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澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第1张图片

aesop by dimore studio references italian bottegas in milan



Recognized by their signature packaging and the individuality of each one of their boutiques, Australian skincare brand aesop has established a second store in Milan.Based in the historical center, the authentic and distinctive interior is set within a 35 square meter space and created in collaboration with Milanese design firmdimore studio.

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第2张图片
有光泽的蓝绿色地铁瓷砖覆盖了天花板平面和拱门,与角落里的柠檬黄架子形成对比/glossy teal subway tiles cover the planes and arches of the ceiling, contrasting with lemon-yellow corner shelving


The interior is composed of glossy finishes illustrated with the teal tiling covering the walls, planes and arches of the ceiling. Display cabinets framed with rounded windows – each accentuated by a silver rim – wraps around the inner walls of the scheme and offer glimpses of the neatly lined selection of products. Two large disks suspended by brass rods acts as the source of light, while a stainless steel sink sits underneath acting as a core element within the space.

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第3张图片
圆形的窗口与银框架提供了几排Aesop产品的视图/rounded windows with a silver frame provide views of the rows of Aesop products

“我们已经在圣日耳曼附近为了巴黎的店和 Aesop合作了——它来源于自然,涉及了米兰的塔大街店。”Dimore事务所的Emiliano Salci 和Britt Moran 告诉Designboom。“巴黎给我们的启示是法国古典主义的味道,而在米兰我们希望找寻本土的、鲜明的特点。家具是回忆中意大利别墅里的旧箱子和柜子,而地板上的地毯则受到了Piero Portaluppi的兰溪别墅中厨房和地板的影响。”

‘We had already worked with Aesop for the Paris store at st Germain Des Près – it came natural to be involved in the Corso Magenta store in Milan.’ Emiliano Salci and Britt Moran of Dimore studio tells Designboom ‘for Paris, our inspiration was a classical french taste, whereas for Milan we looked for a local and distinctive trait. The furniture is reminiscent of old chests and cupboards found in Italian villas, whereas the linoleum on the floor is influenced by the kitchen and pantry flooring seen in piero portaluppi’s villa Necchi.’

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第4张图片
材料的使用参考了上个世纪30年代意大利别墅中男管家的茶水间/the materials use reference butlers’ pantries of 1930s Italian villas


Furthermore, the boutique is distinguished by its color palette. muted greens, yellows and pastel pinks contrast and highlight the whimsical essay on materials that reference butler pantries’ of 1930s Italian villas. The elegant cohesion of tones and materials form a calm elegance, inviting clients to freely engage and browse Aesop’s products, while enjoying the characteristic setting at the same time.

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第5张图片
Aesop 以每一家店的个性设计出名/Aesop is known for the unique design of each one of their stores

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第6张图片
一排地球仪增加了复古内饰风格的独特触感/a line of globes add a distinct touch to the vintage-style interiors

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第7张图片
不锈钢洗手池为了便于展示而位于光线下部/a stainless steel wash basin sits underneath the light for demonstrations

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第8张图片
柠檬黄色的角落展示架突出了瓶子/a corner display shelf colored in yellow highlights the bottles

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第9张图片
照亮整个室内的两个大圆盘由黄铜棒支撑/illuminating the entire interior are two large disks suspended by a canopy of brass rods

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第10张图片
店铺位于米兰meravigli 18号/the store is located on via meravigli 18, Milan

澳大利亚护肤品牌Aesop在米兰的第二家店/Dimore studio第11张图片
all images by paola pansini





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