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Exploring Africa’s Creative Landscape



The Philadelphia Museum of Art aims to enrich perceptions of Africa through a sweeping presentation of art, architecture, and design.

© Philadelphia Museum of Art

在费城美术馆开始策划非洲展览的时候,工作人员对来访者进行了非正式的调查,询问他们对非洲大陆的总体印象,他们得到的回复通常都是:比“让我想起旅行“。因此这也启发我们举办这个展览:博物馆意识到它可以在扩展美国人对非洲的认识上发挥巨大的作用。非洲是一个令人难以置信的多样化的大陆,承载着11亿人口,54个国家,还包含2000种语言。“想想有多少人听到‘非洲’时,把它误当作一个国家,而不是大陆,”博物馆馆长 John Vick说道。“我们在思考怎么用艺术来帮助人们重新审视周围的世界,本次展览中展示的是海洋另一边的世界?。”

When the Philadelphia Museum of Art started to plan an exhibition about Africa, it informally surveyed visitors, asking for their general impressions of the continent. Responses like “I think of safaris” were common—and illuminating: The museum realized it could play a role in expanding Americans’ understanding of Africa, an incredibly diverse continent with 1.1 billion people, 54 countries, and an estimated 2,000 languages. “It’s terrifying to think of how many people hear ‘Africa’ and think of it as a country, not a continent,” says John Vick, a curator at the museum. “We thought, ‘How can we use art to help people reconsider the world around them and, in this case, a world on the other side of the ocean?’.”

© Philadelphia Museum of Art

© Jeena M.McKnight

最后的作品称作创意非洲,它以由非洲设计师和艺术家(包括屡获殊荣的建筑师Diébédo Francis Kéré)合作的光谱作品为特色。雄心勃勃的展览包括五个专题展览,分别佩雷尔曼建筑的五个展厅内(装饰艺术的里程碑,2007年由格鲁克曼梅纳建筑师扩建)。由维克和策展人Kristina Van Dyke主办,展览上个星期开展,一直展出到9月25日,12月4日有一场视觉展示。

The result is Creative Africa, which features a spectrum of work by African designers and artists, along with the award-winning architect Diébédo Francis Kéré. The ambitious show comprises five exhibitions, each occupying a gallery in the Perelman Building (an Art Deco landmark that was enlarged in 2007 by GluckmanMayner Architects). Organized by Vick and curator Kristina Van Dyke, the show opened last week and runs until September 25, with one exhibition on view through December 4.

© Jeena M.McKnight


The Philadelphia museum is the latest major cultural institution to probe Africa’s creative landscape. In 2015, Denmark’s Louisiana Museum presented a broad survey of architecture and design in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Germany’s Vitra Design Museum staged a traveling exhibition of work by more than 120 African artists and designers. Other exhibitions have been mounted recently as well—some carrying economic and political undertones—but the curatorial mission for Creative Africa” was to convey the multiplicity of cultures and artistic styles within the massive continent.

© Philadelphia Museum of Art


The anchor exhibition, on view until December, is Look Again: Contemporary Perspectives on African Art, which presents over 150 relics—sculpted vessels, wooden voodoo dolls, bronze altar plaques—that acquaint visitors with the varied types and functions of historic African art. The pieces were drawn from the Penn Museum’s permanent collection.

© Jeena M.McKnight

为了代表非洲建筑,博物馆转向柏林建筑师,在布基纳法索长大的 Kéré,现在他在家乡创造了低成本、可持续的建筑。在中庭空间 Kéré插入了一个高大的像迷宫般的结构,由纤细多彩的线构成。当客人通过装置时,他们会沉浸在费城和布基纳法索的日常生活的声音中,包括来自教堂的钟声和曲棍球比赛,黎明报晓公鸡等。绳子是当地制造的,也象征着工业革命期间,费城是纺织业的中心。

To represent African architecture, the museum turned to Kéré, the Berlin-based architect who grew up in Burkina Faso and now creates low-cost, sustainable buildings in his homeland. In an atrium space, Kéré has inserted a tall, maze-like structure made of thin, colored cords. As guests pass through the installation, they are immersed in sounds of everyday life recorded in Philadelphia and Burkina Faso, from church bells and hockey games, to the crowing of roosters at dawn. The cord was locally fabricated and refers to Philadelphia’s legacy as a textile hub during the Industrial Revolution.

© Philadelphia Museum of Art


In an adjoining gallery, Kéré has installed three enclosures, also made of string, that serve as theaters. In the “canopy” theater, visitors look up to watch footage of fluttering leaves or construction workers balancing on roof beams. Another theater presents moving imagery related to shadows, while the third offers day-in-the-life shots from the architect’s native village. The gallery also includes documentation of Kéré's work, including models, photographs, and samples of building materials such as wood logs and clay pots.

© Philadelphia Museum of Art


While rural environments figure in Kéré’s work, urban settings are the focus of the show’s contemporary photography exhibition, which presents scenes captured in six African cities, from historic mosques in Timbuktu, Mali, to the clogged streets of Lagos, Nigeria. Creative Africa also explores the continent’s rich textile heritage through two exhibitions: one showcasing traditional patterns and fabrication techniques, and the other displaying work by Vlisco, a Dutch company that produces vibrant, wax-printed fabrics for the African apparel market.

© Jeena M.McKnight


Creative Africa encompasses a substantial amount of material, but Vick admits the scope is still limited. “You can never do a show that’s completely comprehensive,” he says. “You can just offer some ideas and hopefully spark curiosity.” By spotlighting standout examples of art and design from the continent, the exhibition offers new perceptions of Africa and introduces visitors to its vast creative landscape, both historically and in the present day.

© Philadelphia Museum of Art

© Philadelphia Museum of Art





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