfaces. Devised through algorithmic design and 3D-printed, the project demonstrates the extreme capabilities of computational design, creating a piece that – though not necessarily functional – maintains a quality and level of detail that exceeds human craftsmanship. Although a highly experimental project on its own, the Arabesque Wall seems to exemplify the growing trend of high customization.

3.  程式化墙体/苏黎世联邦理工大学

Programmed Wall/程式化墙体。Image via ETH Zurich


3. The Programmed Wall / ETH Zurich
Using a robot arm, The Programmed Wall features a series of logics defined by students in the laying of a brick wall. A robot in turn interprets this logic to produce an architectonic form. Although masonry is traditionally a highly skilled trade, other robots in the field have largely automated rank-and-file brick laying. However, rather than making masons obsolete, it has complemented them, allowing them to focus on more artful, high-focus areas of bricklaying that robots cannot adapt to.

4.  装置艺术作品“Labrys Frisae”/  THEVERYMANY

Labrys Frisae Pavilion at Miami Art Basel/迈阿密艺术博览会设计的艺术装置“Labrys Frisae”。Image Courtesy of MARK FORNES/THEVERYMANY

日益发达的计算机技术在结构实现方面具有突出的优势,它能够完成传统思维模式难以胜任的及其复杂的形式模拟。THEVERYMANY为迈阿密艺术博览会设计的大型艺术装置“Labrys Frisae”就是采用了计算机技术,使用纤薄的材料实现了自支撑体,同时完全不影响其结构完整性,毫无疑问,它的造型令人兴奋,可以说是它最大的优势来自于性能:减少材料使用:Labrys Frisae的铝板厚度不足1毫米。

4. Labrys Frisae Pavilion / THEVERYMANY
A major advantage of increasing computation is the ability to structurally engineer complex forms that would be impossible with traditional, analog methods. The Labrys Frisae Pavilion by THEVERYMANY for Miami Art Basel used software to compute a self-supporting form made of thin sheets of material. While self-supporting structures like the Labrys Frisae undoubtedly have exciting forms, arguably their greatest merit comes from their ability to reduce material use: the Labrys Frisae Pavilion was constructed of sheets of aluminium less than 1 millimeter thick.

5.  岩穴桑拿房/ Partisans

Partisans - Grotto Sauna/岩穴桑拿房。Image © Johnathan Friedman


5. Grotto Sauna / Partisans
Blurring the lines between traditional craftsmanship and digital fabrication, the Grotto by Toronto’s Partisans is a sauna on the coast of Lake Huron. The project's fluid interiors were developed through a combination of hand and digital modeling, as well as sketching and CNC milling. Despite their frequent use of digital fabrication methods, Partisans maintains a level of craft to their work by using a mixture of analog and digital design processes.

6.  苔藓光电板/ Elena Mitrafanova

Moss Voltaics/苔藓光电板。Image © Elena Mitrofanova


6. Moss Voltaics / Elena Mitrafanova
Using bio-photovoltaics, this project harnesses free electrons produced in the growth of moss, using a modular system that encourages their growth. As moss is one of the few plants that can thrive in urban conditions, it was selected for this initial experimentation. However, the wall functions with any plants, to varying degrees of effectiveness, potentially introducing an aesthetic element to an environmental solution.

7.  Eco BLAC生态砖/麻省理工研究实验室

Eco-Blac Bricks/Eco BLAC生态砖。Image Courtesy of MIT Tata Center

采用先进技术在建筑上通常体现出奢华大气之感,但或许在一些贫瘠地区采用新技术,所获得收益更加可观。麻省理工的学生利用锅炉灰——燃烧廉价能源材料产生的副产品——研制出一种称为Eco BLAC的新型砖,规避了印度目前面临的两个重要问题:处理锅炉灰的大量垃圾填埋场和砖窑产生的大量有害气体。Eco-BLAC生态砖的设计尽管似乎看起来并不高端,但却是多年来材料科学和化学应用的最实用的技术体现,具有广泛的生态影响力和推广潜力。

7. Eco-BLAC Brick / MIT Research Lab
Though technological advances in architecture are often expressed extravagantly, the benefits of embracing these advances can often be felt strongest in some of the humblest areas. Using boiler ash, a by-product of burning cheap materials for energy, Eco-BLAC bricks developed by MIT circumvent two problems simultaneously – the extensive landfills created by boiler ash, and the destructive practice of clay-fired bricks that is currently prevalent in India. Though humble, the Eco-BLAC brick is the culmination of years of material science and chemistry, with the potential for widespread ecological impact.





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